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issue118:mon_histoire [2017/02/28 11:18] – créée auntieeissue118:mon_histoire [2017/03/01 07:30] d52fr
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-I am a doctor by profession and currently enrolled in a postgraduate program. I started looking for a portable laptop instead of my own Dell Inspiron 15 because it was bulky and heavy to transport on a daily basis on public transport. My main expectations were accessing the internet for my online files, and regular work on an office suite. I had to prepare a lot of documents, presentations and patients’ records. Sometimes I had to work with spreadsheets for databases and analysis.+**I am a doctor by profession and currently enrolled in a postgraduate program. I started looking for a portable laptop instead of my own Dell Inspiron 15 because it was bulky and heavy to transport on a daily basis on public transport. My main expectations were accessing the internet for my online files, and regular work on an office suite. I had to prepare a lot of documents, presentations and patients’ records. Sometimes I had to work with spreadsheets for databases and analysis.
 My wife had an Asus eee PC (1001PXD) netbook. It had an Intel Atom processor with 1GB RAM and came preinstalled with Windows 7 starter. It was an ideal travel companion but was not used for nearly 2 years due to a non-functioning keyboard and sluggish performance – which worsened over time. My wife had an Asus eee PC (1001PXD) netbook. It had an Intel Atom processor with 1GB RAM and came preinstalled with Windows 7 starter. It was an ideal travel companion but was not used for nearly 2 years due to a non-functioning keyboard and sluggish performance – which worsened over time.
-I did my research in eBay and found a suitable keyboard for the system. Replacement along with a service brought it back to life, but Windows was no more an option due to speed. (Also I must mention that I hate their privacy policy).+I did my research in eBay and found a suitable keyboard for the system. Replacement along with a service brought it back to life, but Windows was no more an option due to speed. (Also I must mention that I hate their privacy policy).**
-Since I did not want to load the system with unnecessary software from the beginning (which would hamper a simple work environment)I chose to install Ubuntu minimalClear guidance in the reviews helped me to make the choice.+Je suis médecin et suis actuellement inscrit dans un programme d'études post-doctorales. J'ai commencé à chercher un ordinateur portable à la place de mon Dell Inspiron 15 qui était encombrant et lourd à prendre quotidiennement dans les transports en commun. J'envisageais principalement de pouvoir accéder au Net pour récupérer mes fichiers en ligne et travailler régulièrement avec une suite bureautique. Je devais préparer beaucoup de documentsprésentations et des dossiers de maladesParfois, je devais travailler avec des tableurs pour des bases de données et des analyses.
-I downloaded minimal ISO 16.04, burnt it to a CD, and installed it into the netbook. The installation process was straightforward as it was similar to the installation of a regular Ubuntu distribution. I created manual partitions and wiped out Windows. During installation, network connectivity was needed and I had the options of wired or wireless, and I chose wireless despite the advice to do the other. It worked flawlessly. The server chosen was ‘local server’ (lk.archive.ubuntu.com). I decided to complete the installation firstrebootand then choose the software I needed – so, at the end, I had a bare bones minimal installation in my netbook.+Ma femme avait un netbook eeePC (1001PXDd'Asus, avec un processeur Intel Atom et 1 Go de RAM ; Windows 7 starter y était pré-installéC'était le compagnon de déplacements idéalmais il n'a pas était utilisé depuis presque deux ans à cause d'un clavier qui ne fonctionnait pas et des performances lentesqui empiraient avec le temps.
-But, after the reboot, I found out the local server was not working properly and I could not download the packages I wanted. Then I tried to change the server with the “add-apt repository” command, but it failed as the terminal did not have that installed, which prompted me to install it. And it was impossible because the server was not working.+En cherchant sur eBay, j'ai trouvé un clavier qui convenait au système. Le remplacement de l'ancien par celui-ci, ainsi qu'un peu d'aide, l'a ressuscité, mais je ne pouvais plus utiliser Windows à cause de la lenteur. (En outre, je déteste leur politique de confidentialité.) 
 +**Since I did not want to load the system with unnecessary software from the beginning (which would hamper a simple work environment), I chose to install Ubuntu minimal. Clear guidance in the reviews helped me to make the choice. 
 +I downloaded minimal ISO 16.04, burnt it to a CD, and installed it into the netbook. The installation process was straightforward as it was similar to the installation of a regular Ubuntu distribution. I created manual partitions and wiped out Windows. During installation, network connectivity was needed and I had the options of wired or wireless, and I chose wireless despite the advice to do the other. It worked flawlessly. The server chosen was ‘local server’ (lk.archive.ubuntu.com). I decided to complete the installation first, reboot, and then choose the software I needed – so, at the end, I had a bare bones minimal installation in my netbook.** 
 +Puisque je ne voulais pas charger le système avec des logiciels inutiles dès le départ (ce qui entraverait un environnement simple de travail), j'ai choisi d'installer Ubuntu minimal. Des directives claires dans les critiques m'ont aidé à prendre ma décision. 
 +J'ai téléchargé l'ISO de la 16.04 minimal, l'ai gravée sur un CD et l'a installée dans le netbook. Le processus d'installation était simple, car similaire à l'installation d'une distribution Ubuntu normale. J'ai créé des partitions manuellement et éliminé Windows. Pendant l'installation, j'avais besoin de me connecter au Net et je pouvais choisir entre avec câble ou sans fil ; malgré le fait que l'Ethernet soit recommandé, j'ai choisi une connexion sans fil. Cela a fonctionné sans aucun problème. Le serveur choisi était « local server » (1k.archive.ubuntu.com). J'ai décidé de terminer l'installation d'abord, puis redémarrer et enfin choisir les logiciels dont j'avais besoin - ainsi, finalement, il y aurait dans le netbook une installation minimale sans fioritures. 
 +**But, after the reboot, I found out the local server was not working properly and I could not download the packages I wanted. Then I tried to change the server with the “add-apt repository” command, but it failed as the terminal did not have that installed, which prompted me to install it. And it was impossible because the server was not working.
 This made me install Ubuntu minimal for the second time. I kept everything else the same except the server – for which I now chose ‘main server’. At the end I chose to install Xubuntu’s desktop environment. This made me install Ubuntu minimal for the second time. I kept everything else the same except the server – for which I now chose ‘main server’. At the end I chose to install Xubuntu’s desktop environment.
Ligne 15: Ligne 25:
 With the reboot, the netbook came to life with a bare bones Xubuntu, just as I preferred. I installed Libreoffice, Firefox, VLC media player, Software centre and Dropbox. With the reboot, the netbook came to life with a bare bones Xubuntu, just as I preferred. I installed Libreoffice, Firefox, VLC media player, Software centre and Dropbox.
-Currently, I’m happily using my newly refurbished netbook for all my work. The only problem with it is the lack of a client for Google drive, but I’m currently thinking of trying overGrive.+Currently, I’m happily using my newly refurbished netbook for all my work. The only problem with it is the lack of a client for Google drive, but I’m currently thinking of trying overGrive.** 
 +Cependant, après le redémarrage, j'ai découvert que le serveur local ne fonctionnait pas comme il fallait et je n'arrivais pas à télécharger les paquets que je voulais. J'ai alors essayé de changer le serveur avec la commande « add-apt repository », mais cela a échoué, car le terminal ne l'avais pas et m'a conseillé de l'installer. Ce qui fut impossible parce que le serveur ne fonctionnait pas. 
 +Ainsi, j'ai dû installer Ubuntu minimal une deuxième fois. J'ai gardé tout pareil, sauf le serveur - pour lequel j'ai choisi « main server ». Quand tout était terminé, j'ai installé l'environnement de bureau Xubuntu. 
 +Lors du redémarrage, le netbook s'est allumé avec un Xubuntu sans fioritures, comme je l'avais voulu. J'ai installé LibreOffice, Firefox, VLC, la Logithèque et Dropbox. 
 +Actuellement, je prend plaisir à utiliser le netbook rénové pour tout mon travail. Le seul problème est qu'il manque un client pour Google Drive, mais j'envisage sérieusement d'essayer overGrive.
issue118/mon_histoire.txt · Dernière modification : 2017/03/01 14:38 de andre_domenech