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Q I just decided to switch to Ubuntu. I installed Ubuntu 16.04 on my Lenovo T420. Unfortunately the keyboard does not work correctly. Some elements do not appear like @.

A During installation, you can select your keyboard type. After installation: http://www.wikihow.com/Change-Keyboard-Layout-in-Ubuntu

Q Is there a way to send ‘yes’ so I can run autoremove from within a script?

A (Thanks to bonestabone and deadflowr in the Ubuntu forums) Two ways:

yes | sudo -S apt autoremove

sudo apt autoremove -y

Q After a reinstall of minimal xubuntu 16.04 xenial using the xubuntu netinstaller / mini.iso, I can no longer access my huawei p9 as a drive.

A (Thanks to leuname12 in the Ubuntu forums) Edit the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file to allow Huawei:

#Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“12d1”, MODE=“0666”, GROUP=“plugdev”

Q I would love to know if I could install Ubuntu Touch on my tablet. I use a Dell Venue 8 3830, specs: … Intel Atom Processor (Up to 2GHz Dual-Core)

A Ubuntu Touch runs on ARM processors, your tablet has an Intel CPU. So the answer is “no”.

Q Basically, I have to perform an offline scan for about 30 Workstations installed with various OS (Ubuntu, Windows, Red HAT). I have to use McAfee VirusScan Command Line for Linux in a live version of Ubuntu. I did the same some months ago and every time I had to install the antivirus and update the definition….. is very boring.

A See this tutorial about creating a Live USB with persistence: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14912/create-a-persistent-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive/

Q I'm completely new to Ubuntu and I want to wipe a few drives using a bootable USB with Ubuntu. I've looked at several videos and done what I could googling, but the command lines I write in the terminal aren't working.

A To securely wipe a hard drive, most people use DBAN. Make sure the only hard drive which is connected, is the one you want to wipe.

Q I watched a movie on my TV the other day, thru an HDMI cable. Ever since then I have no sound on Firefox, Chrome or VLC.

A (Thanks to lammert-nijhof in the Ubuntu Forums) Install PulseAudio Volume Control:

sudo apt install pavucontrol

That package has two tabs more than the standard installed Sound Settings. Check which audio device your applications are using now, probably most programs try now to use the HDMI device. Start pavucontrol and select the playback tab, Start your application and look, which audio device that application is using in the “playback” tab of pavucontrol. Use the button to select the correct audio device – maybe change from something with “HDMI” to probably something with “built-in stereo”

Top questions at Askubuntu

* Why doesn't Ctrl-C kill the Terminal itself? https://goo.gl/C3iIFF

* Meaning of exit 0, exit 1 and exit 2 in a bash script https://goo.gl/S6CyFC

* Is there a way to use JAVA on Ubuntu after FF stopped NPAPI support? https://goo.gl/5PeO46

* Can I edit hosts without sudo? https://goo.gl/AVYrSZ

* Why does no file manager ask for higher permission if needed? [on hold] https://goo.gl/pe3WCu

* How can I tell if I have permission to run a particular command? https://goo.gl/4SjVuI

* What is the meaning of combined commands `curl` + `apt-key add`? https://goo.gl/RcvB0T

* How can I view history in terminal for specific date? https://goo.gl/CrbqFg

* How to set up localhost to redirect a website https://goo.gl/twvdu8

Tips and Techniques

Unexpected Greatness

When I set up my SSD, I installed an evaluation version of Windows 10, dual booting with Linux Mint 18. When the evaluation copy of Windows expired, I had a partition available to look at new versions of Linux.

As soon as the second beta of Xubuntu 17.04 appeared, I installed it. I was fully aware of the warning about beta software: don't count on it, expect it to break.

I installed all the software I use routinely, and that went smoothly. I rebooted when a new version of the kernel came along.

That was two weeks ago. Everything has just worked, and I have not even considered rebooting. This is the best experience I have ever had with beta software!

issue120/q._et_r.1493464053.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2017/04/29 13:07 de auntiee