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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Last month I showed you the first monthly subscription box from TronClub.com. Since I haven’t done much tinkering with Arduino lately, I thought I’d show you this month’s TronClub contents.

There seems to have been a bit of a print error in this month’s book that I have. Some of the circuit names, on the right side of the page, are a bit smudged, but that’s about all I can fault the book on.

Inside the book are several loose pages, but that’s a good thing. How? Because they are corrections to this month’s circuits, and also a correction for one circuit in last month’s box. It’s good that they’re providing these as it means you can tape/glue the correction over the wrong diagram and keep the books for later reference. Thankfully, the circuit I stopped at last month is the one that’s corrected this month. So now I can continue from Box 1 circuit 12.

The box contents this month include the inevitable breadboard and some wires, but also a battery holder (batteries included!), some more components (IC’s, buzzer, microphone, more LEDs, etc), and even a dinky little servo motor.

Speaking of dinky, my favourite part of this month’s box is that it includes, quite possibly, the cutest little screwdriver ever!

To the workbench!

issue102/arduino.1446400685.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/11/01 18:58 de auntiee