Welcome to another issue of Full Circle! Have you all finished playing with 12.04 yet? I upgraded my Kubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 a couple of days after the release and, I have to admit, the upgrade was flawless. I had to leave it downloading overnight though, as I assume the servers were being hammered. Top marks to the Kubuntu team. I hope your upgrades went just as well. No LibreOffice this month, Elmer is a bit busy in the real-world. Instead, you have an excellent tutorial on the TOP command. Top is a task manager app which you run from the command line. Robin Catling (he of the missing podcast) has written a four-part article on VirtualBox networking. Rather than run it across four issues, I've crammed it into this one issue. He's already called me 'nuts' (among other names) for running it in one article. We're adding a village and the beanstalk in my GIMP tutorial, and, while it's a bit early in the year, you'll be making a snowman in the Inkscape tutorial. Instead of a software review, we have a book review this month. Have a read through my review, then click the link to get a discount. Exclusive to Full Circle readers! Returning like a blast from the past - which he is - is Nicola Cappellini. Nicola was a proofreader many moons ago, and actually came up with, and wrote, our writers’ guidelines. He has returned with a music column - where he'll suggest Creative Commons songs (next month), sites (this month) and software. All the best, and keep in touch! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org