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Michael Kaulback hosted an Ubuntu launch party on April 21 in Toronto, Canada.

In addition to providing cupcakes and coffee, Michael (who is genii on IRC) proved his chops by helping to install Ubuntu 16.04, Xenial Xerus, on a nasty little X86-based tablet.

About 20 people attended, with a range of interest levels. A couple were merely considering using Ubuntu, while others could delve into the internals.

Almost half the people brought computers, most of which were five to seven years old. Based on this small sample, it seems that any old computer with at least 2 GB of memory can run any member of the 'Buntu family reasonably well.

For more pictures: https://goo.gl/photos/FfUmX1i54Rz2kncL6

issue109/q.etr.ii.1464538117.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2016/05/29 18:08 de auntiee