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issue52:monopinion [2011/08/12 20:46] – créée fredphil91issue52:monopinion [2011/10/14 03:36] (Version actuelle) shinichi
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 Why is it that our secondary schools insist on buying the latest and expensive Microsoft Office software? Not only do they use our taxpayers' money, but they force the pupils, or at least their parents, to also buy the latest software so that they can complete their homework assignments at home. As a parent, this has been puzzling and frustrating me for the last 3 years. Why is it that our secondary schools insist on buying the latest and expensive Microsoft Office software? Not only do they use our taxpayers' money, but they force the pupils, or at least their parents, to also buy the latest software so that they can complete their homework assignments at home. As a parent, this has been puzzling and frustrating me for the last 3 years.
 +**Pourquoi nos écoles secondaires insistent-elles pour acheter la plus récente suite bureautique de Microsoft qui coûte très cher ? Non seulement utilisent-ils l'argent des contribuables, mais en plus, ils obligent les élèves, ou du moins leurs parents, à acheter le dernier logiciel pour qu'ils puissent faire leurs devoirs à la maison. En tant que parent, cela m'a laissé perplexe et frustré pendant les trois dernières années.
 "Why don't you use LibreOffice instead?", I hear your readers say. "Why don't you use LibreOffice instead?", I hear your readers say.
Ligne 6: Ligne 9:
 As much as I love the open source alternatives, Microsoft seems to be doing everything in As much as I love the open source alternatives, Microsoft seems to be doing everything in
 their power to make sure new formats, like docx and pptx, don't import into LibreOffice or OpenOffice without seriously messing up page layouts, text boxes, word art, fonts, text formatting and wrapping around pictures. their power to make sure new formats, like docx and pptx, don't import into LibreOffice or OpenOffice without seriously messing up page layouts, text boxes, word art, fonts, text formatting and wrapping around pictures.
 +**« Pourquoi n'utilisez-vous pas LibreOffice à la place ? » ai-je entendu de la part de vos lecteurs.
 +Quoique j'aime beaucoup les alternatives « open source », Microsoft semble faire son possible pour s'assurer que les nouveaux formats, comme docx et pptx, ne peuvent pas s'importer sans  semer la pagaille dans la mise en page, les zones de texte (« text boxes », le « word art » [Ndt :ou Fontwork, créer un objet « d'art » avec des polices], les polices, le formatage du texte et l'adaptation du texte aux images.**
 After wiping the slow Vista OS off my daughter's Dell laptop and replacing it with a much faster and more reliable dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Linux Mint 11 system, she was constantly complaining that she had to waste time re-formatting all her documents and presentations when she switched between LibreOffice and the MS Office 2007 they use at her school. I've tried everything but just could not help her solve this annoying problem. Against all my instincts, I was just starting to consider buying the new Windows 7 OS to install on her laptop so that I could install Office 2007 seeing that I already had a disc with 3 licenses. It was then that I decided to search the web for help on installing Office 2007 using Wine, the Windows Compatibility Layer. After sifting through a number of conflicting posts, and trial and error, I managed to get it working, not on the latest Linux Mint 11 partition, but on the Ubuntu 10.04 partition instead. My biggest challenge was to activate the install because it simply would not let me type anything into the key activation box for some reason. After wiping the slow Vista OS off my daughter's Dell laptop and replacing it with a much faster and more reliable dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Linux Mint 11 system, she was constantly complaining that she had to waste time re-formatting all her documents and presentations when she switched between LibreOffice and the MS Office 2007 they use at her school. I've tried everything but just could not help her solve this annoying problem. Against all my instincts, I was just starting to consider buying the new Windows 7 OS to install on her laptop so that I could install Office 2007 seeing that I already had a disc with 3 licenses. It was then that I decided to search the web for help on installing Office 2007 using Wine, the Windows Compatibility Layer. After sifting through a number of conflicting posts, and trial and error, I managed to get it working, not on the latest Linux Mint 11 partition, but on the Ubuntu 10.04 partition instead. My biggest challenge was to activate the install because it simply would not let me type anything into the key activation box for some reason.
 +**Après avoir viré le système d'exploitation Vista du portable Dell de ma fille pour le remplacer par Ubuntu 10.04 LTS et Linux Mint 11 - plus rapides et plus fiables - en double amorçage, elle se plaignait constamment de devoir perdre son temps à remettre en forme tous ses documents et ses présentations quand elle passait de LibreOffice à MS Office 2007, qu'ils utilisent à son école. J'ai tout essayé, mais je n'ai simplement pas pu l'aider à résoudre ce problème agaçant.
 +Faisant fi de mon instinct, j'ai commencé à envisager l'achat du dernier OS Windows 7 pour que je puisse l'installer sur son portable et ensuite installer Office 2007, étant donné que j'avais déjà un disque avec trois licences. C'était à ce moment que j'ai décidé de chercher sur Internet comment installer Office 2007 en utilisant Wine, la couche de compatibilité Windows. Après avoir épluché de nombreux messages contradictoires, et avec pas mal de tâtonnements, j'ai réussi à faire fonctionner le logiciel, non pas sur la partition du dernier Linux Mint 11, mais sur la partition d'Ubuntu 10.04.
 +Mon plus gros défi était d'activer l'installation, tout simplement parce qu'il m'était impossible, pour une raison inconnue, d'entrer la clé dans la fenêtre d'activation.**
 A Quick How-To: A Quick How-To:
Ligne 15: Ligne 30:
 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install wine1.3 sudo apt-get install wine1.3
 +**Un rapide tutoriel :
 +Voici ce que vous pouvez faire : premièrement, assurez-vous que vous avez la dernière version de Wine installée en saisissant ces commandes dans un terminal : 
 +sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa 
 +sudo apt-get update 
 +apt-get install wine1.3**
 In my case, I first used Synaptic to search for all "wine" related packages and marked them for complete removal. I also opened my home folder and set it to view hidden files and then deleted the .Wine folder. However, if you have any other software already installed under Wine, I would not recommend these last two steps. In my case, I first used Synaptic to search for all "wine" related packages and marked them for complete removal. I also opened my home folder and set it to view hidden files and then deleted the .Wine folder. However, if you have any other software already installed under Wine, I would not recommend these last two steps.
 Next, check in the Software Manager to see whether you have "PlayOnLinux" and "WineTricks" installed, and, if not, install both packages. You should then find PlayOnLinux under Games from the Applications menu. Now, run PlayOnLinux and click on "install". Wait for PlayOnLinux to update its list of supported Windows software packages, and click on "Office" from the list which appears on the left. You can now select from various versions of Microsoft Office. I chose 2007. Next, check in the Software Manager to see whether you have "PlayOnLinux" and "WineTricks" installed, and, if not, install both packages. You should then find PlayOnLinux under Games from the Applications menu. Now, run PlayOnLinux and click on "install". Wait for PlayOnLinux to update its list of supported Windows software packages, and click on "Office" from the list which appears on the left. You can now select from various versions of Microsoft Office. I chose 2007.
 +**Pour ma part, j'ai tout d'abord utilisé Synaptic pour rechercher tous les paquets ayant un rapport avec Wine et je les ai marqués pour une désinstallation complète. J'ai également ouvert mon dossier personnel et l'ai réglé pour afficher les fichiers cachés (ctrl + h), puis j'ai supprimé le dossier .wine. Cependant si vous avez d'autres logiciels installés sous Wine, je ne recommande pas ces deux dernières étapes.
 +Ensuite, vérifiez dans le Gestionnaire des logiciels que vous avez «PlayOnLinux » et «WineTricks » installés, et, sinon, installez chacun des deux paquets. Vous trouverez alors PlayOnLinux dans Jeux depuis le menu d'applications. Maintenant, lancez PlayOnLinux et cliquez sur « installer ».
 +Attendez que PlayOnLinux mette à jour sa liste d'applications Windows supportées et cliquez sur « Office » dans la liste qui s'affiche à gauche. On peut maintenant sélectionner diverses versions de Microsoft office. J'ai choisi 2007.
 It then asks you to insert the installation disc and point to the relevant folder - Office12 in my case. Now just follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. I chose the It then asks you to insert the installation disc and point to the relevant folder - Office12 in my case. Now just follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. I chose the
 custom installation, and made sure I only had Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and shared tools selected. I understand MS Access will not work under Wine at all. Before you can use PowerPoint, you need to go to Applications > Wine > Configure Wine, and, on the "Libraries" tab, custom installation, and made sure I only had Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and shared tools selected. I understand MS Access will not work under Wine at all. Before you can use PowerPoint, you need to go to Applications > Wine > Configure Wine, and, on the "Libraries" tab,
 under "New override for library," type: "riched20", then click "Add". Now click the newly added "riched20" file, click "Edit", and select "Native (Windows)". Other posts suggest you follow the same procedure to add each of the following: "riched30", "msxml3", "msxml4", "msxml6", "corefonts", "tahoma", "vb6run", "vcrun6", and "msi2". Apart from a few suggesting additional font sets, I'm not sure what all the others are supposed to be doing. I entered all of them without breaking anything in Wine or Office. under "New override for library," type: "riched20", then click "Add". Now click the newly added "riched20" file, click "Edit", and select "Native (Windows)". Other posts suggest you follow the same procedure to add each of the following: "riched30", "msxml3", "msxml4", "msxml6", "corefonts", "tahoma", "vb6run", "vcrun6", and "msi2". Apart from a few suggesting additional font sets, I'm not sure what all the others are supposed to be doing. I entered all of them without breaking anything in Wine or Office.
 +**Il vous demande ensuite d'insérer le disque d'installation et d'indiquer le dossier - Office12 dans mon cas. Il suffit maintenant de suivre les instructions à l'écran pour terminer l'installation. J'ai choisi l'installation personnalisée et je me suis assuré que je n'avais sélectionné que Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher et « outils partagés » (« shared tools »). J'ai entendu que MS Acces ne marchera point sous Wine.
 +Avant de pouvoir utiliser PowerPoint, vous devez aller dans Applications > Wine > Configurer Wine et, sous l'onglet « Bibliothèques » (« Librairies », en dessous de « New override for library », tapez « riched20", puis cliquez sur Ajouter. Maintenant cliquez sur le nouveau fichier « riched20 », cliquez sur « éditer », et sélectionner « Native (Windows) ». D'autres messages suggèrent de suivre la même procédure pour ajouter : « riched30 », « msxml3 », « msxml4 », « msxml6 », « corefonts », « tahoma », « vb6run », « vcrun6 », et « msi2 ».
 +À part quelques-uns qui semblent signifier des polices additionnelles, je ne sais pas vraiment ce que tous les autres sont censés faire. Je les ai toutes ajoutées sans rien casser, ni dans Wine ni dans Office.**
 If it all went well, you should be able to find the Office 2007 application icons under the Wine programmes menu from where you can send links to the desktop or the launcher panel. If it all went well, you should be able to find the Office 2007 application icons under the Wine programmes menu from where you can send links to the desktop or the launcher panel.
 I was very disappointed that the same procedure did not work on Mint 11 (based on the latest Ubuntu 11.04 Natty). However, under Ubuntu 10.04, Office 2007 has been working perfectly so far, apart from the fact that I'm unable to "send" any documents directly to email from within any of the Office applications. An easy workaround is to attach the documents to emails using Evolution or ThunderBird. I was very disappointed that the same procedure did not work on Mint 11 (based on the latest Ubuntu 11.04 Natty). However, under Ubuntu 10.04, Office 2007 has been working perfectly so far, apart from the fact that I'm unable to "send" any documents directly to email from within any of the Office applications. An easy workaround is to attach the documents to emails using Evolution or ThunderBird.
 +**Si tout a bien fonctionné, vous devriez trouver les icônes de l'application Office 2007 dans le menu des programmes Wine et, de là, vous pourrez mettre des raccourcis sur le bureau ou le tableau de bord.
 +J'ai été très déçu par le non fonctionnement de ce procédé sous Mint 11 (basé sur le dernier Ubuntu 11.04 Natty). Cependant, sous Ubuntu 10.04, Office 2007 fonctionne parfaitement, mis à part le fait que je suis incapable d'envoyer aucun document directement par mail depuis aucune des applications Office. En revanche, vous pouvez facilement joindre le document à un courriel en utilisant Evolution ou Thunderbird.
 I just wished that the government would embrace open source software - not only to save money, but also to encourage ICT teachers and their pupils to be more adventurous. Who knows, instead of just herding sheep, they may actually inspire the next Linus Torvalds, who could go on and invent something even better than Linux for the benefit of all mankind. I just wished that the government would embrace open source software - not only to save money, but also to encourage ICT teachers and their pupils to be more adventurous. Who knows, instead of just herding sheep, they may actually inspire the next Linus Torvalds, who could go on and invent something even better than Linux for the benefit of all mankind.
 +**J'espère vivement que le gouvernement adoptera les logiciels open source - pas seulement pour économiser de l'argent, mais également pour encourager les enseignants d'ICT [Ndt : les technologies de l'information et de la communication] et leurs élèves à être plus aventureux. Qui sait, au lieu de faire des moutons de Panurge, ils finiraient même par inspirer le prochain Linus Torvalds, qui pourrait par la suite inventer quelque chose d'encore meilleur que Linux pour le bénéfice de l'humanité.**
issue52/monopinion.txt · Dernière modification : 2011/10/14 03:36 de shinichi