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Call me pernickety, but when I use ls, I prefer my files listed vertically not horizontally. Most of the time anyway. ls -1 lists vertically, one file or folder per line. (I’m salivating as I write.); but I don’t want to write ls -1 each time. So what can I do? Use the alias function. It's very simple, and also on the LPIC 1 Exam 101 syllabus.* alias forms new commands or modifies existing commands, the latter relevant here. But first: which aliases (aliai?) already exist?

rpwitt@rpwitt-laptop:~/Documents/programming$ alias … alias l='ls -CF' alias la='ls -A' alias ll='ls -alF' alias ls='ls –color=auto'

In my case (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS), ls comes preset with the alias 'ls –color=auto', which, as far as I know, assigns different texts colours to directories, files, symlinks and the like. Hence, it was all the more pertinent for me to check the existing aliases before making any changes. Assigning a new alias would overwrite this existing one, losing my colour coded files and folders, and most probably throwing me into some deep funk for the weekend.

To have one file or folder per line yet keep the colour coding:

(N.B. Although not always necessary, it’s good practice to set your alias commands inside apostrophes)

alias ls='ls -1 –color=auto'

Execute the command.

rpwitt@rpwitt-laptop:~/Documents/programming$ ls c_programming.pdf lfs.pdf LinuxAdm.pdf linux_nutshell.pdf lpic.pdf nand2tetris prog_interface.pdf shell_scripting.pdf

And there she blows.

But wait! It's not enough. I want to have my nand2tetris folder (very cool little learning project) at the top of that list. In fact, I always want my folders listed first. A quick consultation under ls –help informs me that ls –group-directories-first will get the job done. I can have all I would have hoped (and still do ever hope) for. If only I wouldn’t have to type that pesky addendum to each ls command: –group-directories-first. alias saves the day again.

alias ls='ls -1 –color=auto –group-directories-first'

rpwitt@rpwitt-laptop:~/Documents/programming$ ls nand2tetris c_programming.pdf lfs.pdf …

It's a beautiful sight.

*The alias command is a part of LPIC learning statement 1.105.1, Customize and use the shell environment. (weight: 4)

issue72/certifie_linux.1368015482.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2013/05/08 14:18 de andre_domenech