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Welcome to the latest issue of Full Circle.

Welcome to a new year, and a new issue. We have the regular Python, and Inkscape, for you this month. Filling the gaps we dip into Darktable for all you photography types out there, and an interesting look at the trials and tribulations of AuntieE (from the French translation team) fighting to get Ubuntu (the real deal, not Touch) to run on an Honor 5C phone.

Speaking of Ubuntu and Touch, we have another OTA from the UBports team. OTA-7, the first OTA of 2019) was just released and I've pasted their release notes in as a UBports Devices article.

While on the subject of Touch, the maestro himself (Brian Douglass) has updated the Full Circle app for Ubuntu Touch. It looks even sexier than before. With it you can, of course, check for new issues, download issues, and read issues, all within the app itself. Amazing!

Going off the beaten path a bit this month we have an interview with one of the developers of Ubuntu Budgie, and a review of the Ruby First Steps online course. Both from Erik.

I shan't keep you any longer. Enjoy this first issue of 2019, and here's to another year of FCM!

All the best, and keep in touch! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue141/edito.1548509892.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2019/01/26 14:38 de auntiee