Sir! Stop the printers! I have photos from the super fight in the city! (71) What happened? (14)

M'sieur ! Arrêtez tout ! J'ai des photos d'une super baston en ville ! (69) Comment ? (9)

The world is mine! (18) It was Lady Death Bug, sir! She was trying again to dominate and enslave mankind! But suddenly he came! (103) Who came? (9) Help! Look, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a penguin flying? (61)

Le monde est mien! (18 – sans espace avant le !) C'était Dame Bugdemort ! Elle essayait encore d'asservir l'humanité ! Mais, soudain, il est arrivé ! (101) Qui est venu ? (8) De l'aide ! Un oiseau, un avion, … un pingouin volant ? (55)

He likes to call himself the Tuxman! (36)

Il aime s'appeler le Tuxman ! (29)

Soon they were facing each other, preparing to battle and calling each other really bad names! (94) Surrender, you tyrant monopolist! (33) Die, you nerdish freedom freak! (31)

Bientôt face à face, se préparant à la lutte, ils s'injuriaient un max ! (72) Abandonne, tyran monopoliste ! (30) Meurs, obsédé de liberté ! (26)

It was a terrible fight, sir! (29) In the end it looked like victory was hers! (43)

Ce fut un combat féroce ! (25) À la fin, elle semblait avoir gagné ! (37)

But I can see he won at the end, right? (39) How did he beat her? (20)

Mais c'est lui qui a gagné, non ? (33) Comment a-t-il fait? (21 sans espace avant le ?)

He didn't have to, sir! Somehow, she simply paralyzed when she was about to use her death ray. (94)

Pas besoin, m'sieu ! Elle s'est paralysée avant de pouvoir utiliser son arme à neutrons. (88)