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Even though the 3rd Humble Bundle has now been released, a review of Revenge of the Titans from the previous bundle is long overdue. This Tower Defence RTS indie title was released a few weeks ago. I've waited until its release to review the game. Revenge of the Titans (RotT) is a Sci-Fi Strategy game which mimics the tower defence style games. If you are unfamiliar with tower defence, the aim is to block advancing armies from moving across the map, usually along a set path, and the player is required to build defence towers to stop the advancing forces. RotT is similar in this way, but the enemy will move in any direction across the map, so towers may have to be placed all over the map.

En dépit de la sortie actuelle du 3ème Humble Bundle, une critique de Revenge of the Titans qui fait partie du groupe précédent aurait dû être faite depuis longtemps. Ce titre indépendant en RTS (Real Time Stratégy ou stratégie en temps réel) du type Tower Defence est sorti il y a quelques semaines. J'ai attendu sa sortie pour faire une critique du jeu.

Revenge of the Titans (RotT) est un jeu sci-fi de stratégie qui imite le style des jeux dits « tower defence ». Si vous ne connaissez pas les jeux de « tower defense », leur objectif est d'empêcher des armées qui avancent de bouger sur la carte, la plus part du temps selon un chemin défini, et le joueur doit construire des tours de défense (defence towers) pour bloquer les forces armées qui avancent. RotT est similaire, sauf que l'ennemi peut bouger dans tous les sens sur la carte

The Story surrounding RotT is about an alien invasion against Earth. Later you will be pushing the Titans back to their homeworld. There is no in-depth story to RotT, but it has never required it. It's just a great arcade strategy game with an aim to the campaign.

The main bulk of the content is the campaign, which is huge. It consists of 50 missions, which require you to defend your base on each map across all 5 planets you visit. The campaign is highly enjoyable, with plenty of variation in the maps and the Titans you will be fighting. The campaign eases you nicely into how RotT works and plays, but the difficulty will rack up quickly. There is plenty of replay-ability with the campaign with achievements to be earned and new high scores to gain. With the campaign exhausted there is an 'Endless Mode' and 'Survival Mode' where you have to defend from hordes of titans for as long as possible. A nice bonus is the online leaderboard, displaying the best times across the world.

The gameplay is rather simple and easy to pick up; essentially you place towers in the path of oncoming enemies and wait for them to come in range. Each mission is roughly the same, across the campiagn and other game modes. Though, RotT differs from typical tower defence games, since it has a tech-tree system and some resource gathering is involved. There are crystals dotted around the map, which have to be refined to give you currency to purchase towers. Some titans will also drop currency and other power-ups to aid you in your battle. The tech-tree system has been seen before in my RTSs such as C&C, although it's a new concept for tower defence. The tech-tree is split into two parts, the research side and defence. Research is required to be able to purchase better defences, and there are plenty of upgrades to obtain from either side. It's a nice system which works well, and you may find yourself carefully managing your money and replaying missions to unlock new weapons. The power-ups which can be purchased, or picked up in a battle, can be very useful to you, varying from huge explosions wiping a large group of titans to slowing them down. The controls are intuitive and the interface is very streamlined.

The graphics are very retro, but are very clean and crisp. There are some nice visual effects and the whole game generally has a nice look to it. The sound is excellent from the soundtrack, and sound effects in the game are all top quality. I am disappointed by the lack of graphic options to allow it to be scaled down and up for certain systems. Even though it's a 2D game with no demanding graphics, it's not an ideal netbook game.

Revenge of the Titans is an excellent RTS title, and the best game of the 2nd Humble Indie Bundle. It takes the exhausted tower defence style games in a direction which works very well, with a much welcomed tech-tree system, and more flexibility with tower placement. A huge campiagn, achievements, and further game modes, give the game plenty of longevity and replay-ability. In my opinion, it is currently one of the best titles on Linux.

If you missed out on the Humble Bundle, a demo is available, and RotT can be purchased for £20 from Puppy Games (http://www.puppygames.net/revenge-of-the-titans/)

Score: 9/10

Good: Unique Gameplay Lengthy Campaign Great “Retro” Look Achievements!

Bad: Campaign becomes difficult quickly Lack of Graphic Options

issue49/jeux.1307793573.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2011/06/11 13:59 de auntiee