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People will say that GNU/Linux can't do everything Windows can do; then, instead of listing those things (IE graphics manipulations, playing games, etc), they will list Skyrim, and Photoshop. That is what PROGRAMS you can run in Windows – not what you can DO on Windows that you can't DO on Linux. You can play games on Windows; you can play games on Linux. You can do graphics manipulation on Windows; you can do graphics manipulation on Linux. You can play music on Windows; you can play music on Linux.

Saying Windows can do things that GNU/Linux can't, and then quoting specific apps, is a poor argument. Every platform or OS has OS-specific programs, programs available for only that OS. I can't run some of the Star Wars apps (available on my wife's iPad) on my Android tablet because they are not available for Android. So I guess, using that logic, I could say “iOS can do things that Windows can't. Windows can't play Star Wars…..(fill in the blank) for IOS”.

When I had an iBook running OS X, it had different, OS X only, APPS, that did the same things as Windows only APPS. Some better, some worse. But they did the same thing. Don't say GNU/Linux can't run Photoshop; say GNU/Linux can't do Graphics manipulation. That's a true argument. But GNU/Linux CAN do graphics manipulation, etc, etc. Just not the same apps – which is true with every platform/OS.

You can either choose an Operating System for the quality of the Operating System, or you can choose it for what programs are available, or you can try to find a balance between the two. For me, GNU/Linux, and specifically Ubuntu, gives me the best performance of any Operating System, and it’s stable and secure. I chose it for its quality, not for what programs were available. Yet there are an incredible set of programs available. It's just that some programs are not the same ones available in Windows.

issue129/mon_opinion.1517054155.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/01/27 12:55 de auntiee