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issue90:jeux_ubuntu1 [2015/01/02 15:46] – créée andre_domenechissue90:jeux_ubuntu1 [2015/02/15 23:14] (Version actuelle) d52fr
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-Have you ever been to prison? Have you ever wondered what it's like to work at a prison? Better yet, have you ever had the oddball desire of building your own prison? Regardless, you may want to check out the video game Prison Architect. +===== 1 ===== 
 +**Have you ever been to prison? Have you ever wondered what it's like to work at a prison? Better yet, have you ever had the oddball desire of building your own prison? Regardless, you may want to check out the video game Prison Architect. 
 Prison Architect is a Construction and Management Simulation (CMS) video game released by Introversion Software, and is available for Linux, Windows & Mac OSX. As of September 25th 2014, the video game Prison Architect is on its 25th Alpha release, although its initial Alpha release was exactly two years earlier in September 25th 2012. It is currently available through the Introversion Store and through Steam as a Steam Early Access game. According to Introversion Software, Prison Architect is expected to stay Alpha for a long, long time. Here's what the developers had to say, as quoted on the Steam Store page: “Prison Architect is currently in Alpha, which means we haven't finished it yet - it's full of bugs and glitches, and you're not going to get a polished experience if you buy it at the moment. What you will get is early access to a bullfrog-style Prison Management Sim (Simulation) that over 250,000 gamers have already thought is worth a look at.” Prison Architect is a Construction and Management Simulation (CMS) video game released by Introversion Software, and is available for Linux, Windows & Mac OSX. As of September 25th 2014, the video game Prison Architect is on its 25th Alpha release, although its initial Alpha release was exactly two years earlier in September 25th 2012. It is currently available through the Introversion Store and through Steam as a Steam Early Access game. According to Introversion Software, Prison Architect is expected to stay Alpha for a long, long time. Here's what the developers had to say, as quoted on the Steam Store page: “Prison Architect is currently in Alpha, which means we haven't finished it yet - it's full of bugs and glitches, and you're not going to get a polished experience if you buy it at the moment. What you will get is early access to a bullfrog-style Prison Management Sim (Simulation) that over 250,000 gamers have already thought is worth a look at.”
-Prison Architect is definitely worth taking a look at, and that's just what I did this month. I got lucky and found Prison Architect as part of the Humble Indie Bundle at the end of September. I ended up paying a third of the $30 price tag because it was part of the Humble Bundle. Would I pay the full $30 now that I've played it? Most definitely. In fact, I considered paying a little extra to have a prisoner look like me by sending in a picture of myself. Unfortunately, by the time I decided to do it, that option had already sold out. However, according to the Introversion Prison Architect website, it's still possible to pay $50 to “Immortalize yourself, by getting a prisoner named after you, and supplying the info for his rap-sheet. Your prisoner will be in the final version of PA, and everyone will know that *YOU* helped make the game a reality.”+Prison Architect is definitely worth taking a look at, and that's just what I did this month. I got lucky and found Prison Architect as part of the Humble Indie Bundle at the end of September. I ended up paying a third of the $30 price tag because it was part of the Humble Bundle. Would I pay the full $30 now that I've played it? Most definitely. In fact, I considered paying a little extra to have a prisoner look like me by sending in a picture of myself. Unfortunately, by the time I decided to do it, that option had already sold out. However, according to the Introversion Prison Architect website, it's still possible to pay $50 to “Immortalize yourself, by getting a prisoner named after you, and supplying the info for his rap-sheet. Your prisoner will be in the final version of PA, and everyone will know that *YOU* helped make the game a reality.”**
-These are a couple of examples of the added bonuses we get from playing Prison Architect while still an Alpha early-access release. This is not to say that Prison Architect is unplayable and filled with bugs; on the contrary, the game is in fact very smooth and entertaining.+Avez-vous jamais passé du temps en prison ? Vous êtes-vous jamais demandé à quoi ressemble un emploi en prison ? Mieux encore, avez-vous jamais eu le désir bizarre de construire votre propre prison ? Quoi qu’il en soit vous pourriez vouloir regarder le jeu vidéo Prison Architect.   
 +Prison Architect est un jeu vidéo de simulation de construction et de gestion (CMS) publié par Introversion Software, disponible pour Linux, Windows et Mac OS X. Au 25 septembre 2014, le jeu vidéo Prison Architect était à sa 25e version Alpha, bien que la version Alpha initiale soit sortie le 25 septembre 2012, exactement deux années plus tôt. Il est disponible actuellement dans l'Introversion Store et dans Steam, en tant que jeu Steam à accès précoce (Early Access). Selon Introversion Software, Prison Architect devrait rester en Alpha pendant très, très longtemps. Voici ce qu'en disent les développeurs, cités sur la page du Steam Store : //« Actuellement, Prison Architect est en version Alpha, ce qui veut dire qu'il n'est pas encore terminé ; il est bourré de bugs et de problèmes et vous n'aurez pas une expérience finie si vous l'achetez maintenant. Ce que vous allez avoir est l'accès précoce à un jeu de simulation de gestion de prison dans le style Bullfrog, pour lequel déjà plus de 250 000 joueurs ont cru que ça valait le coup de faire un essai. »// 
 +Prison Architect vaut vraiment le coup d'être essayé et c'est exactement cela que j'ai fait ce mois-ci. J'ai été chanceux, ayant trouvé Prison Architect dans le Humble Indie Bundle, fin septembre. J'ai fini par payer un tiers du prix (30 $) parce qu'il faisait partie du Humble Indie Bundle. Est-ce que je serais d'accord pour payer le prix officiel de 30 $ maintenant que j'y ai joué ? Indubitablement. En fait, j'ai envisagé de payer un peu plus pour qu'un prisonnier me ressemble, en envoyant ma photo. Malheureusement, au moment où ma décision fut prise, l'option n'était plus disponible. Cependant, d'après le site Web d'Introversion Prison Architect, vous avez toujours la possibilité de payer 50 $ pour //« vous faire immortaliser, en donnant votre nom à un prisonnier et en fournissant les informations de son casier judiciaire. Votre prisonnier aura sa place dans la version finale de PA et tout le monde saura que *VOUS* avez aidé à la concrétisation du jeu. »// 
 +===== 2 ===== 
 +**These are a couple of examples of the added bonuses we get from playing Prison Architect while still an Alpha early-access release. This is not to say that Prison Architect is unplayable and filled with bugs; on the contrary, the game is in fact very smooth and entertaining.
 So what exactly is Prison Architect? So what exactly is Prison Architect?
-The purpose of the game is to build your own for-profit prison from the ground up. You are in complete control of building your prison, which includes laying down the foundations, putting up walls, doors, windows, connecting the utilities, the toilets, the beds, the shower heads, etc. In short, providing everything a prison might need to be able to run itself. Not only must you build the prison, but you're also expected to micro-manage the prison's economy, its staff, and the prisoners themselves. So, in a way, you act not only as the main architect but also as the warden (who by the way is the first person you hire). You get grants for certain goals which you must accomplish thus enhancing and upgrading your prison while also making a little money. Besides these goals, it's also wise to try and get your prisoners released and rehabilitated enough so as to lower their recidivism rate through the use of programs such as education, workshop training, gardening, drug and alcohol counseling, etc. One thing you definitely don't want is prisoners escaping, getting killed (or killing staff members), having a bankrupt facility, or dealing with a riot (which is very hard to control once it gets going).+The purpose of the game is to build your own for-profit prison from the ground up. You are in complete control of building your prison, which includes laying down the foundations, putting up walls, doors, windows, connecting the utilities, the toilets, the beds, the shower heads, etc. In short, providing everything a prison might need to be able to run itself. Not only must you build the prison, but you're also expected to micro-manage the prison's economy, its staff, and the prisoners themselves. So, in a way, you act not only as the main architect but also as the warden (who by the way is the first person you hire). You get grants for certain goals which you must accomplish thus enhancing and upgrading your prison while also making a little money. Besides these goals, it's also wise to try and get your prisoners released and rehabilitated enough so as to lower their recidivism rate through the use of programs such as education, workshop training, gardening, drug and alcohol counseling, etc. One thing you definitely don't want is prisoners escaping, getting killed (or killing staff members), having a bankrupt facility, or dealing with a riot (which is very hard to control once it gets going).**
-On the Prison Architect bug forum, it is mentioned that (at the time) there are at least 3,000 bugs tracked so far. Personally, I haven't come across any bugs yet in my 40+ hours of play so far. Most of what I thought were bugs were actually not bugs but rather illogical steps I took that once corrected made for a smooth playing experience. For example, after installing a 2nd Power Station for added electricity, my entire grid was constantly going off, causing my prisoners to quickly escalate to full-fledged riot because of a lack of electricity in the entire prison. The solution is simple: if you install a 2nd power station, you need to make sure to have two separate grids, one for each power station. I didn't know this and simply added the 2nd power station – but kept everything connected in a single grid instead of two – which is what was causing my entire prison to short out after a few seconds. All it took to solve the problem was a little re-wiring so I could keep one power grid per power station instead of a single grid for two power stations. I've run into a couple of other similar problems that, once I followed simple logic, the problems went away almost instantly.+Ce sont deux exemples des bonus additionnels que nous avons en jouant à Prison Architect pendant que le jeu est encore en accès précoce, version Alpha. Je ne veux pas dire que Prison Architect est injouable et rempli de bugs ; au contraire, le jeu est en fait très fluide et divertissant. 
 +Alors, de quoi s'agit-il exactement ? 
 +L'objectif du jeu est de construire votre propre prison à but lucratif à partir de zéro. Vous avez le contrôle complet de la construction de la prison : la pose des fondations, les murs, portes, fenêtres, les branchement des services, les WC, les lits les pommeaux de douche, etc. Bref, vous fournissez tout ce dont une prison pourrait avoir besoin pour pouvoir fonctionner toute seule. Vous devez non seulement construire la prison, mais on attend de vous aussi que vous gériez de près l'économie de la prison, son personnel et les prisonniers eux-mêmes. Ainsi, d'une certaine façon, en plus du rôle d'architecte en chef, vous devez remplir celui du directeur de l'établissement (qui, par ailleurs, est la première personne que vous engagez). On vous accorde des subventions pour certains objectifs obligatoires ; ainsi, vous améliorez votre prison et, ce faisant, vous gagnez un peu d'argent. Outre ces objectifs, c'est une bonne idée d'essayer de faire libérer et réhabiliter vos prisonniers pour baisser le taux des récidives, en lançant des programmes tels que l'éducation, la formation en atelier, le jardinage, des services de conseil sur les drogues et l'alcool, etc. Des choses que vous ne voulez point sont : que les prisonniers s'échappent ou s'entretuent (ou tuent des membres du personnel), que votre établissement fasse faillite, ou que vous dussiez gérer une émeute (qui est très difficile à contrôler une fois lancée). 
 +===== 3 ===== 
 +**On the Prison Architect bug forum, it is mentioned that (at the time) there are at least 3,000 bugs tracked so far. Personally, I haven't come across any bugs yet in my 40+ hours of play so far. Most of what I thought were bugs were actually not bugs but rather illogical steps I took that once corrected made for a smooth playing experience. For example, after installing a 2nd Power Station for added electricity, my entire grid was constantly going off, causing my prisoners to quickly escalate to full-fledged riot because of a lack of electricity in the entire prison. The solution is simple: if you install a 2nd power station, you need to make sure to have two separate grids, one for each power station. I didn't know this and simply added the 2nd power station – but kept everything connected in a single grid instead of two – which is what was causing my entire prison to short out after a few seconds. All it took to solve the problem was a little re-wiring so I could keep one power grid per power station instead of a single grid for two power stations. I've run into a couple of other similar problems that, once I followed simple logic, the problems went away almost instantly.
 The game's graphics are nothing to brag about, but, although they seem simple from a distance, when you zoom in then you can see some pretty detailed cartoonish artwork, that can be funny at times, but it's always informative. There doesn't seem to be a soundtrack at all, or, for that matter, any type of background music. The sounds you hear are minimal when looking at the prison from afar, but, much like the graphics, the sound also gets more detailed as you zoom in. For example, when there's a fight going on, you don't really hear anything until you zoom in, then you actually hear the people fighting as well as the other prisoners cheering on. The game's graphics are nothing to brag about, but, although they seem simple from a distance, when you zoom in then you can see some pretty detailed cartoonish artwork, that can be funny at times, but it's always informative. There doesn't seem to be a soundtrack at all, or, for that matter, any type of background music. The sounds you hear are minimal when looking at the prison from afar, but, much like the graphics, the sound also gets more detailed as you zoom in. For example, when there's a fight going on, you don't really hear anything until you zoom in, then you actually hear the people fighting as well as the other prisoners cheering on.
-All in all, the game is very entertaining, and I highly recommend it, as long as you keep in mind that it's still in Alpha stage. The $30 that you spend on the game now will buy you every single update from now on, including the official final release. Who knows, by then there might be a character named after you.+All in all, the game is very entertaining, and I highly recommend it, as long as you keep in mind that it's still in Alpha stage. The $30 that you spend on the game now will buy you every single update from now on, including the official final release. Who knows, by then there might be a character named after you.**
 +Sur le forum des bugs de Prison Architect, il est dit que (à ce moment-là), au moins 3 000 bugs sont suivis jusque-là. Au cours de mes 40+ heures de jeu, jusqu'à présent, je n'en ai rencontré aucun. La plupart des trucs que je pensais être des bugs, ne l'étaient pas, mais plutôt des choses illogiques que j'ai faites qui, une fois corrigées, donnaient une expérience de jeu fluide. Par exemple, après l'installation d'une deuxième centrale électrique pour plus d'électricité, le réseau électrique n'arrêtait pas de s'éteindre. Une émeute monstre est survenu rapidement, à cause du manque d'électricité partout dans la prison. La solution est simple : si vous installez une deuxième centrale, il faut vous assurer d'avoir deux réseaux distincts, un pour chacune des centrales. Je ne le savais pas et j'ai tout simplement ajouté une deuxième centrale - en maintenant la connexion à un seul réseau (au lieu d'en créer un deuxième - et c'est ça la raison des blackouts dans toute la prison après quelques secondes. La solution du problème était simple : un peu de recâblage pour avoir un réseau par centrale au lieu d'un seul réseau pour deux centrales électriques. J'ai rencontré deux ou trois problèmes similaires qui, une fois que je les ai analysés et corrigés de façon logique, ont disparu presque instantanément.
 +Les graphismes du jeu ne sont pas très reluisants, mais, bien qu'ayant l'air simpliste vus de loin, quand vous zoomez, vous pouvez voir des dessins de style bande dessinée qui sont très détaillés et qui sont amusants de temps en temps. En tous cas, ils vous renseignent toujours. Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait de bande son du tout ou, d'ailleurs, de musique de fond de quelque sorte que ce soit. Les sons que vous percevez sont minimes quand vous regardez la prison de loin, mais, de même manière que les graphismes, le son devient plus détaillé quand vous zoomez. Par exemple, lorsqu'une rixe éclate, vous n'entendez presque rien avant de zoomer, et là, vous entendez les gens en train de se battre, aussi bien que les autres prisonniers les encourageant.
-Minimum System Requirements:+Tout compte fait, le jeu est très divertissant et je le recommande vivement, du moment où vous gardez à l'esprit qu'il est encore au stade Alpha. les 30 $ dépensés pour acheter le jeu maintenant vous donnent droit à chaque mise à jour à partir de votre achat, y compris la version finale officielle. Qui sait, à ce moment-là, il pourrait y avoir un personnage qui porte votre nom.  
 +===== 4 ===== 
 +**Minimum System Requirements:
 OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or later OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or later
 Processor: Intel Core2 Duo 2.4Ghz or Higher / AMD 3Ghz or Higher Processor: Intel Core2 Duo 2.4Ghz or Higher / AMD 3Ghz or Higher
Ligne 28: Ligne 51:
 My Gaming Setup My Gaming Setup
-I played Prison Architect with my custom made desktop PC consisting of an AMD FX-6100 3.3GHz CPU, an Asus M5A97-EVO motherboard, a Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 graphics card, 8GB of Kingston Hyper X RAM, and a 1TB Seagate Barracuda hard drive. The software used was Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS with Unity and AMD 14.6 Beta Catalyst proprietary graphics driver.+I played Prison Architect with my custom made desktop PC consisting of an AMD FX-6100 3.3GHz CPU, an Asus M5A97-EVO motherboard, a Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 graphics card, 8GB of Kingston Hyper X RAM, and a 1TB Seagate Barracuda hard drive. The software used was Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS with Unity and AMD 14.6 Beta Catalyst proprietary graphics driver.** 
 +La configuration système minimale requise : 
 +OS : Ubuntu 12.04 ou ultérieur. 
 +Processeur : Intel Core2 Duo 2,4 GHz ou supérieur/AMD 3 GHz ou supérieur. 
 +Mémoire : 4 Go de RAM. 
 +Carte graphique : Nvidia 8600/équivalent Radeon (époque 2009). 
 +Disque dur : 100 Mo d'espace libre. 
 +Ma configuration 
 +J'ai joué à Prison Architect sur mon ordinateur de bureau assemblé sur mesure avec un processeur AMD FX-6100 3,3 GHz, une carte mère Asus M5A97-EVO, une carte graphique Radeon Sapphire HD 5770, 8 Go de RAM Kingston Hyper X et un disque dur Barracuda de Seagate (1 To). Les logiciels utilisés étaient Ubuntu 14.04.1 avec Unity et le pilote graphique propriétaire AMD 14.6 Bêta Catalyst.
issue90/jeux_ubuntu1.1420209998.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/01/02 15:46 de andre_domenech