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Several issues ago we asked you to vote for your most loved/hated releases.


UBUNTU Your most loved Ubuntu release was 14.04 which garnered 76 votes (34%). At a distant 44 votes was 10.04 LTS with 12.04 not far behind with 36 votes. Perhaps surprisingly, 15.04 only got 24 votes.

KUBUNTU Your most loved Kubuntu was also 14.04 (34 votes, 37%) but this time 15.04 was close by with 27 votes (29%). The other releases of Kubuntu were all single figures.


Again, 14.04 wins the day with 48 votes (55%). The 12.04 release was a distant 19 votes, and 15.04 limped in with only 10 votes.


And, again, 14.04 wins. Like Lubuntu it’s a hefty margin. 14.04 got 55 votes (55%), but this time 15.04 came second (21 votes) with 12.04 coming third (12 votes).



Without a doubt, your most hated Ubuntu was 11.04 with 37 votes (22%). Surprisingly a lot of releases around 11.xx and 12.xx were in double figures and averaging 8%. 14.04 (voted the most loved) was second with 18 votes. Both 12.10 and 11.10 got 13 votes, and 10.10 got 12 votes.

KUBUNTU This one is very wide spread. The most hated was a draw between 11.04 and 12.04 both with 9 votes (12%). Every other release was also in single figures, but equal second came 9.10 and 14.04 both with 6 votes (8%). Equal third was 10.10 and 12.10 (5 votes each).

LUBUNTU This one was an open and shut case. 11.10 (the first release of Lubuntu) got 19 votes (35%) with 12.04 (the first Lubuntu LTS) with 10 votes (19%). The others were all single figures. I guess that’s a good thing!


This is another one that was all over the place. The ‘winner’ was a tie with 6.06, 9.10, and 12.04 all with 7 votes (11%). It was a draw for second place between 11.04 and 13.04. Both had 6 votes, 10%. Third place went to 14.04 with 5 votes.

issue100/resultats_de_l_enquete.1440941000.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/08/30 15:23 de auntiee