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Being a self-taught programmer and web developer, I frequently hear questions like “how did you get started?” or “how did you learn this on your own?”. This month, I thought that dedicating an article on how I approach learning a programming language might be a good way to formulate my future answers, and to encourage anyone who has even a passing interest to begin their journey. I will be splitting this article into two distinct sections - local (i.e. programs to be run on your local machine) and web (web apps, websites, etc). Who is this article for? This article is geared towards anyone remotely interested in programming, but who is uncertain about where to begin, or what approach to take. This can be designers who feel they ought to learn a little about HTML and CSS, to budding computer enthusiasts who want to learn a programming language for future careers. Will this article teach me a language? No. This article is geared towards my personal approach to learning a language. I’ll refer to some websites and books, but the actual learning of the language is out of scope.

Étant programmeur et développeur Web autodidacte, j'entends souvent des questions du genre « comment avez-vous commencé ? » ou « comment avez-vous appris cela tout seul ? ». Ce mois-ci, je pensais que dédier un article sur mon approche à l'apprentissage d'un langage de programmation pourrait être une bonne façon de formuler mes réponses à l'avenir. Cela pourrait aussi encourager toute personne qui a, ne serait-ce qu'un intérêt passager pour le sujet, de se lancer sur le chemin. Je vais séparer l'article en deux sections distinctes - local (c-à-d, des programmes qui seront lancés sur votre machine locale) et Web (des applis Web, des sites Web, etc.).

À qui est destiné l'article ?

Cet article est orienté vers toute personne qui est intéressé, même un tout petit peu, par la programmation mais qui se demande où commencer ou quelle approche utiliser, notamment des concepteurs qui pense qu'ils devraient apprendre les bases de l'HTML et CSS, ou des jeunes passionnés d'informatique qui veulent apprendre un langage de programmation pour leur carrière future.

Cet article, m'apprendra-t-il un langage ?

No, l'article se concentre sur mon approche personnelle à l'apprentissage d'un langage. Je ferai référence à quelques sites Web et livres, mais l'apprentissage même du langage est hors de la portée de cet article.


A few general pointers. The following points apply to anything you decide to learn, and is therefore in a separate section: • Do not rely on autocomplete or tools like Emmet too early on. Once you’re comfortable writing the code without a helper, feel free to enable one to save time. However, it is not supposed to be a crutch when you forget the syntax. • Always try something new. Do not stick to the same program format - even if you just work on improving the help menu in every program you write, or trying to reduce any repetitions. You may struggle a bit, but it will help you learn. • Look at some open source projects on GitHub. You don’t need to contribute, and you don’t need to feel too comfortable with your skills. Even just viewing someone else’s source code can help you test your understanding (i.e. can you tell what the code does), as well as seeing examples of things to do (or not do) with regards to formatting and comments. • Lastly: Comment everything. While this is a terrific habit to build up if you’re planning to make this a profession, it will also help you immensely if you look at older programs. Local There are a mass of local programming languages - Python, C++, Perl, and Java just to name a few. There isn’t typically a “best language”, although there are scenarios where some languages are better suited for a particular task. If you don’t know what language to learn, there are a few ways to decide. Either see what programmers in your local area are learning (via job postings), or see what languages are supported by your favourite devices (computers, phones, RPi, etc). It can even be something as arbitrary as liking the logo.


The Approach Learning a local language will typically require a bit more setup than a web language. You’ll want to find a good IDE or text editor you feel comfortable in. An IDE is very useful when learning something like C++ or Java, as the tools included can help you debug issues early on. Personally, I prefer a text editor, as it’s something I’ll always have access to, instead of relying on tools included in an IDE. You’ll also want to set up a good folder structure to keep your source code, and possibly even store it in a Git repository (or something like Dropbox). That way, you can recover previous iterations of code, if necessary, or easily carry it between devices. Lastly, ensure you’ve installed a compiler or interpreter for your chosen language. Once you can run it in a terminal or within your IDE, you’re all set. • After you have your environment set up, look for any official tutorials/tours. These typically cover some basic ‘hello world’ programs. While the programs themselves aren’t very creative, they help you learn the syntax and the way a language functions. • Once you’ve completed the Hello World program, try to branch out into user input and/or command-line arguments (depending on the language). As the most useful applications require some form of input, it’s useful to learn this early on. I typically do this using the official documentation of features, as opposed to a full-fledged guide.


• The next step should be to branch out and learn some of the oddities or strengths of your language. You can typically find a listing of these features by finding a comparison of various languages. • At this point, I always evaluate the utility of the language. To do so I ask the following questions: • • Does this language suit the way I think/work? • • Is it in demand (i.e. in the workplace)? • • Can I live with any drawbacks/oddities? • • Can it do everything I plan to achieve? • If you answered yes (or even ‘maybe’) to these questions, you’ll probably want to continue learning the language. To do so, I’d recommend either finding some need that you want to fill, or finding a good website with challenges, which you can implement in your chosen language. • Here are a few things you may also want to focus on: • • Testing (writing tests, as well as simply debugging issues). • • Sharing/Compiling (i.e. how can you package this program up to putting it on a new computer). • • Storing information/data. This can be done with databases, JSON, or just normal text files. • • Reading information. • • Executing commands from your desktop or their equivalents (such as using ls to list files). • • Regular expressions. Even just learning a few standard regex for searching strings or filenames will be useful. • Lastly: learn a new language! Or, at least, stay up-to-date on the new versions of your chosen language. To keep your skills sharp and your habits ingrained, you will want to regularly try to learn something new.


Web Web languages can be a bit quicker to the starting line than local languages. Using something like CodePen or a JS Fiddle, you can easily write some HTML, CSS and JavaScript without having to worry about an IDE or a hosting solution. You should definitely not work solely with this approach, but if you’re not sure whether or not to devote time here, it’s an easy way to try it out. It may be confusing to see HTML, CSS and JS in the first step of my approach. You may be wondering what’s left. There are a variety of frameworks (bootstrap, react, angular, etc) that offer more functionality to the standard HTML. There are also other languages (such as Go, Python), and expansions on JavaScript (such as ECMAScript). To set up your development area locally, you’ll need a text editor (you can also go for a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) program, but I would really not recommend it). Personally, I use the Atom text editor. Beyond the text editor, you’ll also want some sort of LAMP stack (Linux Apache, MySQL, and PHP). My recommendation is not to install it on your main system - instead, you can set up something like Vagrant (a VM) or Docker (a containerization tool). This is for two main reasons - if you use frameworks or tools like Node or NPM, you can more easily control the installed versions for optimal support, and because Docker is gaining massive popularity in the workplace. Docker is also portable, making it easier to carry your projects over to a new computer. I’ve previously written about Docker in FCM#107. If you’re looking at Python or Go, both offer a local development server built into the compilation tool. WebPack (covered in C&C in FCM#120) also offers a local development site for working on HTML, JS and CSS.


The Approach • Learn HTML5, CSS and JS. You don’t need to master JavaScript, but you do need a basic understanding of it. Neither HTML nor CSS are terribly complex - the moment you feel comfortable creating a basic ‘hello world’ HTML page with a bit of styling, you’re ready to carry on. This can easily be done in CodePen. • The first step I would recommend is learning the “modern web” - HTML5 (which should have been done in #1), @supports, Flexbox, and CSS Grids in CSS 3. The three elements of CSS I listed are currently supported in the most recent versions of every popular browser, and mitigate a lot of headaches that developers previously had. If you begin a project with the goal of supporting older browsers, I would still recommend beginning with the modern tools, and then creating either a fallback stylesheet, or wrapping the modern code in @supports. If you’re unsure what the difference is between old versions of HTML and HTML5, you should look into the new elements introduced in HTML5 (such as <main>, <aside>, <footer>, <header>). • At this point, you should decide on what language you’re focusing on. If you just want to continue learning HTML and CSS, you may want to look into CSS custom properties, as opposed to finding a preprocessor. You’ll also want to look into something like Grunt or Webpack to use autoprefixer, which will help reduce how much CSS you have to write (see FCM #120 for my WebPack article). If you decide to focus on a language like Python or Go, you’ll want to make sure you install it correctly and can run the commands from a terminal. If you choose to learn PHP, make sure support is enabled/installed on your system or Docker (using Apache or Nginx). Or perhaps you’re just interested in learning about AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) by Google. • You should begin with a tour or tutorial on the language you’ve decided upon. Depending on what language you’re looking at, the steps may vary.


• After the tour or tutorial, you’ll want to see about integrating what you learned about HTML and CSS into the new language. In Go and Python, this means templating, and, in JS frameworks, you’ll probably already be integrating some of this. • Content. Here you should focus on how to get content into your website or web app. This can be databases, a content management system, a static site generator (such as grow or jekyll) or pulling information from a feed (RSS or JSON). If you use a content management system, I would recommend starting with an API Content Management System (such as Cockpit) first, as it can help you understand how all CMS systems work, as opposed to jumping right into something like WordPress. • Testing. You should look at your resulting website or web app on a few different devices - phones, tablets, computers, and varying browsers. You’ll quickly understand how wide-ranging the support is, and how many issues can crop up. Don’t be disheartened - you don’t typically need to support every possible device, and there are a variety of tools to help you improve support. • Lastly, deployment. You should look into how you would go about hosting your application, and also how you would “go live”. This can be FTP + Docker + DigitalOcean, or Git + Heroku, or GitHub Pages + Git. Every combination has its strengths and weaknesses, which is why you should do some research to see what works for your language choice. ===== 8 ===== Design

While the approach above focuses on the programming aspect, creating a visually appealing site is largely dependent on your design. At any time after Step 2 in the approach above would be an acceptable time to start reading on design approaches. Covering things such as Material Design, or reading articles from Smashing Magazine or CSS-Tricks are a good place to start. There are also a few books that I highly recommend: Smashing Book 5 (from Smashing Magazine) is written by a variety of authors, and is a terrific insight into common design approaches. Also, Hardboiled Web Design by Andy Clarke (Fifth Edition) is an excellent read on new technologies, approaches, and tips for creating modern websites. Both are available in physical copies, or digitally. Even just taking the time to analyse source code on websites you like is a terrific way to learn - I would recommend keeping either a local wiki or some form of journal outlining things you’ve seen that you would at some point want to implement. Naturally, if you’re not planning to turn this into a job (or even put it on your CV), you can choose to ignore anything outlined here. ===== 9 ===== I hope this article proves useful to anyone who was feeling overwhelmed by the mass of options and instructions to be found on the web. When in doubt - start with a basic ‘hello world’, and then go from there! If you have any tips you’d like to share, send them to me at lswest34+fcm@gmail.com. I will collect any responses together into an article at a later date. Feel free to also email me with any questions, suggestions, or ideas for articles.

Further Reading

CodeFights (programming challenges) - https://codefights.com/home

Project Euler (largely mathematical programming challenges) - https://projecteuler.net/

2016/2017 MUST-KNOW Web Development Tech Video (YouTube) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBzRwzY7G-k&index=7&list=PLQjv2GANsZ1JAKzoz631tlyIOZiJ3T2R6

CodeAcademy (website to learn coding with free courses) - https://www.codecademy.com/

Code School (website to learn coding, with some free courses) - https://www.codeschool.com/

Videos/Workshops from Google IO, the AMP Conference, or Beyond Tellerrand (all found on YouTube).

C&C in FCM #121 - All about Go

C&C in FCM #73 - A basic introduction to some websites for learning to code.

Udemy (online library of paid courses, frequently on sale) - https://www.udemy.com

Udacity (online university that offers micro degrees and some free courses, in partnership with Google/Facebook/etc.) - https://www.udacity.com/courses/all**

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