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Last time, we joined two clips with a dissolve (or fading) transition. This time, we’ll look at effects. Transitions allow you to go from one clip to another; an effect is done on a particular clip to alter its appearance.

Add a clip to a project, then right click on it and have a look at the effects available in the ‘Add Effect’ menu.

Effects are grouped according to the desired effect. If I choose Add Effect > Fun > Old Film and Add Effect > Fun > Scratchlines, the names of the effects applied are shown on the preview, and (in this case) my video will jump and have imperfections as you’d expect in an old film.

To remove effects, you simply click the X above the effect in the effect properties box beside the list of clips.

This is the same place you can edit the effect properties to your liking.

Effects aren’t just for fun, though. Applying Add Effect > Enhancement > Denoiser (or Sharpen) allows you to enhance the look of your clip. The Add Effect > Colour Correction effects will allow you to fix the brightness, contrast and colors within your clip.

Although it may seem that I haven’t shown much in these two parts, it’s up to you to experiment with overlapping clips and trying out the different transitions available. Same with effects. Try them out, one at a time, to see how they change your clip(s), and in no time you’ll have amazing looking clips merging into one another.

Before finishing out this part, I’d like to show you how to quickly trim a clip. Let’s say you have your perfect scene, but before the main scene, it shows (let’s say) you putting the camera down, and then, at the end, it shows you picking the camera up again. Ideally you want to remove the intro and ending from that clip to leave only the steady perfect shot. What you can do is drag the entire clip into the video timeline, then play/scrub through the video until you find where you want the clip to start. Stop there. Now, if you hover your pointer of the start of the clip you’ll see a green glowing arrow appear. Drag that over to where you want your start to be. You’ve now trimmed the junk from the start.

Now do the same at the end. Voila! The perfect clip.

Here’s a nice tip, and something for you to play around with until next time. Many video shots are handheld and quite shaky. Right click on a clip (in your top left window), and choose Stabilize > Videostab. It can take some time to complete (a little progress bar will appear over the clip thumbnail), so do it only on short clips for now.

If there’s anything you’d like to see covered in this series, please drop me an email at: ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org.

Next month, we’ll add some titles to our video.

issue65/kdenlive.1349558329.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2012/10/06 23:18 de andre_domenech