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issue102:boucle_locale_linux [2015/11/01 19:08] – créée auntieeissue102:boucle_locale_linux [2015/11/08 21:30] (Version actuelle) d52fr
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-Unix was developed by AT&T during the 1970’s. Let's take a quick look at how AT&T started its research lab, Bell Lab. This lab fostered the growth of: radio astronomy, the transistor, the laser, information theory, the Unix OS, and the C/C++ programming language. Employees of this lab won eight Nobel Prizes for their discoveries.+**Unix was developed by AT&T during the 1970’s. Let's take a quick look at how AT&T started its research lab, Bell Lab. This lab fostered the growth of: radio astronomy, the transistor, the laser, information theory, the Unix OS, and the C/C++ programming language. Employees of this lab won eight Nobel Prizes for their discoveries.**
-Three years after Alexander Graham Bell’s death, AT&created the Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1925It is referred to as the “Idea Factory.” Over 4000 engineers and scientists from varying departments were assigned to new building in Murray HillNew Jersey.This building was named the Bell Lab.+Unix a été développé par AT&dans les années soixante-dixVoyons un peu comment AT&lancé son laboratoire de recherche : les Bell Labs. Ces laboratoires ont accompagné les premier pas de la radio-astronomie, du transistor, du laser, de la théorie d'informationdu système d'exploitation Unix et des langages de programmation C et C++Ses employés ont obtenu huit prix Nobel pour leurs découvertes.
-The Bell Lab core rose out of Volta Laboratory and Bureau. Volta was founded by Alexander Graham Bell. Volta Lab focused on the development of sound transmission for AT&T. Bell wanted to improve the quality of life for deaf individualstoo, from the research Volta Lab generatedVolta laid the early ground work for Bell Lab.+**Three years after Alexander Graham Bell’s death, AT&created the Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1925It is referred to as the “Idea Factory.” Over 4000 engineers and scientists from varying departments were assigned to a new building in Murray HillNew Jersey.This building was named the Bell Lab.**
-Bell Labs was founded and co-owned by Western Electric and AT&T. These two companies created Bell Labs to focus solely on researching technology and equipment for the Bell Telephone Operating SystemThey created telephones, telephone switches, and other transmission equipment.+En 1925, trois ans après la mort d'Alexander Graham BellAT&créa les Bell Telephone LaboratoriesOn en parle alors comme d'une « usine à idées ». Plus de quatre mille ingénieurs et scientifiques provenant de divers départements furent installés dans un nouveau bâtiment à Murray Hill : le Bell Lab.
-In the 1920’s Bell Lab demonstrated facsimile transmissions in the United StatesFacsimile transmission was created in Europe earlierThe development of synchronized sound film arose, ending the silent film era. Long-distance television transmission was established by Herbert Ives to Secretary Of Commerce Herbert HooverOne of the first encryption toolsone-time pad cipherwas developed by Gilbert Vernam and Joseph Mauborgne.+**The Bell Lab core rose out of Volta Laboratory and BureauVolta was founded by Alexander Graham BellVolta Lab focused on the development of sound transmission for AT&TBell wanted to improve the quality of life for deaf individualstoofrom the research Volta Lab generated. Volta laid the early ground work for Bell Lab.**
-The 1930’s saw the development of radio astronomy. During World War II, Bell Lab developed SIGSALY that digitally scrambled Allied speech transmissionsAlso, the first photovoltaic cell was developed, which laid the groundwork for solar energyIn 1947, the first transistor was developed, which then started solid-state electronicsAdditionally, Claude Shannon developed information theory, which eventually gave way to modern cryptography using various calculators.+Le noyau dur du Bell Lab provenait du Volta Laboratory and BureauVolta fut fondé par Alexander Graham Bell Ce laboratoire était spécialisé dans l'étude de la transmission des sons pour le compte d'AT&TBell souhaitait aussi utiliser ces recherches pour améliorer la qualité de vie des sourds. Volta avait préparé le terrain pour le travail des Bell Labs.
-During the 1950’s, the Lab developed electronic music created by computers, and improved equipment for the Bell Telephone System. The first transatlantic phonecall between Scotland and Newfoundland was established. Computer network design thrived under Robert Prim and Joe Kruskal through contributions from their mathematical expertise. In 1958the laser was first described in a technical paper by Art Schawlow and Charles Townes.+**Bell Labs was founded and co-owned by Western Electric and AT&T. These two companies created Bell Labs to focus solely on researching technology and equipment for the Bell Telephone Operating System. They created telephones, telephone switches, and other transmission equipment.**
-Next month, Linux Loopback will cover Bell Labs history from the 1960’s to the present. +Ces derniers étaient la propriété de Western Electric et d'AT&T, ses cofondateurs. Ces deux compagnies avaient créé les Bell Labs pour qu'ils se concentrent uniquement sur la recherche de technologies et d'équipements pour le Bell Telephone Operating System. On y a mis au point des téléphones, des commutateurs téléphoniques et d'autres équipements dans le domaine des transmissions. 
 +**In the 1920’s Bell Lab demonstrated facsimile transmissions in the United States. Facsimile transmission was created in Europe earlier. The development of synchronized sound film arose, ending the silent film era. Long-distance television transmission was established by Herbert Ives to Secretary Of Commerce Herbert Hoover. One of the first encryption tools, one-time pad cipher, was developed by Gilbert Vernam and Joseph Mauborgne.** 
 +Dans les années 20, le Bell Lab fit la démonstration d'une transmission de fac-similé aux États-Unis. Cette technologie avait été inventée plus tôt en Europe. La bande son synchronisée fit son apparition, mettant fin à l'ère du cinéma muet. Une transmission télévisuelle à longue distance fut établie par Herbert Ives à destination du secrétaire du commerce, Herbert Hoover. Un des premiers outils de chiffrement, un chiffre à usage unique, a été développé par Gilbert Vernam et Joseph Mauborgne. 
 +**The 1930’s saw the development of radio astronomy. During World War II, Bell Lab developed SIGSALY that digitally scrambled Allied speech transmissions. Also, the first photovoltaic cell was developed, which laid the groundwork for solar energy. In 1947, the first transistor was developed, which then started solid-state electronics. Additionally, Claude Shannon developed information theory, which eventually gave way to modern cryptography using various calculators.** 
 +Les années 30 virent l'émergence de la radio-astronomie. Au cours de la deuxième guerre mondiale, Bell Lab créa SIGSALY, un système de brouillage numérique des communications alliées. La première cellule photo-voltaïque fut mise au point, ouvrant la voie à l'énergie solaire. En 1947 est né le premier transistor, inaugurant l'âge de l'électronique à semi-conducteurs. De plus, Claude Shannon fonda la théorie de l'information, qui donna naissance à la cryptographie moderne en utilisant divers calculateurs. 
 +**During the 1950’s, the Lab developed electronic music created by computers, and improved equipment for the Bell Telephone System. The first transatlantic phonecall between Scotland and Newfoundland was established. Computer network design thrived under Robert Prim and Joe Kruskal through contributions from their mathematical expertise. In 1958, the laser was first described in a technical paper by Art Schawlow and Charles Townes. 
 +Next month, Linux Loopback will cover Bell Labs history from the 1960’s to the present.** 
 +Dans les années 50 arrivèrent la musique électronique générée par ordinateur et des équipements améliorés pour le Bell Telephone System. La première communication téléphonique transatlantique fut établie entre l'Écosse et Terre-Neuve. La conception de réseaux informatiques prospérait grâce aux contributions dues à l'expertise mathématique de Robert Prim et de Joe Kruskal. En 1958, un article technique de Art Schawlow et Charles Townes décrivait pour la première fois le principe du laser. 
 +Le mois prochain, la boucle locale sera consacrée à l'histoire des Bell Labs des années 60 à nos jours.
issue102/boucle_locale_linux.1446401337.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/11/01 19:08 de auntiee