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Welcome to the latest issue of Full Circle.

No Python again this month, but we still have Freeplane, Inkscape, and Great Cow Basic for you. In place of Python we have an article showing how to create an app with AppImage. AppImage basically means you make your app and it will run on pretty much any distro. Definitely a good thing.

Elsewhere this issue we have Everyday Ubuntu touching on more retro gaming, and the return of Linux Loopback which looks at Linux in ye olden days. As our cover shows, we have part one of a discussion on keeping your data safe in these days of GDPR and heavy fines for breaches.

Throughout this issue you'll no doubt come across a link here and there for DistroWatch.com. This is my thank you to them for now listing the magazine and the news podcast on their site. Every bit of publicity helps. The word on the street is that there are still people out there who've not heard of FCM.

Anyway, enough rambling. Enjoy the issue, and I'll see you next month.

All the best, and keep in touch! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue139/edito.1543677238.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/12/01 16:13 de auntiee