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issue102:securite [2015/11/01 19:07] – créée auntieeissue102:securite [2015/11/13 16:15] (Version actuelle) andre_domenech
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-Let me start with a huge disclaimer. I am not a security expert. I'm a long-time computer user, and, like most people, would like to think that my activities on the Internet are, for the most part, private and secure. But privacy and security are very different from each other. Let’s start with privacy.+**Let me start with a huge disclaimer. I am not a security expert. I'm a long-time computer user, and, like most people, would like to think that my activities on the Internet are, for the most part, private and secure. But privacy and security are very different from each other. Let’s start with privacy.
 Through history, when technology gets involved, privacy on some level is given up for the sake of convenience. As an example, here in the States, early in our history, if you wanted to get a message to someone far away, you sent a letter. Very private, but it took weeks, and sometimes months, to get that message to a person. We didn't have any technology to speed things up. Through history, when technology gets involved, privacy on some level is given up for the sake of convenience. As an example, here in the States, early in our history, if you wanted to get a message to someone far away, you sent a letter. Very private, but it took weeks, and sometimes months, to get that message to a person. We didn't have any technology to speed things up.
Ligne 5: Ligne 5:
 Then along came the telegraph. Now we have technology! We got our message across the lands, but first you had to hand that message to someone who then had to read it and telegraph it on until it reached its destination. Then someone on the other end wrote it down and delivered it. Less private, but much faster. We just took it for granted that all these people were of good character and didn't disclose the content of said message to anyone who would listen. Then along came the telegraph. Now we have technology! We got our message across the lands, but first you had to hand that message to someone who then had to read it and telegraph it on until it reached its destination. Then someone on the other end wrote it down and delivered it. Less private, but much faster. We just took it for granted that all these people were of good character and didn't disclose the content of said message to anyone who would listen.
-Then along came the telephone, but not like today’s phone systems. Those who had phones shared the lines with others in their area. These were known as party lines. One could easily pick up the handset and listen in on others’ conversations. Again, some privacy was given up for the ability to talk to and hear the voice of a loved one far away.+Then along came the telephone, but not like today’s phone systems. Those who had phones shared the lines with others in their area. These were known as party lines. One could easily pick up the handset and listen in on others’ conversations. Again, some privacy was given up for the ability to talk to and hear the voice of a loved one far away.**
-Fortunately, we still have the ability to get a private message to somebody: we mail a letter. Slower, but technology affects only the speed of delivery, not the content of the message.+Je commence avec une déclaration de non-responsabilité. Je ne suis pas expert en sécurité. J'utilise des ordinateurs depuis longtemps et, comme beaucoup de gens, j'aimerais croire que mes activités sur l'Internet sont, pour la plupart, privées et sécurisées. Mais le respect de la vie privée et la sécurité sont deux sujets très différents. Commençons par la vie privée. 
 +Tout au long de l'histoire, quand la technologie est impliquée, une certaine part de la vie privée est perdue par souci de commodité. Par exemple, ici aux États-Unis, au début de notre histoire, quand vous vouliez envoyer un message à une personne éloignée, vous envoyiez une lettre. Très privée, mais il fallait des semaines, parfois des mois, pour qu'elle arrive au destinataire. Nous n'avions aucune technologie pour accélérer les choses. 
 +Puis est arrivé le télégraphe. Là, nous avions une technologie ! Notre message traversait les espaces, mais, d'abord, il fallait le donner à quelqu'un qui devait alors le lire et le télégraphier jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne sa destination. Puis quelqu'un à l'autre bout l'écrivait sur papier et le délivrait. Moins privé, mais beaucoup plus rapide. Nous prenions pour acquis que toutes ces personnes étaient discrètes et ne dévoilaient pas le contenu du dit message à quiconque aurait écouté. 
 +Puis est arrivé le téléphone, mais pas comme les systèmes d'aujourd'hui. Ceux qui avaient des téléphones partageaient les lignes de leur secteur. Elles étaient connues comme les « party lines » [Ndt : les lignes de réunion]. On pouvait prendre le combiné pour écouter facilement les conversations des autres. À nouveau, une part de la vie privée a été abandonnée pour pouvoir parler et entendre la voix de l'être aimé, loin de nous. 
 +**Fortunately, we still have the ability to get a private message to somebody: we mail a letter. Slower, but technology affects only the speed of delivery, not the content of the message.
 In the age of the Internet, we again took it for granted that when we searched the Internet or hit the send button, the email or text message we want to send just magically arrives at its destination in mere seconds, and since it’s an electronic digital message, privacy was always expected. But we were wrong. Not only are others interested in what we say, but also on what we do on the Internet. Here again, technology has reared it ugly head and privacy takes a hit. In the age of the Internet, we again took it for granted that when we searched the Internet or hit the send button, the email or text message we want to send just magically arrives at its destination in mere seconds, and since it’s an electronic digital message, privacy was always expected. But we were wrong. Not only are others interested in what we say, but also on what we do on the Internet. Here again, technology has reared it ugly head and privacy takes a hit.
Ligne 13: Ligne 21:
 Security, on the other hand, are the tools we use to try to make our message, the computer, and our lives, private. If we go back to that letter we sent in olden times, we might have used a wax seal with an imprint of some form to ensure that the recipient of said letter would know that it wasn't opened. Party telephone lines became private lines. Total privacy was never ensured, but we took it for granted that it was. Security, on the other hand, are the tools we use to try to make our message, the computer, and our lives, private. If we go back to that letter we sent in olden times, we might have used a wax seal with an imprint of some form to ensure that the recipient of said letter would know that it wasn't opened. Party telephone lines became private lines. Total privacy was never ensured, but we took it for granted that it was.
-Now, in the Internet age, most of us go about our day taking for granted that others are watching out for us. We trust that our computers are secure because we update them regularly. We install antivirus and anti-malware software, firewalls, passwords, encryption, put locks on our doors and blinds on our windows. These are all just the tools of security to help keep parts of our lives private. Keeping your computer updated helps keep the unwanted at bay, but most security breakdowns are usually caused by the user, not the computer or software.+Now, in the Internet age, most of us go about our day taking for granted that others are watching out for us. We trust that our computers are secure because we update them regularly. We install antivirus and anti-malware software, firewalls, passwords, encryption, put locks on our doors and blinds on our windows. These are all just the tools of security to help keep parts of our lives private. Keeping your computer updated helps keep the unwanted at bay, but most security breakdowns are usually caused by the user, not the computer or software.**
-So where am I going with this... you might ask. As we should all know by now, “almost” everyone and everything on the Internet wants a little piece of our privacy. From search engines to retail sites to the recently released Windows 10, everyone thinks that they know what is best for you and aims to provide it to you with every click of the mouse, wanted or not. My government, and probably yours, has a vested interest in what people are doing on or with the Internet.+Heureusement, nous avons toujours la possibilité d'envoyer un message privé à quelqu'un ; nous envoyons une lettre. C'est plus lent, mais la technologie n'affecte que la vitesse de transmission, pas le contenu du message. 
 +À l’ère de l'Internet, nous croyions de nouveau comme acquis, que, quand nous recherchons sur Internet ou quand nous appuyons sur le bouton Envoyer, le mail ou le texte du message que nous voulions envoyer arrive par magie à destination en une poignée de secondes et que, comme c'était un message numérique, notre vie privée était toujours respectée. Mais nous avions tout faux. Non seulement d'autres s'intéressent à ce que nous disons, mais aussi à ce que nous faisons sur Internet. Ici encore, la technologie a fait son apparition et la vie privée en a pris un coup. 
 +La sécurité, en revanche, est un ensemble d'outils que nous utilisons pour essayer de rendre privés nos messages, notre ordinateur et nos vies. Si nous revenons à la lettre que nous avons envoyée jadis, nous aurions pu utiliser un sceau de cire avec une empreinte de forme particulière pour que le destinataire sache que ladite lettre n'avait pas été ouverte. Les « party lines » sont devenues des lignes privées. Le respect de la vie privée n'était jamais totalement assuré, mais, pour nous, cela allait de soi. 
 +Maintenant, à l'ère de l'Internet, beaucoup d'entre nous vivons notre vie en pensant que d'autres gens nous surveillent. Nous croyons que nos ordinateurs sont sécurisés parce que nous les mettons à jour régulièrement. Nous installons des logiciels anti-virus et anti-maliciels, des pare-feu, des mots de passe, du chiffrage, nous tenons nos portes fermées et nos fenêtres closes. Ce ne sont que des outils de sécurisation pour garder privée une partie de notre vie. En gardant notre ordinateur à jour, nous éloignons l'indésirable, mais la plupart des failles de sécurité sont en général causées par l'utilisateur, pas par l'ordinateur ou les logiciels. 
 +**So where am I going with this... you might ask. As we should all know by now, “almost” everyone and everything on the Internet wants a little piece of our privacy. From search engines to retail sites to the recently released Windows 10, everyone thinks that they know what is best for you and aims to provide it to you with every click of the mouse, wanted or not. My government, and probably yours, has a vested interest in what people are doing on or with the Internet.*
 What we need to ask ourselves is how much privacy are we willing to give up to use the Internet. Some would say we shouldn't have to give up any at all. Others find all this tracking to be a useful service. Is the digital highway all that much different than a real highway? Do you care if someone sees you going to town, or only if they see you going into that establishment that only adults frequent? What we need to ask ourselves is how much privacy are we willing to give up to use the Internet. Some would say we shouldn't have to give up any at all. Others find all this tracking to be a useful service. Is the digital highway all that much different than a real highway? Do you care if someone sees you going to town, or only if they see you going into that establishment that only adults frequent?
Ligne 21: Ligne 37:
 If you are using a laptop with a USB stick loaded up with the Tails operating system, going from Wi-Fi spot to Wi-Fi spot in different towns, then privacy is high on your list. If you never bother with updates, and are signed up to sites like Facebook or Twitter, and have a need to post pictures of that new flat screen TV and Tweeting about going on vacation for a week starting Saturday, then privacy or security isn't a top priority. If you are using a laptop with a USB stick loaded up with the Tails operating system, going from Wi-Fi spot to Wi-Fi spot in different towns, then privacy is high on your list. If you never bother with updates, and are signed up to sites like Facebook or Twitter, and have a need to post pictures of that new flat screen TV and Tweeting about going on vacation for a week starting Saturday, then privacy or security isn't a top priority.
-We all view privacy differently, and conduct our lives based on that view. Do your homework, and ask questions, as you find the right balance of privacy, security and usefulness you want from your computing and phone facilities. Issues with privacy and security will be with us for some time. Don't just take them for granted, no matter how convenient they are.+We all view privacy differently, and conduct our lives based on that view. Do your homework, and ask questions, as you find the right balance of privacy, security and usefulness you want from your computing and phone facilities. Issues with privacy and security will be with us for some time. Don't just take them for granted, no matter how convenient they are.** 
 +Bon, vous devez vous demander où je veux en venir...  Comme nous devrions tous le savoir maintenant, « presque » tous et tout le monde veulent un petit bout de notre vie privée. Des moteurs de recherche aux sites de e-commerce et jusqu'à Windows 10 tout juste sorti, chacun pense savoir ce qui est le mieux pour nous et a pour but de nous le fournir à chaque clic de souris, qu'on le veuille ou non. Mon gouvernement, et probablement le vôtre, ont tout intérêt à savoir ce que font les gens sur ou avec l'Internet. 
 +Nous devons nous demander quelle part de notre vie privée nous acceptons de perdre pour utiliser Internet. Certains diront qu'ils ne veulent rien lâcher. D'autres trouvent que tout ce suivi est un service utile. Est-ce que l'autoroute numérique est très différente de l'autoroute réelle ? Est-ce que ça vous importe si les gens voient que vous allez en ville ou seulement s'ils voient que vous allez dans cet établissement que seuls des adultes fréquentent ? 
 +Si vous utilisez un portable avec une clé USB chargée avec le système d'exploitation Tails, allant d'un spot WiFi à un autre dans différentes villes, alors votre niveau de sécurité est primordial. Si vous ne vous souciez jamais des mises à jour, si vous êtes abonné aux sites comme Facebook ou Twitter, et si vous avez besoin de poster des photos de votre nouveau téléviseur à écran plat et si vous tweetez que vous partez en vacances pour une semaine à partir de samedi, alors votre vie privée ou votre sécurité ne sont pas vos priorités principales. 
 +Nous voyons tous le respect de notre vie privée de manière différente, et nous gérons nos vies en fonction de cette vision. Faites des recherches et posez des questions, en essayant de trouver le bon équilibre entre le respect de la vie privée, la sécurité et l'utilité que vous attendez de vos équipements informatique et téléphonique. Nous subirons des problèmes de respect de la vie privée ou de sécurité pendant un bon bout de temps. Ne les considérez pas comme acquis, aussi pratique que ce soit.
issue102/securite.1446401224.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/11/01 19:07 de auntiee