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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Welcome to another issue of Full Circle.

Again, the usual suspects are here with FreePascal, Inkscape and Python. The third HowTo is on using 'command-line SMTP' (aka: sending email using the command line). Now that's quirky!

Our cover story this month is by Charles (in his Linux Labs column) and is about the not-for-profit project he works with. It refurbishes old computers (with, of course, Linux) and gives them to needy causes. It's an excellent look behind the scenes at the hardware that's donated to the project. Check Charles' column in FCM#111 to see the process they go through in getting the hardware up to snuff for donating. It's a lot more work than you probably imagine it to be!

Gord has an excellent discussion on backups in his Q&A Tips section. Trust me, you don't realise how valuable a backup is until you really need it, and don't have it. There's no excuse in this day and age. Storage is so much cheaper now than it used to be, and there are a multitude of cloud backup services. Both free and paid for. Pick something, automate your backup, check it often, and you won't regret it. Hopefully you never need it!

Unfortunately, I've not heard back from the Wire devs, so I've no interview for you this month I'm afraid. Hopefully next month.

And even though December is often looked upon as being the holiday season (depending upon where you are) there'll still be an FCM at the end of December.

All the best, and keep in touch! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue115/edito.1480406888.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2016/11/29 09:08 de d52fr