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Steam has done it again. This time, however, it’s no secret that Gabe Newell and the rest of the shot-callers at Valve (Steam’s parent corporation) are true Linux geeks who in their right mind believe the fact that Linux gaming is not only a necessity but also a very real fat-cow, money-maker, avalanche of a monster waiting to be woken up. While it seemed that the dream of Valve bringing gaming to Linux via their Steam Machines & SteamOS were experiments soon to be long-forgotten, Gabe & company were carefully keeping under wraps their best idea yet; enter Steam Play. Valve came out with their announcement of Steam Play on August 21 2018, and such announcement was immediately followed (within a few days) by the official Beta release of Steam Play.

So, what is Steam Play? In a nutshell, Steam Play is basically some sort of in-house emulator that tricks the game and the host OS (in this case Linux) into believing that they are compatible with each other. The most exciting part: with the introduction of Steam Play, Valve has in a way instantaneously made it so that, at least in theory, every Windows game is also playable on Linux. Some games should play really well, others not so well, while others may not play at all. Either way, we’re starting to get a clearer picture of the ambitious plans in Valve’s line-of-sight. It’s beginning to look like a future in which most games are universally available to all operating systems is the direction in which Steam might be headed. It only makes sense from a financial point of view as it opens sales up for a broader audience. At the same time, this gives Valve a sort of insurance policy against Microsoft’s increasingly intrusive tactics regarding gaming.

Steam Play is now giving us a true flood of games which is why I’ve decided to not focus on any single game this time around but rather talk about Steam Play itself. Ahead, we will look at three components of Steam Play. First is a very brief and easy-to-understand explanation of how Steam Play works. Second is a quick way to play games using Steam Play. Last, but perhaps most important, is how to set up your system so that game developers/publishers are aware of the demand from Linux gamers. So, without further ado, let’s get to it.

What is Steam Play?

According to Steam's Official Steam-Play Announcement, the main purpose of Steam Play “is to let Linux Steam users enjoy easy access to a larger back catalog”, and, in addition, they believe that Steam Play “will allow future developers to easily leverage their work from other platforms to target Linux.” So, there are two very important parts to this message. First, Steam Play is immediately making the Linux gaming library grow to what we would have thought might have been ludicrous levels even five years ago. Second, and most important, is the hope that developers/publishers will see the benefit of also targeting Linux and will then do so. So, what has Valve done to make Windows games playable on Linux? The way they explain it, they’ve taken a very close look at WineHQ and have modified it into what they’re calling Proton which is basically Wine but modified with a focus on gaming. Underneath it all, there’s a strong drive towards using Vulkan which is a cross-platform 3D graphics and compute API, which is basically the same thing as OpenGL or Direct3D, etc. The idea here is that by using Vulkan, a developer is not only taking advantage of the benefits offered by Vulkan, but also making sure that such games are easily adapted to any of the mainstream operating systems (iOS, Android, Linux, MacOSX, Windows). For now, however, Steam Play will mostly be using Proton, the modified Wine-emulator.

How to use Steam Play

There are a few good How-To guides on installing/running games through Steam Play, so rather than go into detail here, I’ll give you a brief run-through and I’ll point out some of the crucial steps that will make your life easier and your experience more pleasant. First thing’s first, in order to take advantage of this new feature called Steam Play, you need to make sure that you opt in to the Steam Beta.

• The way to do this is by opening your Steam client, then, on the upper left, go to Steam>Settings which should open up a separate pop-up window. In this smaller pop-up window, ensure you’re under the Account option on the left side. Then, just look for the option to opt into the Steam Beta and check the box. At this point, you’ll have to re-start Steam in order for you to use the Steam Beta.

After you restart, you’re able to play any game that has been officially approved by Valve as a Steam-Play ready game. However, this list is very small at this time (only around 25 titles as of mid-September 2018). So, in order to take full advantage of Steam Play and to try out ANY game (whether it works or not), you’ll need to do the following:

• Once again, on the upper left of the Steam client, go to Steam>Settings, but this time, instead of going to Account, go to the section titled Steam Play. Ensure that the two boxes that say “Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles” AND “Enable Steam Play for All Titles” are both checked. Then, restart Steam one last time to make sure everything is working just right.

That’s all you need. From this point on, just install any game you want and maybe it’ll work, maybe not. https://fosspost.org/tutorials/enable-steam-play-on-linux-to-run-windows-games

So, now what? Are we left alone to figure out which titles are Linux compatible and which aren’t? The answer here is not that simple. In its truest sense, the answer is YES, we are pretty much left alone to figure out which games work well under Linux and which don’t. However, since we belong to the Linux community, there are lots of people/forums/groups already making this task much easier. The best place (for now) to go and find what other people are saying after installing almost any game is a web page that evolved from a Google Docs Spreadsheet in which gamers can submit results from their gaming experience by game: https://spcr.netlify.com/

Also, however, I’m recommending to keep an eye out on any list you can find regarding games that support Vulkan. Unfortunately, Steam’s designated page specifically for this purpose is completely blank, though it actually does exist. But, thankfully, there are other places that do list games with Vulkan support: List of games with Vulkan support

Linux Wishlist

So, for the most important part of all. Let developers know how you feel. Once you’ve done everything I’ve explained above, and you’ve played all of the games you’ve always wanted to play – but would now like for your favorite game publisher to be made aware of the demand for games on linux, what do we do now?

Let’s go back to our beloved Steam client, but this time let’s go to the top right to find your username. Click on your username and then, on the dropdown menu, click on Preferences. Then scroll down to where it says Platform Preferences, and, under Operating Systems, make sure that only Linux is selected. This selection will do a few things. First, you’ll be presented only with games that are authentically compatible for Linux. So, although it may seem counterintuitive, and seem it goes against everything we’ve done up until now, just wait and hear me out. All Windows games that you want to try are still only a search away, they just won’t be featured in your Queue, but you will still be able to browse through these games and install them on your system. The REAL reason we’ve selected only Linux games under our Preferences is so that, according to Valve, “if a user has only one platform filter selected in their Steam store preferences, adding a game to their wishlist will result in it being specially reported to the developer in a new platform-specific breakdown of the wishlist report.”

Hopefully, this also means that non-Linux games that people purchase are also reported to the developer so as to persuade them to look into using Vulkan for future titles.

The future never looked brighter for Linux gaming, but we as consumers need to do our part: browse the Steam catalog, look through the Steam Play compatibility spreadsheets, read forums, and do your part by buying and playing some video-games!










issue137/jeux_ubuntu.1538411576.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/10/01 18:32 de auntiee