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issue102:arduino [2015/11/01 18:58] – créée auntieeissue102:arduino [2015/11/04 21:55] (Version actuelle) erlevo
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-Last month I showed you the first monthly subscription box from TronClub.com. Since I haven’t done much tinkering with Arduino lately, I thought I’d show you this month’s TronClub contents.+**Last month I showed you the first monthly subscription box from TronClub.com. Since I haven’t done much tinkering with Arduino lately, I thought I’d show you this month’s TronClub contents.
 There seems to have been a bit of a print error in this month’s book that I have. Some of the circuit names, on the right side of the page, are a bit smudged, but that’s about all I can fault the book on. There seems to have been a bit of a print error in this month’s book that I have. Some of the circuit names, on the right side of the page, are a bit smudged, but that’s about all I can fault the book on.
-Inside the book are several loose pages, but that’s a good thing. How? Because they are corrections to this month’s circuits, and also a correction for one circuit in last month’s box. It’s good that they’re providing these as it means you can tape/glue the correction over the wrong diagram and keep the books for later reference. Thankfully, the circuit I stopped at last month is the one that’s corrected this month. So now I can continue from Box 1 circuit 12.+Inside the book are several loose pages, but that’s a good thing. How? Because they are corrections to this month’s circuits, and also a correction for one circuit in last month’s box. It’s good that they’re providing these as it means you can tape/glue the correction over the wrong diagram and keep the books for later reference. Thankfully, the circuit I stopped at last month is the one that’s corrected this month. So now I can continue from Box 1 circuit 12.**
-The box contents this month include the inevitable breadboard and some wires, but also a battery holder (batteries included!), some more components (IC’s, buzzer, microphone, more LEDs, etc), and even a dinky little servo motor.+Le mois dernier, je vous ai montré la première boîte de l'abonnement mensuel à TronClub.com. Comme dernièrement je n'ai pas beaucoup bricolé avec Arduino, j'ai pensé que je vous montrerais le contenu du TronClub de ce mois-ci. 
 +Il semble qu'il y ait eu un petit problème d'impression dans le manuel que j'ai reçu ce mois-ci. L'encre de certains noms de circuits, sur le côté droit de la page, a un peu bavé, mais c'est tout ce que j'ai à lui reprocher. 
 +Dans la brochure, il y a plusieurs feuilles volantes, mais tant mieux. Pourquoi ? Parce que ce sont les corrections des circuits de ce mois, ainsi que la correction d'un circuit du mois dernier. C'est bien qu'elles soient fournies, car il est possible ainsi de les coller/scotcher sur le diagramme erroné et de conserver le manuel pour un usage ultérieur. Quelle chance ! Le mois dernier, je me suis arrêté au circuit qui est corrigé ce mois-ci. Ainsi, je peux continuer la boîte 1 à partir du circuit 12. 
 +**The box contents this month include the inevitable breadboard and some wires, but also a battery holder (batteries included!), some more components (IC’s, buzzer, microphone, more LEDs, etc), and even a dinky little servo motor.
 Speaking of dinky, my favourite part of this month’s box is that it includes, quite possibly, the cutest little screwdriver ever! Speaking of dinky, my favourite part of this month’s box is that it includes, quite possibly, the cutest little screwdriver ever!
-To the workbench!+To the workbench!** 
 +Ce mois-ci, le contenu de la boîte comprend l'inévitable plaque d'essai et quelques fils, mais aussi un support de piles (avec les piles !), quelques composants supplémentaires (circuits intégrés, vibreur, microphone, quelques LED...) et même un petit servomoteur. 
 +A propos de petit, la pièce que je préfère de la boîte, cette fois-ci, est un tournevis, peut-être le plus petit et le plus mignon qui ait jamais existé. 
 +À vos établis 
issue102/arduino.1446400685.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/11/01 18:58 de auntiee