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issue97:jeux_ubuntu_-_this_war_of_mine [2015/06/04 12:26] – créée d52frissue97:jeux_ubuntu_-_this_war_of_mine [2015/06/11 15:15] andre_domenech
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-Most of the time when we play a war game, we are either a foot soldier in a first-person shooter, we drive a combat vehicle (like in War Thunder reviewed in FCM#93), or we are the prime decision-maker in war strategy games like Empire: Total War. The video-game This War of Mine fits none of those scenarios. In fact, in This War of Mine, you are not really even fighting a specific enemy per-se, except perhaps for the war itself. Erase every idea you may have about a war game, and instead imagine yourself in any war that's ever been – as an ordinary civilian trying to stay alive. This War of Mine is a war, survival & strategy game where you're just trying to stay alive as a civilian in a war that you didn't ask for and you wish would just end. “In war, not everybody is a soldier” is the quote used to promote the indie game This War of Mine. That phrase about sums it up as to the content of the game. This War of Mine was released for Linux, Mac & Windows on November 2014 by Poland-based 11-Bit Studios.+ 
 +===== 1 ===== 
 +**Most of the time when we play a war game, we are either a foot soldier in a first-person shooter, we drive a combat vehicle (like in War Thunder reviewed in FCM#93), or we are the prime decision-maker in war strategy games like Empire: Total War. The video-game This War of Mine fits none of those scenarios. In fact, in This War of Mine, you are not really even fighting a specific enemy per-se, except perhaps for the war itself. Erase every idea you may have about a war game, and instead imagine yourself in any war that's ever been – as an ordinary civilian trying to stay alive. This War of Mine is a war, survival & strategy game where you're just trying to stay alive as a civilian in a war that you didn't ask for and you wish would just end. “In war, not everybody is a soldier” is the quote used to promote the indie game This War of Mine. That phrase about sums it up as to the content of the game. This War of Mine was released for Linux, Mac & Windows on November 2014 by Poland-based 11-Bit Studios.
 Game Synopsis Game Synopsis
-This War of Mine depicts the gruesome reality of the horrors that the average person must endure when a war happens to knock at your front door. It's most certainly a war-survival game, but it is also definitely a strategy game where you must plan out your course of action from the get-go. I will add right now that This War of Mine is NOT for the faint of heart. It's not your typical combat game where you'll see bloody, gory graphics, but instead the warning I've issued is due to the moral choices you'll be forced to make in order to survive and the unimaginable events you'll witness before the war ends. I've never had to endure a war first-hand but playing this game reminded me of when I was reading Viktor Frankl's account of surviving in a WWII concentration camp in his book Man's Search for Meaning. You will definitely need to make some tough choices in this game – which is one of the reasons it's gotten such rave reviews since its release. The game itself is very well polished and, out of all indie games I've played in recent times, it's without a doubt the most accomplished and best all round. I have not encountered any bugs yet, and, from what I've read in various forums, I don't expect to find any bugs at all.+This War of Mine depicts the gruesome reality of the horrors that the average person must endure when a war happens to knock at your front door. It's most certainly a war-survival game, but it is also definitely a strategy game where you must plan out your course of action from the get-go. I will add right now that This War of Mine is NOT for the faint of heart. It's not your typical combat game where you'll see bloody, gory graphics, but instead the warning I've issued is due to the moral choices you'll be forced to make in order to survive and the unimaginable events you'll witness before the war ends. I've never had to endure a war first-hand but playing this game reminded me of when I was reading Viktor Frankl's account of surviving in a WWII concentration camp in his book Man's Search for Meaning. You will definitely need to make some tough choices in this game – which is one of the reasons it's gotten such rave reviews since its release. The game itself is very well polished and, out of all indie games I've played in recent times, it's without a doubt the most accomplished and best all round. I have not encountered any bugs yet, and, from what I've read in various forums, I don't expect to find any bugs at all.** 
 +La plupart du temps, lorsque nous jouons à un jeu de guerre, nous sommes soit un fantassin dans un jeu de tir à la première personne, soit le conducteur d'un véhicule de combat (comme dans War Thunder dont une critique a été faite dans le FCM n° 93), soit le décideur principal dans un jeu de guerre stratégique du type Empire: Total War. Le jeu This War of Mine ne correspond à aucun de ces scénarios. En fait, dans This War of Mine, vous ne combattez même pas un ennemi précis, sauf, peut-être la guerre elle-même. Oubliez toutes les idées que vous pourriez avoir au sujet d'un jeu de guerre et, à la place, imaginez-vous dans n'importe quelle guerre qui ait existé, comme un civil ordinaire qui tente de survivre. This War of Mine est un jeu de guerre, de survie et de stratégie où vous essayez simplement de rester en vie en tant que civil dans une guerre que vous ne vouliez pas et dont vous souhaitez ardemment la fin. « Au cours d'une guerre, tous les gens ne sont pas des soldats » est la citation promotionnelle de ce jeu indépendant This War of Mine. Cette phrase-là résume bien le contenu du jeu. This War of Mine a été publié pour Linux, Mac et Windows en novembre 2014 par 11-bit Studios, basé en Pologne. 
 +Synopsis du jeu 
 +This War of Mine reflète la réalité macabre des horreurs que la moyenne des individus doit souffrir quand une guerre vient de nulle part frapper à sa porte. C'est très certainement un jeu de survie en guerre, mais c'est aussi sans conteste un jeu de stratégie où vous devez, dès le départ, établir votre plan d'action. J'ajouterai ici que This War of Mine NE convient PAS aux âmes sensibles. Ce n'est pas un jeu de combat typique où les graphismes sont sanglants et « gore » ; mon avertissement concerne les choix moraux que vous serez obligé de faire pour survivre et les événements inimaginables dont vous serez témoin avant la fin de la guerre. Je n'ai jamais dû endurer une guerre personnellement, mais jouer à ce jeu m'a rappelé le compte rendu de Viktor Frankl d'un camp de concentration pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale tiré de son livre « Man's Search for Meaning ». Vous devrez absolument faire des choix difficiles dans ce jeu - une des raisons pour lesquelles les critiques depuis sa sortie sont très élogieuses. Le jeu lui-même est soigné à tout point de vue et, de tous les jeux indépendants auxquels j'ai joué récemment, c'est sans aucun doute le plus abouti et le meilleur sur toute la ligne. Je n'ai pas encore rencontré de bogues et, d'après ce que j'ai lu sur des forums divers, je ne m'attends pas à en trouver. 
 +===== 2 =====
-Playing the game+**Playing the game
 You start out the game with a team of survivors, usually three or four, and, as the days pass, there's a chance that at least one other person will knock at your door and ask to join you; it's completely up to you whether you accept the other person or leave them outside to fend for themselves. Not having a tutorial at all, the first couple of times you play, it may be a sort of trial-and-error learning experience, but, after a couple of tries, you should have a handle on what you're doing and begin to plan a well adjusted strategy. My first time playing I actually made it to nine days before my first character was killed. You start out the game with a team of survivors, usually three or four, and, as the days pass, there's a chance that at least one other person will knock at your door and ask to join you; it's completely up to you whether you accept the other person or leave them outside to fend for themselves. Not having a tutorial at all, the first couple of times you play, it may be a sort of trial-and-error learning experience, but, after a couple of tries, you should have a handle on what you're doing and begin to plan a well adjusted strategy. My first time playing I actually made it to nine days before my first character was killed.
-The only, and I do mean the ONLY, downside to this game is that you don't have the luxury of saving your progress like you do in other games. The only options available to you when you play are “Continue” or “Another Try” which should be self-explanatory.+The only, and I do mean the ONLY, downside to this game is that you don't have the luxury of saving your progress like you do in other games. The only options available to you when you play are “Continue” or “Another Try” which should be self-explanatory.**
-Your survivors are found in a decrepit building that has plenty of items scattered around to get you started. The first order of business is to send your survivors to scavenge whatever they can find in your building. Unfortunately, there will be places that will be unreachable at first until you obtain either a lock-pick or a crowbar, both of which can be built, or traded from someone else. Having gathered as much as you can, you then face the choice of what to build with your materials. In order to have my players well rested, I like to build two beds for them, though at first one will suffice. You may also want to build a metal workshop so you can build your crowbar and other metal needs. Ultimately, all you really need to survive is rest (on a bed is preferable), food, water, and meds. If you have a character with addictions such as coffee or cigarettes, you will also need to provide those, otherwise your character will become depressed and end up broken, catatonic, and/or leave your team.+Jouer
-Building a heater is essential when winter comesan animal catcher will help you catch rats to eata distillery will provide you with alcohol for tradingand the list goes on. In the daytime, while staying in your building, it'your job and responsibility to upgrade your living arrangements, cook food, gather water, make alcohol, upgrade your tools, grow herbs, make cigarettes, meds, etc. At night, you send one of your survivors out to the fictional city of Pogoren so they can scavenge for more items. The next day is all about further upgrading your living quarters with the items you have found at night in other buildings around the city. The real danger shows its ugly face at night when you're scavenging around the city. Some places are relatively safe to visithoweverothers are notThere are places you can go to where armed assailants are willing to kill you at first sight. Other places have inhabitants still occupying their original abodeand may or may not be willing to trade with you. Regardless of whether the trade happensif you happen to take any items (especially food or meds) that belong to themyour survivors will become sad because they know that those people's lives might have been shortened thanks to you robbing them. Howevertaking items from criminals is OK and has no negative feelings associated with it.+Vous commencez le jeu avec une équipe de survivantshabituellement trois ou quatre etau fil des joursc'est possible qu'au moins une autre personne vienne frapper à votre porte demander s'il peut vous rejoindre c'est à vous de choisir - accepter l'autre personneou la laisser dehors se débrouiller seuleIl n'y a aucun tutoriel et les premières foisvous apprendrez vraisemblablement par tâtonnementsmais après deux ou trois essaisvous devez avoir compris ce que vous faites et commencez à établir une stratégie plus que convenable. La première fois que j'y ai jouéj'ai survécu pendant neuf jours avant que mon premier personnage soit tué.
-For defense there are a number of weapons that can be used throughout the game, such as knives, crowbars, shotguns, etc. What I've found best is not to kill unless you absolutely have to, and, if you do, it's best to kill with a knife or another silent weapon instead of something loud like a shotgun that will alert other criminals of your whereabouts.+Le seul - oui, c'est ça, le SEUL - inconvénient est que vous ne pouvez pas sauvegarder votre partie en cours comme dans d'autres jeux. Les seules options disponibles pendant que vous jouez sont « Continue » (continuer) ou « Another Try » (essayer encore) qui devraient être explicites. 
 +===== 3 ===== 
 +**Your survivors are found in a decrepit building that has plenty of items scattered around to get you started. The first order of business is to send your survivors to scavenge whatever they can find in your building. Unfortunately, there will be places that will be unreachable at first until you obtain either a lock-pick or a crowbar, both of which can be built, or traded from someone else. Having gathered as much as you can, you then face the choice of what to build with your materials. In order to have my players well rested, I like to build two beds for them, though at first one will suffice. You may also want to build a metal workshop so you can build your crowbar and other metal needs. Ultimately, all you really need to survive is rest (on a bed is preferable), food, water, and meds. If you have a character with addictions such as coffee or cigarettes, you will also need to provide those, otherwise your character will become depressed and end up broken, catatonic, and/or leave your team. 
 +Building a heater is essential when winter comes, an animal catcher will help you catch rats to eat, a distillery will provide you with alcohol for trading, and the list goes on. In the daytime, while staying in your building, it's your job and responsibility to upgrade your living arrangements, cook food, gather water, make alcohol, upgrade your tools, grow herbs, make cigarettes, meds, etc. At night, you send one of your survivors out to the fictional city of Pogoren so they can scavenge for more items. The next day is all about further upgrading your living quarters with the items you have found at night in other buildings around the city. The real danger shows its ugly face at night when you're scavenging around the city. Some places are relatively safe to visit; however, others are not. There are places you can go to where armed assailants are willing to kill you at first sight. Other places have inhabitants still occupying their original abode, and may or may not be willing to trade with you. Regardless of whether the trade happens, if you happen to take any items (especially food or meds) that belong to them, your survivors will become sad because they know that those people's lives might have been shortened thanks to you robbing them. However, taking items from criminals is OK and has no negative feelings associated with it.** 
 +Les survivants se retrouvent dans un bâtiment délabré où beaucoup d'objets sont éparpillés pour vous aider à démarrer. La première chose à faire, c'est d'envoyer les survivants récupérer tout ce qu'ils trouvent dedans. Malheureusement, il y a des endroits inaccessibles au départ, jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez soit un crochet, soit une barre à mine, que vous pouvez utiliser ou troquer avec quelqu'un d'autre. Ayant rassemblé tout ce que vous pouvez, vous devez choisir ce que vous voulez construire avec le matériel. Pour que mes joueurs soient reposés, j'aime construire deux lits, bien qu'un seul soit suffisant au début. Vous voulez sans doute construire un atelier de métallurgie afin de pouvoir fabriquer la barre à mine et d'autres trucs métalliques dont vous aurez besoin. En fin de compte, tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour survivre est du repos (c'est mieux si c'est sur un lit), de la nourriture, de l'eau et des médocs. Si vous avez un personnage qui a des dépendances, telles que le café ou les cigarettes, vous devez les fournir aussi, sinon le personnage déprimera et finira cassé, catatonique et/ou quittera l'équipe. 
 +À l'arrivée de l'hiver, il est essentiel de construire un radiateur, un piège à animaux vous aidera à attraper des rats à manger, une distillerie vous donnera de l'alcool pour le troc et la liste est infinie. Le jour, pendant que vous êtes dans le bâtiment, c'est votre travail et votre responsabilité d'améliorer vos conditions de vie, préparer la nourriture, chercher de l'eau, faire de l'alcool, améliorer les outils, faire pousser des herbes, faire des cigarettes, des médocs, etc. La nuit, vous envoyez l'un des survivants dans la ville fictive de Pogoren pour qu'il puisse récupérer d'autres objets. Le lendemain, vous devez améliorer votre espace vital encore, avec les objets trouvés dans d'autres bâtiments de la ville. Le vrai danger se manifeste la nuit lors de vos sorties dans la ville. Certains endroits peuvent être visités sans trop de problème ; d'autres, pas. Il y a des endroits où vous pouvez aller vous faire tuer par des assaillants armés dès qu'ils vous apercevront. D'autres endroits hébergent toujours leurs habitants originels, qui peuvent peut-être vouloir faire du troc. Que vous échangiez des objets ou pas, s'il vous arrive de prendre des objets (surtout de la nourriture ou des médicaments) qui leur appartiennent, vos survivants deviendront tristes, parce qu'ils savent que la vie de ces gens-là durera moins longtemps à cause de vos vols. Toutefois, voler des objets de criminels est accepté et il n'y a pas de sentiments négatifs associés à de tels vols. 
 +===== 4 ===== 
 +**For defense there are a number of weapons that can be used throughout the game, such as knives, crowbars, shotguns, etc. What I've found best is not to kill unless you absolutely have to, and, if you do, it's best to kill with a knife or another silent weapon instead of something loud like a shotgun that will alert other criminals of your whereabouts.
 Playable Characters Playable Characters
-There are different permutations of people with whom you can start out the game. There are a total of 10 playable characters, and each has strengths and weaknesses. Some combinations of people are better than others depending on what strategic approach you will take. For example, Bruno is a good cook, and your whole team benefits from him in that he uses less resources when cooking food, collecting rainwater, distilling alcohol, or producing meds or cigarettes. Katia is good at bargaining, and whenever you have to barter with someone, she'll get you the best deal. However, for scavenging, the best is no doubt Marko as he can carry up to 15 items in his backpack, and he’s not slowed down when the load is heavy.+There are different permutations of people with whom you can start out the game. There are a total of 10 playable characters, and each has strengths and weaknesses. Some combinations of people are better than others depending on what strategic approach you will take. For example, Bruno is a good cook, and your whole team benefits from him in that he uses less resources when cooking food, collecting rainwater, distilling alcohol, or producing meds or cigarettes. Katia is good at bargaining, and whenever you have to barter with someone, she'll get you the best deal. However, for scavenging, the best is no doubt Marko as he can carry up to 15 items in his backpack, and he’s not slowed down when the load is heavy.**
-The War is Over+Pour vous défendre, de nombreuses armes peuvent être utilisées tout au long du jeu, notamment des couteaux, des barres à mine, des fusils, etc. Ce que j'ai trouvé le mieux, c'est de ne pas tuer à moins d'y être contraint et forcé et, le cas échéant, c'est mieux de tuer avec un couteau ou une autre arme silencieuse, au lieu de quelque chose qui fait beaucoup de bruit, comme un fusil, car cela indiquerait votre emplacement à d'autres criminels. 
 +Personnages jouables 
 +Il y a différentes combinaisons de gens avec lesquels vous pouvez démarrer le jeu. Au total, il y a 10 personnages jouables, chacun ayant ses forces et ses faiblesses. Certaines combinaisons de gens sont meilleures que d'autres selon la stratégie que vous adopterez. Par exemple, Bruno est un bon cuisinier et toute l'équipe profite de lui, car il utilise moins de ressources quand il cuisine, récupère de l'eau de pluie, distille l'alcool ou produit des médocs ou des cigarettes. Katia marchande très bien et quand vous voulez marchander avec quelqu'un, c'est elle qui vous obtiendra les meilleures conditions. Cependant, pour ce qui concerne la récup, le meilleur est sans aucun doute Marko, car il peut porter jusqu'à 15 objets dans son sac à dos et sa lourdeur ne le ralentit pas.  
 +===== 5 ===== 
 +**The War is Over
 You eventually beat the game by surviving anywhere between 20-50 days. I've heard of some people beating after only 22 days, and yet there are others who had to reach 47 before beating it. There are different scenarios played out as your game progresses which are decided depending on your in-game choices as well as just pure random luck. For example, your game could begin in the middle of winter, which would make you start the game already owning at least one heater. On the flip-side, your game could begin before winter approaches which means you have no heater but when winter arrives you must build a heater, otherwise you'll freeze to death... literally. I've had a couple of characters actually freeze to death. I've also had characters die of hunger, illness, or even untreated injuries. The quick way to die is getting killed while scavenging throughout the city. Your characters are also prone to getting depressed and contemplating suicide if times are really tough. In short, it is as if you really are trying to survive a war that just landed in your backyard. Like I've previously stated, it is the decisions you make that ultimately determine how likely it is that your characters will survive in this war-torn state. You eventually beat the game by surviving anywhere between 20-50 days. I've heard of some people beating after only 22 days, and yet there are others who had to reach 47 before beating it. There are different scenarios played out as your game progresses which are decided depending on your in-game choices as well as just pure random luck. For example, your game could begin in the middle of winter, which would make you start the game already owning at least one heater. On the flip-side, your game could begin before winter approaches which means you have no heater but when winter arrives you must build a heater, otherwise you'll freeze to death... literally. I've had a couple of characters actually freeze to death. I've also had characters die of hunger, illness, or even untreated injuries. The quick way to die is getting killed while scavenging throughout the city. Your characters are also prone to getting depressed and contemplating suicide if times are really tough. In short, it is as if you really are trying to survive a war that just landed in your backyard. Like I've previously stated, it is the decisions you make that ultimately determine how likely it is that your characters will survive in this war-torn state.
Ligne 27: Ligne 59:
 Installing This War of Mine Installing This War of Mine
-You can install This War of Mine in one of several ways. If you want all of your proceeds to go to 11Bit-Studios, then you can get the game from the 11bitstudios website. Otherwise, you can get it from either Steam or www.humblebundle.com. The download and installation is pretty straightforward. I got mine from Steam, and, after purchasing it, I simply waited a few minutes for Steam to download and install it in the background while I was busy doing other things. The game currently sells for $19.99, but often it is on sale for lower than that. I got lucky and paid half off the full price when I got it.+You can install This War of Mine in one of several ways. If you want all of your proceeds to go to 11Bit-Studios, then you can get the game from the 11bitstudios website. Otherwise, you can get it from either Steam or www.humblebundle.com. The download and installation is pretty straightforward. I got mine from Steam, and, after purchasing it, I simply waited a few minutes for Steam to download and install it in the background while I was busy doing other things. The game currently sells for $19.99, but often it is on sale for lower than that. I got lucky and paid half off the full price when I got it.**
-Minimum Specs+La guerre est finie 
 +Vous gagnez, finalement, quand vous survivez entre 20 et 50 jours. J'ai entendu parler de joueurs qui en sont venus à bout en seulement 22 jours, mais il y en a d'autres qui devaient attendre le 47e jour avant de gagner. Différents scénarios se déroulent en cours du jeu, selon les choix que vous faites, mais aussi au hasard, par chance. Par exemple, votre jeu peut démarrer au milieu de l'hiver, ce qui veut dire que vous seriez propriétaire d'au moins un radiateur. En revanche, votre jeu pourrait démarrer avant le début de l'hiver, ce qui signifie qu'il n'y a pas de radiateur, mais, qu'à son arrivée, il faudra en fabriquer un, sinon vous mourrez de froid. Deux de mes personnages sont vraiment morts de froid. D'autres sont morts de faim, de maladie, ou même de blessures non soignées. Une façon rapide de mourir est d'être tué pendant que vous faites de la récupération dans la ville. Vos personnages ont également tendance à déprimer et même à penser au suicide si les choses vont très mal. Bref, c'est vraiment comme si vous essayiez de survivre à une guerre qui vient d'atterrir dans votre jardin. Comme je l'ai dit précédemment, c'est de vos décisions que dépend la probabilité de survie de vos personnages dans ce pays ravagé par la guerre. 
 +Installation de This War of Mine 
 +Vous pouvez installer This War of Mine de plusieurs façons. Si vous voulez que 11 Bit Studios reçoive l'argent, alors vous pouvez acheter le jeu sur le site Web de 11bitstudios. Sinon, vous pouvez l'obtenir soit sur Steam soit sur www.humblebundle.com. Le téléchargement et l'installation sont très simples. J'ai obtenu mon exemplaire sur Steam et, après l'achat, j'ai tout simplement attendu quelques minutes pendant que Steam le télécharge et l'installe en arrière-plan tandis que je travaillais sur autre chose. Actuellement, le jeu coûte 19,99 $, mais il est souvent soldé pour moins. J'avais de la chance et je n'ai payé que 50 % du prix annoncé au moment où je l'ai eu. 
 +===== 6 ==== 
 +**Minimum Specs
 These are the minimum specifications as taken from the official game website: These are the minimum specifications as taken from the official game website:
 • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 • OS: Ubuntu 12.04
Ligne 45: Ligne 86:
 Conclusion Conclusion
-In short, this is by far one of the most entertaining & innovative games I've had the pleasure of playing in a long time. I really enjoyed playing This War of Mine. The game-play is unique and keeps you engaged. The way it stirs up emotions within you is something I've not experienced from a video game before. The charcoal-stylized graphics intertwined with authentic street art pieces made by artists from around the world (included only if you buy the War Child Charity DLC) keeps the game uncomfortably gloomy. The eerie and depressing soundtrack unmistakably enhances the uneasy feeling that permeates throughout the game. I strongly recommend this game.+In short, this is by far one of the most entertaining & innovative games I've had the pleasure of playing in a long time. I really enjoyed playing This War of Mine. The game-play is unique and keeps you engaged. The way it stirs up emotions within you is something I've not experienced from a video game before. The charcoal-stylized graphics intertwined with authentic street art pieces made by artists from around the world (included only if you buy the War Child Charity DLC) keeps the game uncomfortably gloomy. The eerie and depressing soundtrack unmistakably enhances the uneasy feeling that permeates throughout the game. I strongly recommend this game.** 
 +Exigences minimales 
 +Voici les exigences minimales annoncées sur le site Web officiel : 
 +• Système d'exploitation : Ubuntu 12.04. 
 +• Processeur : Intel Core 2 Duo 2,4 GHz, AMD Athlon X2, 2,8 GHz. 
 +• Mémoire : 2 Go de RAM. 
 +• Carte graphique : Geforce 9600 GS, Radeon HD4000, Shader Model 3.0, 512 Mo de RAM. 
 +Ma plateforme de jeu personnalisée : 
 +• AMD FX-6100 3,3 GHz CPU (overclocké à 3,5 GHz). 
 +• Carte mère Asus M5A97-EVO. 
 +• Carte graphique Gigabyte Windforce GeForce GTX 960 avec pilote propriétaire 346.59. 
 +• 8 Go de RAM Kingston Hyper X et un disque dur Seagate Barracuda de 12 To. 
 +• Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS avec Unity. 
 +En résumé, c'est de loin l'un des plus divertissant et innovant jeux auquel j'ai eu le plaisir de jouer depuis longtemps. Jouer à This War of Mine m'a fait très plaisir. Le jeu en lui-même est unique et engage toute votre attention. Sa façon de susciter vos émotions est quelque chose que je n'avais pas encore vu dans un jeu vidéo. Les graphismes stylisés au fusain entrelacés avec des œuvres d'art des rues authentiques par des artistes de partout dans le monde (incluses seulement si vous achetez le War Child Charity DLC) rendent le jeu lugubre et vous mettent mal à l'aise. La bande son angoissante et déprimante augmente le sentiment de malaise qui imprègne le jeu entier. Je recommande vivement ce jeu. 
issue97/jeux_ubuntu_-_this_war_of_mine.txt · Dernière modification : 2015/06/15 14:08 de d52fr