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issue129:mon_histoire [2018/01/27 12:58] – créée auntieeissue129:mon_histoire [2018/02/01 14:23] (Version actuelle) andre_domenech
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-I have been using computers since the early 1960’s, and, in about 1985, became a full time IT support person and business software developer. Microsoft was establishing a major presence in the small business computer market. While Apple was successful in desktop publishing and graphics work, Microsoft was, for practical purposes, the “only game in town” for smaller business software. So all my work was centred around that platform.+===== 1 =====
-By the early 2000’s, I wanted to cut back on my work; I was getting tired of playing the Microsoft game. Many things about MS Windows were annoying me, and it was time to consider other operating systems for my own useI had worked with Apple in a newspaper setting, and had a good deal of respect for itbut it felt too restrictive as well as being expensive+**I have been using computers since the early 1960’s, and, in about 1985became a full time IT support person and business software developer. Microsoft was establishing a major presence in the small business computer marketWhile Apple was successful in desktop publishing and graphics work, Microsoft was, for practical purposesthe “only game in town” for smaller business software. So all my work was centred around that platform.
-GNU/Linux appealed to me. Nobody I knew was using it but I bought some textbooks and installed it on one of my computers. In 2006, Ubuntu was beginning to show signs that it might someday become a contender for Apple and Microsoft Windows. I installed Ubuntu and forced myself to use it for as much as I could, while still maintaining MS applications for important and time critical work.+By the early 2000’s, I wanted to cut back on my work; I was getting tired of playing the Microsoft game. Many things about MS Windows were annoying me, and it was time to consider other operating systems for my own use. I had worked with Apple in a newspaper setting, and had a good deal of respect for it, but it felt too restrictive as well as being expensive. ** 
 +J'utilise des ordinateurs depuis le début des années 1960, et, aux alentours de 1985, je suis devenu un fournisseur de support informatique et un développeur de logiciels commerciaux à temps complet. Microsoft était en train d'établir une présence importante dans le marché des ordinateurs pour PME. Tandis que Apple réussissait dans les domaines de la PAO (publication assistée par ordinateur) et des graphismes, Microsoft avait en pratique l'exclusivité des logiciels pour les PME. C'est pour cela que tout mon travail était axé sur cette plateforme-là. 
 +Au début des années 2000, je voulais travailler moins ; être un joueur de l'équipe de Microsoft me fatiguait de plus en plus. Beaucoup de trucs dans MS Windows m'irritaient et le moment était venu d'envisager d'autres systèmes d'exploitation pour mon utilisation personnelle. J'avais travaillé avec Apple dans le cadre d'un journal et le respectais beaucoup, mais il me semblait trop restrictif et son prix était très élevé. 
 +===== 2 ===== 
 +**GNU/Linux appealed to me. Nobody I knew was using it but I bought some textbooks and installed it on one of my computers. In 2006, Ubuntu was beginning to show signs that it might someday become a contender for Apple and Microsoft Windows. I installed Ubuntu and forced myself to use it for as much as I could, while still maintaining MS applications for important and time critical work.
 There were some challenges: There were some challenges:
Ligne 12: Ligne 20:
 • The GNU/Linux substitute for MS Office lacked polish, and, though it could (sort of) permit one to collaborate in a business setting with people who used MS Word, there were problems. • The GNU/Linux substitute for MS Office lacked polish, and, though it could (sort of) permit one to collaborate in a business setting with people who used MS Word, there were problems.
-• There was no GNU/Linux replacement for the Accounting software that my wife used. She was not about to make large changes in her routine to learn a new system, and I was not going to re-write the software I had developed for MS Windows because I was going into retirement and those days were behind me.+• There was no GNU/Linux replacement for the Accounting software that my wife used. She was not about to make large changes in her routine to learn a new system, and I was not going to re-write the software I had developed for MS Windows because I was going into retirement and those days were behind me.**
-Fortunately there was a choice of virtualization software that allowed us to continue to use the MS software that we depended upon, and we installed GNU/Linux on our two main desktops as well as on the test computer I used for client workWe forced ourselves to use GNU/Linux substitutes for the MS apps that were not intensively usedInternet Browsersfile managersemail clients, text editors, calendars, and other applications similar to what what we had been using and that were less critical, became our learning tools while we fully converted to GNU/Linux+GNU/Linux me plaisaitAucune de mes connaissances ne l'utilisait, mais j'ai acheté des manuels et l'ai installé sur l'un de mes ordinateursEn 2006Ubuntu commençait à montrer qu'un jour il pourrait devenir le concurrent d'Apple et de Microsoft Windows. J'ai installé Ubuntu et me suis obligé à l'utiliser dans la mesure du possibletout en gardant des applications MS pour mon travail important où le respect des délais est essentiel. 
 +Il y avait quelques challenges :
-The more I worked with GNU/Linux, the better I liked it, and even my wife, who really does not enjoy using computers, began to see the benefits of Open Source. As years passed, GNU/Linux apps, from our point of view, improved, and some of them were outstanding; as good as or better than the products of Apple and Microsoft. We found that we could adopt GNU/Linux applications to replace the MS apps being used on VirtualBox.+• Le logiciel de dessin que j'utilisais n'était disponible que pour MS (et n'est toujours pas disponible pour GNU/Linux).
-Today, every computer we use has GNU/Linux installed and though I have played with perhaps a dozen distros, everything we use is based upon Ubuntu with a KDE desktop. There are still virtual machines installed on two desktop machines, and my test system, but neither of us has used a virtual MS application for about four years now, with the exception of needing to update Garmin GPS units. We have replaced everything else that does not support GNU/Linux, and the Garmin devices too will soon will be replaced by GNU/Linux devices. +• Le logiciel de traitement de photos sur lequel je comptais n'était pas disponible pour GNU/Linux. 
 +• L'équivalent GNU/Linux de MS Office n'était pas assez mûr et, bien qu'il puisse (plus ou moins) permettre à une personne de collaborer, dans un contexte d'affaires, avec des gens qui utilisaient MS Word, il y avait des problèmes. 
 +• Il n'y avait aucun équivalent du logiciel de comptabilité utilisé par mon épouse. Elle n'envisageait même pas de faire d'importantes modifications dans sa routine pour apprendre un nouveau système. Quant à moi, je n'allais pas refaire les logiciels que j'avais développés pour MS Windows, car je prenais ma retraite et cette époque-là était révolue. 
 +===== 3 ===== 
 +**Fortunately there was a choice of virtualization software that allowed us to continue to use the MS software that we depended upon, and we installed GNU/Linux on our two main desktops as well as on the test computer I used for client work. We forced ourselves to use GNU/Linux substitutes for the MS apps that were not intensively used. Internet Browsers, file managers, email clients, text editors, calendars, and other applications similar to what what we had been using and that were less critical, became our learning tools while we fully converted to GNU/Linux.  
 +The more I worked with GNU/Linux, the better I liked it, and even my wife, who really does not enjoy using computers, began to see the benefits of Open Source. As years passed, GNU/Linux apps, from our point of view, improved, and some of them were outstanding; as good as or better than the products of Apple and Microsoft. We found that we could adopt GNU/Linux applications to replace the MS apps being used on VirtualBox.** 
 +Heureusement, un choix de logiciels de virtualisation était disponible et nous pouvions ainsi continuer à utiliser les logiciels de Microsoft qui nous étaient vitaux et nous avons installé GNU/Linux sur nos deux principaux ordinateurs de bureaux, ainsi que sur l'ordinateur test que j'utilisais pour travailler avec des clients. Nous nous sommes obligés à utiliser les équivalents GNU/Linux des applications MS dont l'usage n'était pas intensif. Des navigateurs Internet, des gestionnaires de fichiers, des clients mail, des éditeurs de texte, des calendriers et d'autres applications similaires à celles qu'on utilisait auparavant, et qui étaient moins critiques, sont devenues nos outils d'apprentissage pendant notre conversion complète à GNU/Linux. 
 +Au fur et à mesure de mon travail avec Linux, je commençais à l'apprécier de plus en plus ; même mon épouse, qui n'est vraiment pas fan d'ordinateurs, a commencé à se rendre compte des avantages de l'Open Source. Au fil des ans, les applications GNU/Linux se sont améliorées, de notre point de vue, et certaines devenaient remarquables, aussi bonnes, voire meilleures, que les produits d'Apple et de Microsoft. Nous avons découvert que nous pouvions adopter des applications GNU/Linux à la place des applis MS utilisées sur VirtualBox. 
 +===== 4 ===== 
 +**Today, every computer we use has GNU/Linux installed and though I have played with perhaps a dozen distros, everything we use is based upon Ubuntu with a KDE desktop. There are still virtual machines installed on two desktop machines, and my test system, but neither of us has used a virtual MS application for about four years now, with the exception of needing to update Garmin GPS units. We have replaced everything else that does not support GNU/Linux, and the Garmin devices too will soon will be replaced by GNU/Linux devices. 
 Some friends to whom I mentioned GNU/Linux have asked me to install GNU/Linux on their hardware, and most of the installations have been a success. However, three went back to their previous operating systems: Some friends to whom I mentioned GNU/Linux have asked me to install GNU/Linux on their hardware, and most of the installations have been a success. However, three went back to their previous operating systems:
Ligne 24: Ligne 51:
 One was suffering increasing dementia and the challenge of learning became too great. One was suffering increasing dementia and the challenge of learning became too great.
-The second lives in a rural area with no high-speed Internet, and had to rely on a telephone modem for Internet communication for support. In addition, all the neighbours had the MS system so there was a problem providing immediate support.+The second lives in a rural area with no high-speed Internet, and had to rely on a telephone modem for Internet communication for support. In addition, all the neighbours had the MS system so there was a problem providing immediate support.**
-The third really did not have any interest in learning about GNU/Linux. He just thought he would try it. His wife uses MS Windows in her work, and she is his immediate go-to for support so he returned to a MS operating system.+Aujourd'hui, GNU/Linux est installé sur chaque ordinateur que nous utilisons et, bien que j'aie essayé brièvement jusqu'à une dizaine de distrib., tout ce qu'on utilise est basé sur Ubuntu avec un bureau KDE. Des machines virtuelles sont toujours installées sur deux ordinateurs de bureau et sur mon système de test, aucun de nous n'a utilisé une application MS virtuelle depuis environ quatre ans, sauf pour les mises à jour des appareils Garmin GPS. Nous avons remplacé tout ce qui ne prend pas en charge GNU/Linux et les dispositifs Garmin seront bientôt remplacés par des dispositifs GNU/Linux aussi. 
 +Quelques amis à qui j'ai parlé de GNU/Linux m'ont demandé de l'installer sur leur matériel ; la  plupart des installations sont une réussite. Cependant, trois personnes sont retournées à leur système d'exploitation précédent : 
 +L'un souffrait d'une démence croissante et la difficulté de l'apprentissage est devenue trop grande. 
 +Le deuxième vit dans une zone rurale sans Internet à haut débit et devait utiliser un modem téléphonique pour demander de l'assistance sur l'Internet. Qui plus est, tous ses voisins avaient le système de MS et ne pouvaient donc pas l'aider avec GNU/Linux. 
 +===== 5 ===== 
 +**The third really did not have any interest in learning about GNU/Linux. He just thought he would try it. His wife uses MS Windows in her work, and she is his immediate go-to for support so he returned to a MS operating system.
 A fourth continues to use MS OS in his business, but GNU/ Linux at home. He did not want to have to re-train staff on GNU/Linux, although he said that his initial fear of a lengthy training process was unfounded, and he will change to GNU/Linux the next time a MS Windows upgrade is required. A fourth continues to use MS OS in his business, but GNU/ Linux at home. He did not want to have to re-train staff on GNU/Linux, although he said that his initial fear of a lengthy training process was unfounded, and he will change to GNU/Linux the next time a MS Windows upgrade is required.
-There is great inertia in the software OS business and with good reason. Most people really don’t give a damn about what operating system they use, as long as it is easy to use and forgiving. One can talk about all the benefits of GNU/Linux and the Open Source Software movement, but eyes glaze over quickly. It is only when a major problem with an operating system occurs that people are willing to consider something else.+There is great inertia in the software OS business and with good reason. Most people really don’t give a damn about what operating system they use, as long as it is easy to use and forgiving. One can talk about all the benefits of GNU/Linux and the Open Source Software movement, but eyes glaze over quickly. It is only when a major problem with an operating system occurs that people are willing to consider something else.**
-I have found it takes quite a lot of hand-holding with the average computer user to encourage them to adopt GNU/Linux. Once they are comfortable with it, they would never go back, but I have spent untold hours teaching – not how to use the GNU/Linux OS, but teaching users GNU/Linux applications, more than anything else. That there are now many more cross-platform applications available has greatly reduced the challenge of changing Operating Systems.+Le troisième ne s'intéressait pas à l'apprentissage de GNU/Linux. Il pensait l'essayer tout simplement. Son épouse utilise MS Windows pour son travail et c'est elle, sa source immédiate d'assistance ; il est donc retourné à un système d'exploitation de Microsoft. 
 +Un quatrième utilise toujours l'OS de MS au travail, mais GNU/Linux chez lui. Il ne voulait pas devoir former le personnel à l'utilisation de GNU/Linux, bien qu'il ait dit que sa crainte initiale d'un long processus de formation était infondée et qu'il migrera sur GNU/Linux la prochaine fois qu'une mise à jour de Windows sera nécessaire. 
 +Il y a beaucoup d'inertie dans les sociétés de logiciels et de systèmes d'exploitation et avec raison. La plupart des gens se fichent royalement du système d'exploitation dont ils se servent, du moment qu'il est facile à utiliser et indulgent. On peut parler de tous les avantages de GNU/Linux et du mouvement des Logiciels libres, mais vos interlocuteurs finissent par décrocher. Ce n'est que quand un problème majeur survient avec un système d'exploitation que les gens sont prêts à envisager autre chose. 
 +===== 6 ===== 
 +**I have found it takes quite a lot of hand-holding with the average computer user to encourage them to adopt GNU/Linux. Once they are comfortable with it, they would never go back, but I have spent untold hours teaching – not how to use the GNU/Linux OS, but teaching users GNU/Linux applications, more than anything else. That there are now many more cross-platform applications available has greatly reduced the challenge of changing Operating Systems.
 If there is one thing that I can point to as being a hindrance to wider adoption of GNU/Linux, it lies in the expression that GNU/Linux devotees love to use. “GNU/Linux gives you freedom”. There is, in some ways, too much freedom. There are too many distros – even in just the “mainstream” systems. There is a huge choice of applications and deciding which to use is daunting. If there is one thing that I can point to as being a hindrance to wider adoption of GNU/Linux, it lies in the expression that GNU/Linux devotees love to use. “GNU/Linux gives you freedom”. There is, in some ways, too much freedom. There are too many distros – even in just the “mainstream” systems. There is a huge choice of applications and deciding which to use is daunting.
Ligne 38: Ligne 83:
 Most people do not like to make decisions if they have many choices. Where I have offered people choices, they almost always say “Just install what you are using.” Of all the systems I have installed, only two are NOT using a KDE desktop. There are excellent desktop alternatives, with fewer customization options, that make configuration simpler. Even the more basic interfaces would serve most users well, but it is easier, and more comfortable, for them to just use what I use. Most people do not like to make decisions if they have many choices. Where I have offered people choices, they almost always say “Just install what you are using.” Of all the systems I have installed, only two are NOT using a KDE desktop. There are excellent desktop alternatives, with fewer customization options, that make configuration simpler. Even the more basic interfaces would serve most users well, but it is easier, and more comfortable, for them to just use what I use.
-It will take time, but I still live in hope that, someday soon, GNU/Linux will reach the tipping point where it will become more talked about and will have a critical mass whereby there are enough users to support newcomers everywhere, and provide the hands-on support necessary to provide the comfort that most look for in a computer operating system. +It will take time, but I still live in hope that, someday soon, GNU/Linux will reach the tipping point where it will become more talked about and will have a critical mass whereby there are enough users to support newcomers everywhere, and provide the hands-on support necessary to provide the comfort that most look for in a computer operating system. ** 
 +Je trouve que l'utilisateur moyen d'un ordinateur a besoin d'être accompagné pas à pas pour qu'il soit tenté d'adopter GNU/Linux. Une fois qu'il se sent à l'aise, il ne voudra jamais faire demi-tour, mais j'ai passé des heures et des heures à enseigner, pas comment utiliser l'OS Open Source, mais comment utiliser les applications GNU/Linux, plus que toute autre chose. La disponibilité actuelle de beaucoup plus d'applications multi-plateformes a fortement réduit les défis d'un changement de système d'exploitation. 
 +À mon avis, s'il y a une chose qui freine l'adoption de GNU/Linux, elle se trouve dans l'expression que les passionnés de GNU/Linux aiment utiliser : « GNU/Linux vous offre une grande liberté. » De certaines façons, il y a trop de liberté. Il y a trop de distrib., même parmi ne serait-ce que les systèmes « principaux ». Il y a un choix énorme d'applications et décider lesquelles utiliser est décourageant. 
 +La plupart des gens n'aiment pas prendre des décisions s'ils ont beaucoup de choix. Quand je présente des choix à des gens, ils disent presque toujours « Il suffit d'installer ce que vous utilisez. » Parmi tous les systèmes que j'ai installés, il n'y en a que deux qui n'utilisent PAS un bureau KDE. Il y a d'autres environnements de bureau excellents, avec moins d'options de personnalisation, qui rendent la configuration plus facile. Même les interfaces plus basiques pourraient bien convenir à la plupart des utilisateurs, mais il est plus facile, et plus rassurant, d'utiliser tout simplement ce que j'utilise, moi.
 +Il faudrait du temps, mais je vis dans l'espoir que, un prochain jour, GNU/Linux atteindra le seuil critique où on en parlera de plus en plus et où il aura acquis une masse critique grâce à laquelle il y aura assez d'utilisateurs pour aider les débutants partout et fournir le soutien pratique nécessaire au confort et au bien-être que la plupart d'utilisateurs d'ordinateurs cherchent dans un système d'exploitation.
issue129/mon_histoire.txt · Dernière modification : 2018/02/01 14:23 de andre_domenech