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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

In the letters section of Full Circle #96, fellow reader Tiago wrote in to say that TexStudio is an excellent LaTeX text editor. I agree; I also use TexStudio and it will be the LaTeX editor of choice for this month's installment. Gummi and LaTeXzila should not be left out either, and the choice of software may come down to what is the best tool for the job, or for you. Gummi may be the best writing tool for an essay or a quick document that will not require special formatting.

Thank you Tiago for your letter.

The LaTeXzila project is looking for funding to create a real time file viewer and other improvements, see https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/LaTeXila/donate for more information.

An item to add to your documentation library is a LaTeX cheat sheet. Cheat sheets have many of the commands that you would use. There are standard cheat sheets: http://www.stdout.org/~winston/latex/latexsheet.pdf as well as specialised ones like this for math symbols: http://estudijas.lu.lv/pluginfile.php/14809/mod_page/content/12/instrukcijas/matematika_moodle/LaTeX_Symbols.pdf. A Google search will undoubtedly uncover more.

A cheat sheet is handy to have with a basic text editor or an app like Gummi. However, one of the features of TexStudio (and why Tiago and I like it so much) is that TexStudio has a built-in cheat sheet that can automatically fill in the commands as you type them, or, with a click of the mouse, show you a drop-down menu of commands and command categories.

The menu can be incredibly useful, as they organize the commands by category and in a natural language. If you know the command, you can still start typing it, and TexStudio will fill in as you type. How many commands you memorize will depend on how often you create documents in LaTeX, but LaTeX is so powerful, you will get help from the menus in TexStudio sooner or later. Not everything is there; for instance drawing a double line is a topic that you will have to search in Google in order to do it.

The Quick Start dialog is found under the Wizards dialog for creating the preamble of your document. The menus in TexStudio are extensive and help our workflow when our memory fails us.

Make Your Own Business Cards

I often say that “mountains I can move today, little molehills can take forever”. I just never get around to making business cards for myself, and the fact that I would not hand out 500 cards in a hundred years has not helped the project at all. At a conference I attended last week, I discovered that I needed business cards, and since my hotel had a public access printer, I decided to make some on my laptop using LaTeX.

Find a Template

There is no point in reinventing the wheel, many word processing packages provide templates, and the LaTeX community has provided many as well. A Google search on “Latex business cards” pointed to a number of templates. I downloaded three of them and found that there are many different approaches to creating business cards. What is common is that they all have a section that places the data fields in your card, and a section where you may enter the information for your card.

A plain business card template that I found has this personal data section:

DEFINE USER SPECIFIC MACROS BELOW % \def\Who {} \def\What {} \def\Where {} \def\Address {} \def\CityZip {} \def\Email {} \def\TEL {} \def\FAX {} \urldef{\WEB}\url{}

Within the brackets above you will insert your data, save and then compile; the file places the data on the card.

However, using three different editors, and different files, I discovered that, with business cards, another common “feature” is that, after you save and compile, the cards do not appear in the editor's PDF viewer. To see the results of your work you will have to open the PDF file with your computer's PDF viewer.

Try different files, and modify them to make your own unique card.


While searching for templates you may find yourself landing on a site called ShareLaTeX. This site is worth investigating as it provides you with an environment to create LaTeX documents online (or in the cloud). You will be able to store your documents on their servers and edit them from anywhere using their on-line editor. Single user accounts are free, if you want to collaborate with others there is a charge. It is the collaboration feature that would attract many universities to using the service. It would also be hard for students to lose homework!! Another advantage to any school is with everyone using the same tools on-line, the ability to support LaTeX is easier and they can do it on all computer platforms because the service is web based. However, if everyone created documents using TexStudio it would be easier to support LaTeX as well.

Take a look at ShareLaTeX if not to just view the templates; you do not have to avail of their service to use the templates as you can download them to your computer.

Until next time, enjoy exploring LaTeX.

issue97/latex.1433413028.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/06/04 12:17 de d52fr