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Welcome back to another edition of our questions and answers section. Please do try not to be too vague when asking a question. We endeavour to help, but we cannot read minds. They are out there: Not too long ago, we had a customer fly off the handle and he demanded free internet glue or a new windows package. He was quite irate and not open to discussion. Not knowing what this “internet glue” was, I stopped by the customer's home - on my way home. Somehow, his taskbar got unpinned and was now at the top of his screen. I “glued” his taskbar back in place at the bottom and went home.

Q: Ok, here is my problem: my server is crashing (100% CPU usage), and whenever it does, I use htop to find the culprit. So one thing I noticed is whenever my CPU spikes in the 'Tasks' row, the second column (which is for 'thr') goes to the maximum. So I want to know what does this 'thr' mean? Tasks : 91 , 107 thr, 94 kthr,: 6 running A: Linux loves to shorten things; “thr” is short for threads. “kthr” is short for kernel threads.

Q: Hello, I upgraded my Ubuntu 16.04 server to the 18.04. now my websites are broken. Please help me. A: Hi, Tenmil; this is much too broad with too many variables and no data. I would suggest by starting to uninstall and reinstall whatever the websites depend on, be it Ruby, PHP, or whatever. If you should change versions, be sure that your code is still compatible. Use a systematic approach, don't go updating willy-nilly, look at things like Apache logs before making rash decisions.

Q: I have Wordpress on Ubuntu 16.04. Why is my Wordpress site so slow? What can I do? Is Wordpress bad? A: No, Wordpress is not bad, it has helped hundreds of people to create websites, and created incomes for many people making plugins and themes. Speed in Wordpress is influenced by images, videos, and badly written code. Are your images and videos optimised for web pages? Have you double-checked your Java code? Is caching enabled? Did you follow the KISS principle? If you answered yes to all the above, it may be hardware that needs upgrading.

Q: My DNS is pointing to a new custom Nameserver. Cleared the cache and everything. I can access the server via IP, but not domain. I get the error “cannot establish secure connection” and the DNS starts with ‘https:’. I don't have a ssl certificate installed. A: I would advise you to have a look at this website https://certbot.eff.org/docs/install.html#running-with-docker or here, if it is not in Docker: https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/ubuntuxenial-nginx.html. It is all free of charge. Q: I created a non-root user to give to someone for uploading pictures to the web server, but I can only sftp into my server with the root user. I use a key for logging in with the root, but I have a password set up for the non-root user. When I try that user it just says “access denied” A: Enable password auth in sshd config. Q: I installed VNC on my raspberry pi (raspbian), and the VNC chrome extension in chromium. When I try to connect, I get GLX and GL errors, and inputs and lots of numbers that don't mean anything to me. How to make it work? A: You don't need to install VNC in Raspbian, simply enable it. You can also download the client from realvnc.com, and try that instead of chrome. Chrome extensions may interfere with the Plugin. Make sure Raspbian has VNC enabled (you should see the Icon in the taskbar). Q: After a power failure during update, my system appears to be behaving badly. I've discovered so far that network and logind at least are failing. Apache and MySQL seem fine, just problems with access because networking is down. I have tried rebooting – to no avail. Same problems. I tried starting the network, and it has hung there for many minutes. A: Do an apt-get clean and force a disk check at boot. cd / sudo touch /forcefsck Then, reboot. Q: How do I remove “Welcome to nginx!” from website homepage? A: Another broad question, it usually means you made a configuration mistake along the line. I would suggest you look here: https://vpsfix.com/community/server-administration/welcome-to-nginx-landing-page-issue/ Q: How to connect MYSQL remotely? A: By default, remote access to the MySQL database server is disabled for security reasons. That said, you can follow this tutorial: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-enable-remote-access-to-mysql-database-server.html Q: When I use Filezilla to connect to my Ubuntu 16.04 server via SFTP, it works fine, but not with Forklift. Any ideas? A: The last time I used Forklift was on OSX Leopard. You need to change a few things via terminal on your Mac. Look at: https://binarynights.com/manual#remote_connections. You do not need to change any configuration on Ubuntu server. Q: I got stuck during the update, now have Kernel Panic - Not syncing : VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0). A: You will have to boot into recovery mode and roll back to an earlier kernel. If you don't have one, you will have to reinstall the kernel. Q: When I try to access my website: www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com, I get an error: “ the page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem”. It has been working fine for a whole year, now it does not work? A: Renew your domain. Q: I set up a lab server with mail setup from howtoforge.com. My mail ends up as SPAM in my Gmail account. What can I do? A: Your mails are likely to go to spam when sending to Google or Outlook because your mail server does not have a good enough reputation according to Google/Microsoft. This takes time. Q: What do I need to set up CS:GO server? A: Since you did not give me anything to work with, I am going to point you here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2zkq2q/server_requirements_to_host_a_csgo_server/ Q: I don't have GPARTED installed but I NEED to change a new drive. How to accomplish? A: Hi, I assume you are trying to format or change the partitions of a new drive. Just run the “disks” app in Ubuntu and you can change the partitions. On the command line, your options are: fdisk, cfdisk and parted. Always double-check that you have the correct drive selected! Q: Netbeans wants Java Development Kit -jdk installed. What is the best tutorial for it? A: Open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk There are many tutorials on Java jdk out there, but use the “safe” option from the repositories. Q: There are so many tutorials on Ruby and Rails, what is the best way to install ruby and rails. A: Though I followed an example that I had Googled, Ruby and Rails can simply be installed with apt. apt install ruby apt install rails Q: Unity is freezing after the splash screen on Ubuntu 18.04. A: This was all I could find: https://forum.unity.com/threads/linux-build-crashes-on-ubuntu-18-04-if-return-is-pressed.543692/ Q: I try to install the pylint for python 2.7 in ubuntu 18.04, but it errors badly. A: The short answer is pylint is not for Python 2.7. The support for Python 2.7 will end soon, try to use Python 3. Q: Did you receive my mail? A: Yes, “Dave”, “Joe”, “Sindy”, “Viktor” - but since it was all spam, we deleted them. Now please stop sending “did you get my mail” emails. **

issue137/q._et_r.1539065409.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/10/09 08:10 de d52fr