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The full list of Ubuntu Phone updates are provided below:


• Improved social media handling – support for ‘Likes’ and ‘Retweets’


• Add search to history view • Improved context menu with options to download links • Http basic auth support


• Support SVG format • Soundcloud webapp now plays in the background

Bug Fixes

• Fix for test.mmrow exploit https://launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+milestone/ww40-2015 • Fixes for the UI freezing (FD leaks) • Does not create crash reports on stable channel by default • Fix the QML cache and restore consistent app startup times • Fixes to use less memory by default in the browser and avoid webapps showing a white screen • Improvements to screen banking, use of proximity sensor

Update on Ubuntu Phone security issue

A security vulnerability has been discovered on the Ubuntu Phone. We take security very seriously, and want to provide clear information as to what happened; and what steps have been taken to rectify the issue and protect against future similar incidents.

At this point, we believe that the core issue has been addressed. An app which exploited the issue has been removed; the 15 people who installed that app have been contacted; and a fix for all Ubuntu Phone users will be released shortly. Users of Ubuntu on the desktop, server, cloud and snappy Ubuntu Core devices are not affected.

Full story at: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/10/15/update-on-ubuntu-phone-security-issue/

Ubuntu, Ubuntu Personal and Ubuntu Phone

UbuCon 2015 revealed that while Ubuntu would remain as Ubuntu as we know it (with .deb files and Unity 7) the current Ubuntu Phone OS will merge with what is now known as Ubuntu Personal (with Snappy and Unity 8). This means that Ubuntu Personal will be the convergence OS that will run on both desktops and phones whereby a phone can be plugged into a display device and be used as a desktop machine would be.

issue102/ubuntu_phones.1446400884.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/11/01 19:01 de auntiee