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Welcome to the latest issue of Full Circle

Another not quite full quota this month. With only Latex and Inkscape. Greg has had to take a (well deserved) month off. So no Python or Micro articles this month. But we do still, technically speaking, have some Python for you. It's an article about converting Bash scripts to Python. One HowTo article (VAX-VMS to Linux) is a new part to an old series that featured waaaay back several years ago. So don't get confused when you see 'Pt.7' and think 'I don't remember one through six!'. It's OK. You're not losing your marbles.

Adam's reviews continue with Xubuntu and Void Linux. I have to admit, I'd never heard of Void Linux before Adam sent over the review. Always good to see new distros, but does it bring anything new to the table? I'll let you read the article and find out. Oh, and Richard continues his Everyday Ubuntu series with a look at making diagrams.

I take full responsibility this month for any goofs. Even though our amazing proof-readers read through most of the articles, I was offline for a couple of weeks so I've had to rush this PDF to get it out on time.

Don't forget: if you're looking for some help, advice, or just a chit chat: remember, we have a Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/24ec1oMFO1ZjZDc0. I hope to see you there. Come and say hello.

Anyway, all the best, and stay safe! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue184/edito_edito.txt · Dernière modification : 2022/08/28 15:09 de auntiee