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New version of Zulip released: Zulip 2.1 provides the benefits of real-time chat, while also being great at asynchronous communication. Inspired by email and working like slack, Zulip aims to be your all-in-one communication application for teams. Highlights in the new version include: a new public archive tool and a Digital Ocean one click installer. There are new data import tools, new export tools and it has been updated for newer distro versions, while removing support for EOL Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty. https://blog.zulip.org/2019/12/13/zulip-2-1-released/

Sortie d'une nouvelle version de Zulip :

Zulip 2.1 vous donne les avantage du chat en temps réel et elle est géniale pour la communication asynchrone. Inspiré par les mails et fonctionnant comme slack, l'objectif de Zulip est d'être une application de communication tout-en-un pour les équipes. Des points forts de la nouvelle version sont, notamment, un nouvel outil d'archive publique et un installeur en un clic Digital Ocean. Il y a de nouveaux outils d'importation de données, de nouveaux outils d'exportation et elle a été mise à jour pour des versions plus récentes de distributions, tout en enlevant le support de EOL Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty.


Russian police raid the offices ofNginx. Nginx creator Igor Sysoev, who was an employee of Rambler almost 20 years ago, at the time wrote the code for what would become the open-source Nginx web server platform. He claims he wrote the software in his spare time, and thus it belongs to him, though Rambler appears to disagree and has claimed ownership of the code. Apparently the statute of limitations in Russia is 15 years, so no-one is sure what is going on. Igor was arrested along with Maxim Konovalov. They have since been released. The search ruling indicated that Nginx is the intellectual property of Rambler, which was distributed unlawfully as a free product, without the knowledge of Rambler, and as part of a criminal intent. The damage from the publication of Nginx is estimated at 51 million rubles. BTW, Nginx is now owned by F5 networks. You can follow the story as it unfolds on twitter: @AntNesterov https://www.zdnet.com/article/russian-police-raid-nginx-moscow-office/

La police russe font une descente sur les bureaux de Nginx

Le créateur de Nginx, Igor Sysoey, qui était un employé de Rambler il y a presque 20 ans,a écrit à cette époque le code de ce qui deviendrait la plateforme Open Source de serveur Web Nginx. Il prétend qu'il a écrit le logiciel pendant ses loisirs et qu'il lui appartient donc, mais Rambler semble ne pas être d'accord et prétend être propriétaire du code. Puisque, apparemment, le délai de prescription en Russie est de 15 ans, personne n'est sure de ce qui se passe. Igor fut arrêté avec Maxim Konovalov, mais, depuis, ils ont été libérés. L'arrêt de perquisition a indiqué que Nginx est la propriété intellectuelle de Rambler, mais a été distribué illégalement en tant que produit gratuite, sans que Rambler soit au courant et dans le cadre d'un but criminel. Les dommages de cette publication illégale sont estimés à 51 millions de roubles. D'ailleurs F5 networks sont maintenant les propriétaires de Nginx. Vous pouvez suivre le déroulement de l'histoire sur twitter : @AntNesterov


Version 6.1 of Cocoss Reaper is out: A new version of Reaper is out that now supports theming.Reaper has experimental native support for Linux, and the Windows version works well with WINE.It is great that commercial music creation entities are now supporting Linux. Reaper supports lots of plug-in’s and it could become your favourite DAW. The new version comes with a ton of improvements. http://reaper.fm/index.php

La version 6.1 de Cocoss Reaper est sortie :

Une nouvelle version de Reaper prend maintenant en charge les thèmes. Reaper supporte nativement Linux de façon expérimentale et la version Windows fonctionne bien avec WINE. C'est génial que des entités de création musicale commerciales supportent maintenant Linux. Reaper prend en charge beaucoup d'extensions et pourrait devenir votre DAW (Digital audio workstation ou Station audio-numérique) préférée. La nouvelle version est livrée avec une foule d'améliorations.


Nethack 3.6.3 released: If you are into gaming at the terminal, you will be glad to know there is a new version of nethack released. Those that don’t know,NetHack is a single player dungeon exploration game that runs on a wide variety of computer systems, with a variety of graphical and text interfaces all using the same game engine. The aim being exploration, not hacking everything to pieces. Over 190 bug fixes and over 22 game enhancements and community contributions made since the release of 3.6.2 in May this year. https://nethack.org/v363/release.html

Nethack 3.6.3 publié :

Si les jeux sur le terminal vous plaisent, vous serez ravi de savoir qu'une nouvelle version de nethack est sortie. Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, NetHack est un jeu d'exploration de donjon à un joueur qui fonctionne sur une large gamme de systèmes informatiques, avec une variété d'interfaces textes et graphiques qui utilisent tous le même moteur de jeu. L'objectif étant l'exploration, pas de tout détruire en morceaux. Plus de 190 correctifs de bogues et plus de 22 améliorations dans le jeu et des contributions de la communauté ont été faits depuis la sortie de la version 3.6.2 en mai de cette année.


Vim 8.2 is released: Vim 8.2 is a minor release, though a lot of bugs have been fixed and the documentation was updated. There are a few interesting new features and a silly game, featuring the ugliest sheep you have ever seen. It is becoming more like Emacs every day. https://www.vim.org/news/news.php

Vim 8.2 sortie :

La publication de Vim 8.2 est mineure, bien que beaucoup de bogues soient corrigés et la documentation mise à jour. Il y a quelques nouveaux éléments intéressants et un jeu idiot, qui se fait avec des moutons d'une laideur jamais vue. Chaque jour, il ressemble de plus en plus à Emacs.



DX9VK gets a new release: Version 0.40 - Croakacola with bug fixes galore and features like implementation of the ability to use more than 4GB VRAM on 32-bit applications.This helps greatly in modded Skyrim/Oblivion, etc. Performance fixed in Risen and Legend of the Heroes: Trails of the Sky, as well as minor performance tweaks under the hood. https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vk/releases/tag/0.40

DX9VK reçoit une nouvelle version :

C'est la version 0.40 - Croakacola avec une tonne de correctifs de bogues et des fonctions comme l'implémentation de la capacité d'utiliser plus de 4 Go de VRAM sur des applications 32-bit. Cela aide énormément dans les mods Skyrim/Oblivion, etc.

La performance est corrigée dans Risen et Legend of the Heroes: Trails of the Sky, ainsi que des ajustements mineurs à la performance en arrière-plan.


Flowblade 2.4 released: Flowblade has transitioned to Python 3. The editor provides new tools for cropping clips to the accuracy of individual frames, processing them using filters and multi-level image composition for embedding in video. It is possible to arbitrarily determine the order of application of tools and adjust the behaviour of the timeline.Work was done to increase the quality of images and the availability of tools in compositing. https://github.com/jliljebl/flowblade/releases/tag/v2.4

Flowblade 2.4 publié :

Flowblade a fait la transition à Python 3. L'éditeur fournit de nouveaux outils pour le recadrage de clips à une précision d'image individuelle, les traitants avec des filtres et la composition d'image à plusieurs niveaux pour leur incorporation dans la vidéo. La détermination de l'ordre de l'application des outils et l'ajustement du comportement de la ligne chronologique peuvent être aléatoire. Du travail a été fait pour augmenter la qualité des images et la disponibilité d'outils de compositing.


Virtualbox brings us 6.1: Packages are available for Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, Debian, SLES, RHEL in assemblies for the AMD64 architecture), Solaris, macOS, and Windows.The list of changes are as long as my arm, but a lot of work has been done on the display, CPU support, USB and paravirtualization. You can read more on the Oracle virtualbox website as this is a major update. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Changelog-6.1

Virtualbox nous livre la 6.1 :

Des paquets sont disponibles pour Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE Debian SLES, RHEL le tout pour l'achitecture AMD64), Solaris, macOS et Windows. La liste des modifications est aussi longue que mon bras, mais beaucoup de travail a été fait sur l'affichage, le support du CPU, l'USB et la para-virtualisation. Vous pouvez en lire plus sur les site Web de Virtualbox d'Oracle, puisqu'il s'agit d'une mise à jour majeure.


Release of Qt 5.14 Framework and Qt Creator 4.11.0 Development Environment: With QT6 on the horizon, QT 5.14/15 should be the last in this line of the current architecture, with better Wayland support and integration. At the same time , the release of the integrated development environment Qt Creator 4.11.0 , designed to create cross-platform applications using the Qt library, was released. It supports both the development of classic C ++ programs and the use of the QML language, which uses JavaScript to define scripts, and the structure and parameters of interface elements are set by CSS-like blocks. https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-5.14-has-released

Sortie de Qt 5.14 Framework et de l'environnement de développement QtCreator 4.11.0

Avec QT6 à l'horizon QT 5.14/15 devraient être les derniers dans cette gamme d'architecture actuelle, avec un meilleur support et intégration de Wayland. En même temps, la publication de l'environnement de développement intégré QtCreator 4.11.0, conçu pour la création d'applications multi-plateforme avec le bibliothèque Qt a été publié. Il prend en charge le développement de programmes classiques en C ++ et l'utilisation du langage OML, qui se sert de JavaScript pour définir des scripts et la structure et les paramètres des éléments de l'interface sont déterminé par des blocs ressemblant à CSS.


New release of Xine 1.2.10: The latest version of xine-lib 1.2.10, a multi-platform library for playing video and audio files, as well as a set of related plug-ins, has been released. The library can be used in a number of video players, including xine-ui, gxine, kaffeine.It now supports EGL and Wayland as well as Android. New features like multithreading and new decoders for new codecs are included in this release. https://sourceforge.net/projects/xine/

Nouvelle publication de Xine 1.2.10 :

La dernière version de xine-lib, la 1.2.10, une bibliothèque multi-plateforme pour la lecture de fichiers vidéo et audio, ainsi qu'un ensemble d'extensions associées, est sortie. La bibliothèque peut être utilisé dans de nombreux lecteurs de vidéo, y compris xine-ui, gxine et kaffeine. Il prend en charge maintenant EGL et Wayland, ainsi que Android. De nouvelles fonctionnalités comme le multithreading et de nouveaux décodeurs pour de nouveaux codecs sont incluses dans cette version.



Apache SpamAssassin 3.4.3 has been released! Apache SpamAssassin 3.4.3 contains numerous tweaks and bug fixes. There are a number of functional patches, improvements as well as security reasons to upgrade to 3.4.3. In this release, there is also one new plugin and there are bug fixes for two CVEs: 12420 / 11805 of this year. SpamAssassin developers also announced the preparation of the 4.0 branch, which will implement full-fledged embedded processing of UTF-8. On March 1, 2020, the publication of rules with signatures based on the SHA-1 algorithm will also be stopped (in release 3.4.2, the SHA-256 and SHA-512 hash functions replaced the SHA-1). https://spamassassin.apache.org/news.html

Publication de SpamAssassin 3.4.3 d'Apache

SpamAssassin 3.4.3 d'Apache contient de nombreux ajustements et correctifs de bogues. Il y a pas mal de correctifs et améliorations fonctionnelles, ainsi que des raisons de sécurité pour mettre à niveau vers la 3.4.3. Dans cette version, il y a également une nouvelle extension et des correctifs pour deux CVE de 2019 : 12420 et 11805.

Les développeurs de SpamAssassin ont également annoncé la préparation de la branche 4.0, qui implémentera un traitement complet et intégrée de l'UTF-8. Le 1er mars 2020, la publication des règles avec signatures basées sur l'algorithme SHA-1 sera abandonnée (dans la version 3.4.2, les fonctions hash de SHA-256 et SHA-512 ont remplacé le SHA-1).


Codeweavers Crossover 19 released: Most of this version’s code was dedicated to MacOS, as Apple have said they would be dropping 32-bit support. Jeremy White announced: “I am excited that we have released CrossOver 19 and we are providing support for 32 bit Windows applications on an operating system with no 32 bit libraries - our own Christmas Miracle.” For us Linux users, CrossOver 19.0 has better handling of Microsoft Office and other improvements but not as prominent as the Apple macOS improvements. https://www.codeweavers.com/about/blogs/jwhite/2019/12/10/celebrating-the-difficult-the-release-of-crossover-19

Crossover 19 de Codeweavers publié :

La plupart du code de cette version était dédié à MacOS, car Apple a signalé qu'ils abandonnerai le support des 32-bit. Jeremy White a annoncé :

Open CASCADE Technology 7.4.0: Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) is a software product with a twenty-year history, combining a set of libraries and software development tools focused on 3D modeling, especially computer-aided design (CAD) systems. OCCT is primarily the core of geometric modeling. Open CASCADE Technology is the core or an important component of programs such as FreeCAD, KiCAD, Netgen, gmsh, CadQuery, pyOCCT and others. Open CASCADE Technology 7.4.0 includes more than 500 improvements and fixes compared to the previous version 7.3.0, which was released a year and a half ago. All of the shiny new stuff is presented in a PDF document @ https://www.opencascade.com/sites/default/files/documents/release_notes_7.4.0.pdf https://www.opencascade.com/

OpenVSP 3.19.1: OpenVSP is a free parametric CAD system for design and analysis of aircraft geometry (CFD, FEM). The program is developed by NASA Langley Research Center employees and is included in the NASA Software Catalog software list. Most of the changes were aimed at improving cross-platform, accuracy of calculations and stability. The OpenVSP development branch 3.19.x includes three of the most anticipated innovations: VSPAERO 6.0.0 , Generic XSec Editor and auto- generated API documentation using Doxygen. In addition, extensive work was carried out to improve and correct errors. A significant part of this work was carried out by the ESAero team, sponsored by the US Air Force Research Laboratory. In addition to all the changes in the program, Ubuntu users 18.04 can now download the DEB package (thanks to Cibin Joseph for the work done for packaging), and a 64-bit EXE is also provided for Windows users. http://openvsp.org

Exim 4.93 release The release of the Exim 4.93 mail server, was announced. This represents ten months of hard work Exim, that has twice the user base of Postfix, so it is quite popular. Besides fixing bugs and improving stability and performance a bunch of new features were added. (like router variables, ehlo transport event, JSON lookups, and more). https://lists.exim.org/lurker/message/20191208.213349.3407a963.en.html


SuperTux 0.6.1 Release After a year of development, the release of the classic platform game SuperTux 0.6.1 , reminiscent of the style of Super Mario, is available for download . The game is distributed under the GPLv3 license and is available in assemblies for Linux (AppImage), Windows and macOS. Other than Bug fixes and optimizations, there is an improved story mode. In the story mode, the Ghost Forest level has been added. There are 3 new bonus worlds for you to enjoy also. There are also new enemies. Listen to the new music and enjoy the new backgrounds when you play this fun platformer. https://www.supertux.org/news/2019/12/15/0.6.1

QEMU 4.2 emulator release: As an emulator, QEMU allows you to run a program compiled for one hardware platform on a system with a completely different architecture, for example, run an application for ARM on an x86-compatible PC. In virtualization mode in QEMU, the performance of code execution in an isolated environment is close to the native system due to the direct execution of instructions on the CPU and the use of the Xen hypervisor or KVM module. The project was originally created by Fabrice Bellard in order to enable Linux compiled for the x86 platform to run Linux executables on architectures other than x86. Over the years of development, support for full emulation for 14 hardware architectures was added, the number of emulated hardware devices exceeded 400. In the preparation of version 4.2, more than 2200 changes from 198 developers were made. https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2019-12/msg02579.html

Interlink Version 7282: New release based on the Palemoon 28.8.0 release was announced. Massive MailNews Core refresh with over 100 changes including security, stability, and performance. The update is mainly under-the-hood, as most of them are library updates. Included in this update is support for Illumos, the Solaris-like operating system. https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2019-12/msg02579.html

Release of Mesa 19.3.0: The first release of the Mesa 19.3.0 branch has been released - after the final stabilization of the code, a stable version 19.3.1 will be released. Mesa 19.3 provides full support for OpenGL 4.6 for Intel GPUs (i965, iris drivers), support for OpenGL 4.5 for AMD GPUs (r600, radeonsi) and NVIDIA (nvc0), as well as Vulkan 1.1 support for Intel and AMD cards. Changes to support OpenGL 4.6 were also added to the radeonsi driver, but they were not included in the Mesa 19.3 branch. The 19.2 branch will receive it’s last update this year. https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-announce/2019-December/000563.html

Vulnerability in NPM that could modify arbitrary files during package installation: The update of the NPM 6.13.4 package manager, included in the delivery of Node.js and used to distribute modules in JavaScript, eliminated three vulnerabilities ( CVE-2019-16775 , CVE-2019-16776 and CVE-2019-16777 ), which allow to modify or overwrite arbitrary system files when installing a package prepared by an attacker. As a workaround, you can install with the option –ignore-scripts, which prohibits the execution of built-in handler packages. NPM developers analysed the packages available in the repository and did not find traces of using the identified problems to carry out attacks. https://blog.npmjs.org/post/189618601100/binary-planting-with-the-npm-cli


Jonathonf’s PPA’s removed in protest: In a statement on launchpad, he said: “I will be removing most of my PPAs from public access due to continued and persistent abuse by companies using these packages for commercial gain with flagrant disregard to the knowledge and effort required to maintain them.” Now we are not sure if Jonathon is unaware of corporate greed or does not understand GPL v3. The GPL does not prohibit you from charging corporate clients. https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf

Krita Receives Epic MegaGrant: Epic Games donated $ 25,000 to the Krita graphics editor, which is being developed for artists and illustrators. The editor supports multi-layer image processing, provides tools for working with various color models and has a large set of tools for digital painting, sketching and texture formation. The money will be spent on developing the next stable release of Krita. The donation was made as part of the Epic MegaGrants initiative, a $ 100 million grant fund for game developers, content creators and toolkit developers related to the Unreal Engine or open source projects useful to the 3D community. Previous donations include donations to Blender and Lutris. https://krita.org/en/item/krita-receives-epic-megagrant

Gentoo developers are considering preparing binary builds of the Linux kernel: Gentoo developers are discussing the provision of generic Linux kernel packages that do not require manual configuration during assembly and are similar to the kernel packages provided in traditional binary distributions. As an example of the problem that arises when using manual tuning of kernel parameters practiced by Gentoo, there is a lack of a unified set of default options that guarantees operability after updating. The advantages of manual kernel tuning include the ability to fine-tune performance, eliminating unnecessary components during assembly, reducing assembly time and reducing the size of the resulting kernel. https://blogs.gentoo.org/mgorny/2019/12/19/a-distribution-kernel-for-gentoo/

GNUnet 0.12, a framework for building secure P2P networks: Gnunet is designed to build secure, decentralized P2P networks. Networks created using GNUnet do not have a single point of failure and are able to guarantee the inviolability of users' private information, including eliminating possible abuses by special services and administrators with access to network nodes. The release is marked as containing significant protocol changes that violate backward compatibility with versions 0.11.x. GNUnet supports the creation of P2P networks over TCP, UDP, HTTP / HTTPS, Bluetooth and WLAN, and can work in F2F (Friend-to-friend) mode. NAT bypass is supported, ncluding using UPnP and ICMP. A distributed hash table (DHT) is used to address the location of data. Means for deploying mesh networks are also provided. https://gnunet.org/en/

Mozilla will switch from IRC to Matrix and add a second DNS-over-HTTPS provider to Firefox: Mozilla decided to switch to using a decentralized communication service for developers built using the open Matrix platform . It was decided to launch the Matrix server using the Modular.im hosting service. The technical obsolescence of the IRC protocol was noted. We can also note the addition to Firefox of an alternative provider for DNS over HTTPS (DoH, DNS over HTTPS). In addition to the previously proposed default CloudFlare DNS server, NextDNS service will also be included in the settings, which also offers a proxy of the same name for DoH. You can select the provider in the network connection settings. https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/synchronous-messaging-at-mozilla-the-decision/50620


Linux Mint 19.3 released: This is the second update of the Linux Mint 19.x branch, based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and supported until 2023. The distribution is fully compatible with Ubuntu, but differs significantly in the approach to organizing the user interface and the selection of default applications. Linux Mint developers provide a desktop environment that matches the classic canons of organizing the desktop, which is more familiar to users who do not like the GNOME 3 interface. Mate, Cinnamon and XFCE flavours are available for download. https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3834

NetworkManager 1.22.0 released: A new stable interface release has been published to simplify network settings - NetworkManager 1.22 . Plugins for supporting VPN, OpenConnect, PPTP, OpenVPN and OpenSWAN are developed as part of their own development cycles. https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager

issue152/actus.1578321046.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2020/01/06 15:30 de auntiee