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Firefox is perhaps the most popular browser that is shipped with many distros. There are apps and extensions available for productivity, privacy, and other areas, for this Mozilla product. The Chrome Web Store is scheduled for electronic extinction in 2018. I believe Google is attempting to use the Google Play Store as its replacement. Time to look at the Firefox addons.

If you open the menu bar, there is an option titled add-ons. If you click that option, you will be taken to the Add-ons Manager. There is a left sidebar that shows: Get Add-ons, Extensions, Appearance, Plugins, and Services. The Get Add-ons is akin to the Chrome Web Store. Extensions and Services are the installed options on the Browser. Plugins are the behind-the-scenes programs that enable Codecs or Flash. Appearance is the simple browser theme set by the user. At the bottom of the get page you can be directed to the Firefox Add-ons.

There are numerous categories for Mozilla Add-ons. In the past, I required my Chrome Browser to have privacy, word processing, encryption, and cloud telephony. I was pleasantly surprised at the vastness of this page.

For privacy, I use Zenmate VPN, Ghostery, and Privacy Badger. Time to search for these three options in the Privacy and Security Tab for installation. Searching for these items was easy. Installation was simple. When you hover over the listed search items, a green add-to-Firefox becomes enabled on the right. Click that green popup and installation is done. The privacy apps are successfully installed. However Privacy Badger started to bog down the browser. I removed Privacy Badger to improve Firefox responsiveness. On to word processing options!

There are no productivity categories available. So I did a basic search for a word processor. And the results were not impressive, even Zoho Writer was not an option. I could still use Google Docs or the Zoho Website. Even Paper by Dropbox was missing. After a few minutes of haggling I found the Word Document Editor.

Word Document Editor is developed by offidocs.com. This editor is powered by Libreoffice. It is a simple online word processor. The files are stored on a cloud, but can be downloaded locally, or printed off. There is an ad banner above the editor, however it is blocked out by Ghostery.

While poking around this website, it became apparent they enable open source software to be accessible by the Firefox browser. It appears that productivity extensions in Firefox do exist. The Chrome Browser is just a bit more affluent in this area. However, I did not need to register to use any of the available OffiDocs extensions. GIMP and Openshot are available here too. However, some of the extensions are not well implemented by Offidocs. The OpenOffice Extensions felt amateur and unpolished. Offidocs essentially offers many common Linux programs that are utilized by the Linux community at large.

Encryption is a hotly debated area. Searching through the system, I did find numerous encrypted email extensions. Yet there is no extension that allowed for encrypting a single file. I tried using the top 3 encrypted extensions. None of these extensions interacted with my email account and did not populate on the Firefox browser. A simple search for telephone resulted in no cloud telephone extensions. So the encryption and cloud telephony is a bust.

However, despite the bust, Mozilla is attempting to improve the browser. They are launching Firefox Test Pilot. It is simply a beta software testing program for the browser. It is quite easy to sign up. Once you are enrolled you can choose a project to test and then give feedback via a Mozilla Forum.

After reviewing the various extensions, Firefox has a fairly impressive add-on list. However the lack of a reliable encryption email service is a bit of a disservice. It is not Mozilla’s fault for this deficiency. Yet I am sure that with enough research, a robust encryption extension exists. Additionally the extension categories could be reshuffled and improved. Improving this area would help position Firefox against the Chrome Web Store. It is interesting there are no apps for Firefox, only extensions.

issue120/culte_de_chrome.1493463233.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2017/04/29 12:53 de auntiee