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Reiser5 file system available: Reiser5 doesn't implement its own block layer like ZFS etc. In the reiser approach scaling out is performed by file system means, rather than by block layer means. The flow of IO-requests issued against each device is controlled by the user. To add a device to a logical volume with parallel scaling out, you first need to format that device - this is the difference between parallel and non-parallel scaling at first glance. Systems with parallel scaling out provide better scalability and resolve a number of problems inherent to non-parallel ones, like RAID “bottlenecks”. The whole thing is explained in detail in the newsletter. https://marc.info/?l=reiserfs-devel&m=157780043509663&w=2

Système de fichiers Reiser5 disponible

Reiser5 n’implémente pas sa propre couche de bloc comme ZFS, etc. Dans l’approche Resier, la mise à l’échelle se fait avec le système de fichiers, plutôt qu’avec des couches de bloc. Le flux des requêtes Entrée/Sortie vers chaque dispositif est contrôlé par l’utilisateur. Pour ajouter un dispositif à un volume logique avec une mise à l’échelle parallèle, vous devez d’abord formater ce dispositif-là – c’est la différence de base entre la mise à l’échelle parallèle et non-parallèle.

Les systèmes avec une mise à l’échelle parallèle fournissent une meilleure scalabilité et résolvent un nombre de problèmes inhérents aux systèmes non-parallèles, comme les « bouchons » RAID.

Tout est expliqué en détail dans la newsletter.


Bonsai, a device synchronization service for GNOME: Christian Hergert, the author of the integrated environment GNOME Builder, now at Red Hat, introduced his pilot project Bonsai, aimed at solving the problem of: synchronizing contents of several devices that use GNOME. Users can use Bonsai to link several Linux devices on their home network, when they need to access files and application data on all computers, but do not want to transfer their data to third-party cloud services. The project code is written in C and is released under the GPLv3 license. https://blogs.gnome.org/chergert/2020/01/01/introducing-bonsai/

Bonsai, un service de synchronisation de dispositifs pour GNOME

Maintenant chez Red Hat, Christian Hergert, l’auteur de GNOME Builder, un environnement intégré, a présenté son projet pilote Bonsai dont l’objectif est de résoudre le problème de la synchronisation du contenu de plusieurs dispositifs qui utilisent GNOME. Les utilisateurs peuvent se servir de Bonsai pour lier plusieurs dispositifs Linux sur leur réseau domestique, quand ils devront accéder aux fichiers et aux données des applications sur tous les ordinateurs, mais ne veulent pas transférer leurs données à des services de tiers dans le nuage. Le code du projet est écrit en C et est publié sous la licence GPLv3.


GitBucket 4.33 Collaborative Development System Released: GitBucket 4.33 project has been released, a framework for working with the Git repository, which provides an interface in the style of GitHub and Bitbucket. The system is notable for easy installation, the ability to expand functionality through plugins and compatibility with the GitHub API. The code is written in Scala and is licensed under Apache 2.0. MySQL and PostgreSQL can be used as DBMS. https://gitbucket.github.io/gitbucket-news/gitbucket/2019/12/31/gitbucket-4.33.0.html

Le système de développement collaboratif GitBucket 4.33 est publié

Le projet GitBucket 4.33, un framework pour le travail avec les dépôts Git, est publié et fournit une interface dans le style de GitHub et Bitbucket. Le système vaut le coup d’être connu pour la facilité de son installation, sa capacité d’élargir ses fonctionnalités avec des greffons et sa compatibilité avec l’API de GitHub. Le code, écrit en Scala, est sous licence Apache 2.0. MySQL et PostgreSQL peuvent être utilisés comme DBMS (système de gestion de base de données).


Final release of Supertux Cart 1.1: Release SuperTuxKart 1.1,a free racing game with plenty of go-karts, tracks and features. The game code is distributed under the GPLv3 license. Binary assemblies are available for Linux, Android, Windows and macOS. http://blog.supertuxkart.net/2020/01/supertuxkart-11-released.html

Publication finale de Supertux Cart 1.1

SuperTuxKart 1.1 est un jeu de courses gratuit avec une foule de go-karts, de pistes et de fonctionnalités. Le code du jeu est distribué sous licence GPLv3. Des assemblages binaires sont disponibles pour Linux, Android, Windows et macOS. http://blog.supertuxkart.net/2020/01/supertuxkart-11-released.html


Arch Linux moved to zstd for packet compression: Arch Linux developers have announced that they are moving the packaging scheme from the xz algorithm (.pkg.tar.xz) to zstd (.pkg.tar.zst). The reassembly of packages in zstd format led to a total increase in packet size by 0.8%, but sped up unpacking time by 1300%. As a result, switching to zstd will lead to a noticeable increase in package installation speed. Currently, 545 packages are already compressed in the repository using the zstd algorithm, the remaining packages will be transferred to zstd as updates are generated for them. Packages in the .pkg.tar.zst format are collected automatically when using devtools 20191227 and newer releases of this toolkit. For users, the transition to a new format does not require intervention, pacman ( 5.2 ) and libarchive (3.3.3-1, released back in 2018) were already updated last year . For those with a non-updated release of libarchive, the new version can be installed from a separate repository . https://www.archlinux.org/news/now-using-zstandard-instead-of-xz-for-package-compression/

Arch Linux a choisi zstd pour la compression des paquets

Les développeurs d’Arch Linux ont annoncé qu’ils remplacent le schéma d’empaquetage de l’algorithme d’xz (.pkg.tar.xz) par zstd (.pkg.tar.zst). Le réassemblage de paquets en format zstd résulte en une augmentation de la taille du paquet de 0,8 %, mais un temps de dépaquetage 1300 % plus rapide. Ainsi, changer pour zstd augmentera notablement la vitesse d’installation d’un paquet. Actuellement 545 paquets comprimés par l’algorithme zstd figurent déjà dans le dépôt et les paquets restants seront transféré à zstd au fur et à mesure que leurs mises à jour sont générées.

Les paquets en format .pkg.tar.zst sont collectés automatiquement lors de l’utilisation de devtools 20191227 et ultérieurs. La transition au nouveau format ne nécessite pas l'intervention des utilisateurs, car pacman 5.2 et libarchive (3.3.3-1, sortie en 2018) ont été mis à jour l’année dernière. Ceux qui ont une version de libarchive qui n’est pas à jour peuvent installer une nouvelle version à partir d’un dépôt distinct.


Portable release of CWM 6.6 window manager: A portable verion, 6.6 of the CWM window manager, developed as part of the OpenBSD project, was released . This window manager is based on the evilwm code , but uses modern X11 protocol interfaces, and, traditionally for OpenBSD, it has been developed with special attention to security issues. The portable release, in addition to OpenBSD, supports the operating systems FreeBSD, NetBSD, macOS (version 10.9 and higher), as well as operating systems based on the Linux kernel. https://github.com/leahneukirchen/cwm

Sortie d’une version portable du gestionnaire de fenêtres CWM 6.6

Une version portable, la 6.6, du gestionnaire de fenêtres CWM, développée dans le cadre du projet OpenBSD, a été publiée. Ce gestionnaire de fenêtres est basé sur le code d’evilwm, mais se sert des interfaces du protocole moderne X11 ; de plus, comme c’est la tradition pour OpenBSD, il est développé avec une attention particulière aux problèmes de sécurité. Outre OpenBSD, la version portable prend en charge les systèmes d’exploitation FreeBSD, NetBSD, macOS (version 10.9 et supérieures), ainsi que les systèmes d’exploitation basés sur le noyau Linux.


Smartmontools 7.1: A new version of the smartmontools 7.1 package has been released, containing smartctl and smartd applications for monitoring and controlling (S)ATA, SCSI / SAS and NVMe drives that support SMART technology. It works on Linux, FreeBSD, Darwin (macOS), Windows, QNX, OS / 2, Solaris, NetBSD, and OpenBSD. https://www.smartmontools.org

Smartmontools 7.1

Une nouvelle version du paquet smartmontools 7.1 est publiée. Elle contient les applications smartctl et smartd pour la surveillance et le contrôle des disques (S)ATA, SCSI/SAS et NVMe qui supportent la technologie SMART. Elle fonctionne sur Linux, FreeBSD, Darwin (macOS), Windows, QNX, OS/2, Solaris, NetBSD et OpenBSD.


Fedora 32 intends to enable earlyoom: A plan has been published to include the default earlyoom background process in Fedora 32 to respond early to a lack of memory on the system. If the amount of available memory is less than the specified value, then earlyoom through sending SIGTERM (free memory less than 10%) or SIGKILL (<5%) forcibly (terminates the process that consumes the most memory (having the highest value / proc / * / oom_score), without bringing the state of the system to clearing the system buffers, Earlyoom will allow you to respond more quickly to a lack of memory without having to call the OOM (Out Of Memory) handler in the kernel, which is triggered when the situation becomes critical and the system, as a rule, no longer responds to user actions. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EnableEarlyoom

Fedora 32 a l’intention d’activer earlyoom

La publication d’un plan d’inclure le processus en arrière-plan earlyoom par défaut dans Fedora 32 répond par avance à un manque de mémoire sur le système. Si la quantité de mémoire disponible est moins d'une valeur spécifiée, earlyoom envoie SIGTERM (mémoire libre moins de 10 %) ou SIGKILL (< 5 %) et force la fin du processus qui consomme le plus de mémoire (ayant la plus grande valeur /proc / * / oom_score) sans obliger l’état du système à vider ses tampons. Earlyoom vous permettra de répondre plus rapidement à un manque de mémoire sans devoir faire appel au gestionnaire OOM (Out Of Memory) dans le noyau, qui est déclenché quand la situation devient critique et, en règle générale, le système ne répond plus aux actions de l’utilisateur.



Void Linux project trident beta: The first beta version of the Trident OS is available, migrated from FreeBSD and TrueOS to the Void Linux package base. The size of the bootable iso image is 515MB. The distro uses ZFS on the root partition and it is possible to roll back the boot environment using ZFS snapshots. A simplified installer is supplied, that can work on systems with EFI and BIOS. Encryption of your swap partition is possible. Package options for standard glibc and musl libraries are offered, each user gets a Separate ZFS dataset for the home directory (you can manipulate snapshots of the home directory without gaining root privileges), data encryption in user directories is also provided. https://project-trident.org/post/void-beta-available/

Vim9, fork of Vim for script optimization experiments: Bram Moolenaar, author of Vim, announced the creation of a repository for Vim9. It is an experimental fork of Vim, aimed at exploring possible ways to improve the productivity and quality of work of Vim scripting language. The main optimizations are related to the processing of methods for determining, calling and executing functions, as well as avoiding the use of dictionaries for arguments and local variables. The initial prototype of the new implementation, in which functions are first compiled into a sequence of instructions, that store intermediate results and local variables on the stack, reduced the time it takes to perform a cyclic function call test from 5.018541 to 0.073595 seconds, and a string processing test from 0.853752 to 0.190276 seconds. Vim9 also develops tools for writing plugins, not only in the built-in scripting language, but also in various programming languages, including Python, Go, and Java. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/vim_dev/OPbZwpcBP98/n4AIcviUBwAJ

Gdevelop 5.0 beta released: GDevelop is a full-featured, open-source game development software, allowing to create HTML5 and native games without any knowledge in a specific programming language. All the game logic is built up using an intuitive and powerful event-based system. GDevelop 5.0.0-beta84 adds in a bunch of new effects you can use including “Black and White, Noise, CRT, Godray, Tilt shift, Advanced bloom, Kawase blur, Zoom blur, Displacement, Color Map” and more. These special effects can be added to your game with minimal fuss too, and the result is pretty awesome. https://gdevelop-app.com/

Tablet Friendly Program MyPaint Finally Hits Beta: MyPaint is a drawing, painting program dedicated to pressure-sensitive devices, tablets. This program is a must for digital painters which offers distraction-free drawing environments with tons of new features. This free and open-source program packs important features such as versatile and configurable brush engine, customer brush creation and also support for Wacom and other devices.After almost 10 years since version 1.0, MyPaint 2.0 beta is released. This beta release is an important milestone for the upcoming release. http://mypaint.org/


Staying with paint, VPaint 1.7 released: VPaint is an experimental prototype based on the Vector Graphics Complex (VGC), a technology developed by a collaboration of researchers at Inria and the University of British Columbia. It allows you to create resolution-independent illustrations and animations using innovative techniques. After four years of development, VPaint 1.7 has been released, combining a vector graphics editor and a system for creating 2D animation. The program is positioned as a research project with an experimental implementation of the mathematical concept of VGC (Vector Graphics Complex), which allows you to create animations and illustrations that are not tied to pixel resolution. The project’s achievements are written in C ++ (using the Qt and GLU libraries ) and are distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. Builds are available for Linux ( AppImage ), Windows and macOS. In the future, VPaint aims to compete with Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk Graphic, CorelDRAW and Inkscape, and then secondary with Adobe Animate, ToonBoom Harmony, CACANi, Synfig and OpenToonz. Both packages, despite having a price tag, will ship as open source under the Apache 2.0 license. Builds for Linux will ship for free (only editions for Windows and macOS will be paid). http://www.vpaint.org

Valve fixes an error on Steam that led to an incorrect calculation of the share of Linux users: A bug was fixed in which the Linux build of the program which crashed while preparing data about the user's environment, This is where the Steam Hardware & Software Survey statistics are calculated. It is assumed that the resolved problem was one of the reasons for the low share of Linux in Steam reports, since the attempt to send data from Linux users crashed. In the December Steam report, Linux accounted for just 0.67%. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/1591381408652851752

VVVVVV game open sourced: Terry Cavanagh posted the VVVVVV source code after a decade of playing. VVVVVV is a platform game with graphics in the style of the old Atari 2600,where the player can change the direction of gravity instead of jumping. The source code of two versions of the game are available - for desktop systems in C ++ and for mobile platforms on Actionscript for Adobe AIR. The code is hosted on GitHub under its own limited license, VVVVVV Source Code License v1.0 , which does not allow you to modify or distribute the code for commercial purposes. Game resources, graphics and music remains under a proprietary license that allows free use for personal purposes. https://github.com/TerryCavanagh/VVVVVV/blob/master/LICENSE.md

PHP framework: Laravel 6.10: PHP framework Laravel, version 6.10,with an MIT license, has been released. The developers report on eleven changes. Laravel is also said to support PHPUnit v9, which is expected in February. The latter is also justified by the fact that Laravel 6.x is a version with long-term support. The makers include the macro “validateWithBag”, which enables the error bag to be specified when validating a request. The macro can also be found in the documentation, writes developer Paul Redmond. Macros for the Redis Connection have also been added. In the bug fixes, the developers list repaired code for getenv (). The validation rules for exclude_if \ exclude_unless have also been repaired. The release notes provide further details. https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/6b9232037f8041c298b6479ef4ffd70d78d61a27/CHANGELOG-6.x.md#v6100-2020-01-07


Endless OS 3.7.5: offline distribution release: Formerly specially designed for emerging markets, Endless OS's content is primarily aimed at families and can also be used offline to a large extent. With an easy-to-use desktop, pre-installed games and educational software, the project's creators want to win over beginners in particular for their operating system. https://endlessos.com/computers/

MariaDB: Ex-Tesla manager bolsters the management team: MariaDB Corporation announces that Susan Repo is now Chief Operational Officer (COO). Repo can look back on a long and successful career, which includes leading an auto-fintech start-up and five years in top positions at Tesla. There Repo steered the manufacturer of electric cars through its exorbitant growth phase. At MariaDB, Repo will bring her extensive experience to monitor and accelerate business operations. Susan Repo most recently held the positions of CEO and President of DriveOn, an auto fintech startup. Previously, she served as CFO and Vice President of Finance at Tesla, where she raised over $ 11 billion in capital and contributed to key legal and governance initiatives within Tesla's global organization. Repo expanded the financial sector and played a leading role in the acquisition of SolarCity in 2016. Prior to this, Repo held various senior legal and finance roles in the technology industry, including Juniper Networks and Agilent Technologies. All-in-all, it seems like a good appointment. https://mariadb.com/

Version 1.0 for Hummingbird VPN client: VPN client Hummingbird from AirVPN is ready for production with version 1.0. The client runs on Linux and Raspi and is based on a fork from OpenVPN 3. Hummingbird 1.0 is available at Gitlab, there are versions for Linux, the Raspberry Pi and Mac OS, but none for Windows. AirVPN offers the software as a standalone client under GPLv3, it should be particularly fast and at the same time only leave a small footprint in the system's working memory. Hummingbird 1.0, which in addition to numerous bug fixes also offers some additional features. The CHACHA20-POLY1305 cipher is optionally used for both control and data channels, which speeds up the performance on ARM and Linux-based platforms that do not support AES-NI. The cipher can be selected via “–cipher name” when the client is started. https://gitlab.com/AirVPN/hummingbird/tree/master

Ubuntu GamePack 18.04 released: The Ubuntu GamePack 18.04 build is available for download , which includes tools for launching more than 55 thousand games. Applications include those specially designed for the GNU / Linux platform, and Windows games launched using PlayOnLinux, CrossOver and Wine, as well as old games for MS-DOS. The distribution is based on Ubuntu 18.04 and includes all updates as of January 2020. By default, the GNOME Flashback interface is the default DE, closely resembling the classic GNOME shell, but other environments are available. The size of the iso image is 4.1 GB (x86_64). An update is also available for the previous branch based on Ubuntu 16.04, which was also compiled for 32-bit i386 systems. https://ualinux.com/ru/ubuntu-gamepack


Solaris 11.4 SRU 17 Update: The Solaris 11.4 SRU 17 (Support Repository Update) operating system update has been published , which offers a series of regular fixes and improvements for the Solaris 11.4 branch . To install the fixes proposed in the update, just run the 'pkg update' command. link has been broken by oracle login

CentOS 8.1 (1911) release: The CentOS 1911 distribution release introduces changes from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1. The distribution is fully binary compatible with RHEL 8.1, changes made to packages are usually reduced to rebranding and replacement of decorations. Builds of CentOS 1911 are available (7 GB DVD and 550 MB netboot) for x86_64, Aarch64 (ARM64) and ppc64le architectures. SRPMS packages, the way the binary files were assembled, and debuginfo are available through vault.centos.org . https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS8.1911

Vulkan 1.2: The graphics standard development consortium, Khronos, has published the Vulkan 1.2 specification, which defines an API for accessing the graphics and computing capabilities of your GPU. The new specification has incorporated fixes and extensions accumulated over two years. Drivers supporting the new Vulkan version have already been released by Intel, AMD, ARM, Imagination Technologies and NVIDIA . In Mesa, Vulkan 1.2 support is offered for RADV drivers (AMD cards) and ANV (Intel) drivers . Vulkan 1.2 support is also implemented in the RenderDoc 1.6 debugger, the LunarG Vulkan SDK, and a sample setVulkan-Samples already. https://www.khronos.org/news/press/khronos-group-releases-vulkan-1.2

First stable release of Fedora CoreOS: Fedora project developers have announced the stabilization of the Fedora CoreOS distribution and its availability for widespread use. Fedora CoreOS is being promoted as a single solution for running environments based on isolated containers, replacing Fedora Atomic Host and CoreOS Container Linux products. Support for the CoreOS Container Linux distribution will be discontinued after 6 months, and support for Fedora Atomic Host is expected to end in late November. Fedora CoreOS aims to provide a minimal environment, atomically updated automatically without the participation of an administrator and unified for the mass deployment of server systems designed exclusively to run containers. The distribution package provides only the minimum set of components sufficient to run isolated containers - the Linux kernel, the systemd system manager and a set of service services for connecting via SSH, configuration management, and installing updates. https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-coreos-out-of-preview/


PinePhone Linux smartphone is available for order: Pine announced the start of deliveries to all interested parties. The first smartphone Limited PinePhone (Braveheart Edition), developed by the community Pine64 (note: the first batch is already sold out). The start of mass production is scheduled for March 2020. As stated originally, the cost of a smartphone is $ 150. The device is designed for enthusiasts who are tired of Android and want to get a fully controlled (owned?) and protected environment based on alternative open Linux platforms. https://www.pine64.org/2020/01/15/pinephones-start-shipping-all-you-want-to-know/

Mir 1.7 Display Server Release: The Mir 1.7 display server is released , the development, which is continued by Canonical, despite dropping the development of Unity shell and the Ubuntu edition for smartphones. Mir remains in demand in Canonical projects and is now positioned as a solution for embedded devices and the Internet of things (IoT). Mir can be used as a composite server for Wayland, which allows you to run any applications using Wayland in Mir-based environments (for example, those built with GTK3 / 4, Qt5 or SDL2). Installation packages are available for Ubuntu 04/16/19/10 ( PPA ) and Fedora 29/30/31 . The project code is distributed under the GPLv2 license. The new release mainly offers bug fixes related to experimental support for launching X11 applications in Wayland-based environments (using Xwayland). For X11, the ability to decorate windows was implemented and an option was added to redefine the path to the Xwayland executable file. They cleaned up Xwayland related code. In one of the next issues X11 support will remove the status of the experimental function. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mir-1-7-0-release/14048

VirtualBox 6.1.2, 6.0.16, and 5.2.36 releases: Maintenance releases, focussing on bug fixes. Well worth your time upgrading. * Now supports Kernel 5.5. * Swatted 18 vulnerabilities. https://www.mail-archive.com/vbox-announce@virtualbox.org/msg00201.html

LXD 3.19 has been released: This release, includes huge feature they’ve been working on for the past few months, virtual machine support! It’s now possible to run LXD on a system and manage both containers and virtual machines through the exact same CLI, API or even as part of a cluster deployment! Other features include, user experience improvements. https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/lxd-3-19-has-been-released/6529


Another developer deletes his repository: This time it is the author of the actix-web framework, written in Rust, who deleted the repository after being criticized for “misuse” of the Rust language. The actix-web framework, which was downloaded more than 800 thousand times, allows embedding the http-server and client functionality in Rust applications. Developing actix-web is aimed at achieving maximum performance and is the leader in many tests of web-frameworks. https://twitter.com/fafhrd91/status/1218135374339301378a

Midnight Commander 4.8.24 file manager release: The most interesting improvements that landed in this release are the new file view and edit history and a fully functional subshell in standalone editor and viewer. Apart from that a number of bugfixes and improvements have taken place touching various components such as the build system, syntax definitions and so on. Everybody is recommended to upgrade to immediately benefit from these improvements! https://mail.gnome.org/archives/mc-devel/2020-January/msg00008.html

LTS versions of Qt will be available only under commercial license: Qt Company has announced a change in its licensing model for the Qt framework, which could have a significant impact on communities and distributions using Qt. Starting with version 5.15, the QTS LTS branches will be supported until the next significant release, i.e. about half a year (updates for LTS branches are released for three years). They are hoping that such a step will accelerate the introduction of new versions and will increase the number of companies using a commercial license for Qt, the cost of which is $ 5508 per year per developer (for startups and small enterprises - $ 499 per year). Unfortunately, the Qt policy changes are not limited to changing the license, and starting from February, you will need to register an account in the Qt Account service to download Qt binary packages. This is explained as to simplify the distribution of packages and to ensure integration with the Qt Marketplace . Access to the Jira bug tracking system, review interface, and forums will also require a Qt Account. The development and project management models remains the same . https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-offering-changes-2020

Open Source Foundation publishes a petition calling for the release of Windows 7 code: With the end of support for Windows 7 on January 14, the Free Software Foundation petitioned Microsoft's calling for transfer of Windows 7 in the free software category, to allow the community to learn and improve this OS. Microsoft has already transferred some of its programs to the open source community, but nothing significant. This will provide evidence that Microsoft truly respects users and their freedom, instead of flowery words and marketing materials. https://www.fsf.org/windows/upcycle-windows-7


Solus 4.1 released: The release of the Solus 4.1 Linux distribution , which is not based on packages of other distributions and develops its own Budgie desktop , installer, package manager and configurator, was announced. The source code is distributed under the GPLv2 license; the C and Vala languages ​​are used for development. Additionally, packages with GNOME, KDE Plasma, and MATE desktops are provided. The size of the iso-images is about 1.7 GB. https://getsol.us/2020/01/25/solus-4-1-released/

Weston 8.0 Composite Server Release: A stable release of the Weston 8.0 composite server has been published. This develops technologies that contribute to the full support of the Wayland protocol in Enlightenment, GNOME, KDE, and other user environments. Weston's development focuses on providing a high-quality code base and working examples for using Wayland in desktop environments and embedded solutions, such as platforms for automotive infotainment systems, smartphones, televisions, and other consumer devices. The release is scheduled for February 11. https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/2020-January/041147.html

Geneva project develops automated censorship evasion: Researchers from the University of Maryland, as part of the Geneva project attempted to create an algorithm to automate the identification of censorship methods. Manually trying to sort out the possible gaps in deep packet inspection systems (DPIs) is a rather difficult and lengthy process. Geneva tried to use a genetic algorithm to evaluate DPI features, identify errors in its implementation, and develop an optimal client-side blocking bypass strategy. The project code is written in Python. The work of Geneva has been successfully tested to circumvent the censorship methods used in China, India and Kazakhstan. With the help of Geneva several new gaps were revealed that were not known before. At the same time, Geneva is effective only for bypassing DPI-based blocking; when blocking by IP address, it is useless and you need a VPN. During the experiments, several dozen typical DPI bypass strategies were identified that can be tested immediately without full analysis. https://geneva.cs.umd.edu

SystemE, a satirical replacement for systemd with Emacs Lisp: The Kiss Linux distribution has published the code for a satirical project systemE , positioned as a replacement for systemd, written in Emacs Lisp. The systemE toolkit allows you to organize the download using sinit as the PID 1 handler, which launches the Emacs editor under “–script” under PID2, which, in turn, executes system initialization scripts (rc.boot) written in Lisp. Emacs also acts as a shell, a batch manager, replacing startx / xinitrc, and a window manager . To control the execution of services, runit from the busybox package is used. There is an intention to rewrite runit and sinit to Lisp and run Emacs as PID 1. SystemE-based environments can use packages from Kiss Linux , a minimalist distribution whose developers, in accordance with the KISS principle, are trying to build an extremely simple system, free from complications. The full-time package manager in KISS is written in shell and includes about 500 lines of code. All packages are compiled from source. Dependency accounting and overlaying additional patches are supported. Package metadata is placed in text files and can be parsed by regular unix utilities. Musl is used as the system C library, and the set of utilities is based on busybox. The initialization scripts are really simple. https://github.com/a-schaefers/systemE


Qubes 4.0.3 OS Update Using Virtualization to Isolate Applications: An update of the Qubes 4.0.3 operating system released , realizing the idea of ​​using a hypervisor to strictly isolate applications and OS components (each class of applications and system services work in separate virtual machines). To work, you will need a system with 4 GB of RAM and 64-bit Intel or AMD CPUs supporting VT-x technology with EPT / AMD-v c RVI and VT-d / AMD IOMMU, preferably Intel GPUs (NVIDIA and AMD GPUs are not well tested ) Templates for creating virtual environments based on Fedora 30, Debian 10 andWhonix 15 are available. https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2020/01/23/qubes-4-0-3/

Sway 1.4 user environment release using Wayland: Composite manager Sway 1.4 (no release 1.3) was released. It was built using the Wayland protocol and is fully compatible with the i3 mosaic window manager and the i3bar panel . The project code is written in C and distributed under the MIT license. The project is intended for use on Linux and FreeBSD. Compatibility with i3 is ensured at the basic level, which allows you to use Sway as a transparent replacement for i3, using Wayland instead of X11 of course. Sway allows you to place windows on the screen as i3 would. The windows are arranged to form a grid that optimally uses the screen real estate and allows you to quickly manipulate the windows only using the keyboard. https://github.com/swaywm/sway/releases/tag/1.4

SQLite 3.31 DBMS Released with Support for Generated Columns: SQLite 3.31.0 is a lightweight DBMS designed in the form of a plug-in library. SQLite code is distributed as a public domain, i.e. can be used without restrictions and free of charge for any purpose. Financial support for SQLite developers is provided by a specially created consortium, which includes companies such as Adobe, Oracle, Mozilla, Bentley and Bloomberg. https://www.sqlite.org/changes.html

Android-x86 9.0-rc2 build available: The Android-x86 project , in which an independent community is developing the port of the Android platform for the x86 architecture, published the second test release based on the Android 9 platform . It includes fixes and additions that improve the work of Android on x86 architecture. There are universal live-builds of Android-x86 9 for x86 32-bit (725 Mb) and x86_64 (920 Mb) architectures suitable for use on standard laptops and tablet PCs available for download . There are also rpm packages for installing the Android environment in Linux distributions. https://www.android-x86.org/releases/releasenote-9-0-rc2.html


Good news for ChromeOS users: Google has announced an extension of up to 8 years, for Chromebook device maintenance, including automatic updates. Initially, automatic updates for the Chromebook was three years, but then the support time was extended to six years, and now to eight. The reason for the support extension is the desire to extend the life cycle of equipment in schools that use Chromebooks in computer labs and reduce electronic waste. https://www.blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/2020-chromebooks/

GhostBSD Release 20.01: GhostBSD 20.01 , based on the TrueOS platform and offering the MATE user environment, is available for download. By default, GhostBSD uses the OpenRC initialization system and the ZFS file system. It supports both live mode operation and installation on the hard drive (using the own ginstall installer, written in Python). The new version synchronized with the TrueOS 12.1-STABLE branch, the MATE desktop was updated to version 1.22. Fixes in the installer related to working with GPT and UEFI partitions were introduced. There is an added warning about using an incorrect password in Software Station. The ‘doas’ code was removed from NetworkMgr and replaced with the ‘sudoers.d / networkmgr’ file, to perform operations with elevated privileges. http://www.ghostbsd.org/20.01_release_announcement

GameMode 1.5, a Linux game performance optimizer, is available: Feral Interactive has released GameMode 1.5, implemented as a background optimization process that on-the-fly modifies various Linux system settings to maximize gaming application performance. The project code is written in C and comes under the BSD license. In release 1.5, the ability to dynamically change the CPU governor for Intel processors with an integrated GPU has been added. Switching to “powersave” mode allows you to reduce the power consumption of the CPU and free up more GPU resources. The example touted is on the i7-1065G7 CPU, there the optimization allows you to increase the performance of “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” by as much as 25-30%. https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode/releases/tag/1.5

OASIS Technical Committee Approves OpenDocument 1.3 Specification: The OASIS Consortium Technical Committee has approved the final version of the ODF 1.3 (OpenDocument) specification. After approval by the technical committee, the ODF 1.3 specification received the status of “Committee Specification”, which implies completion of the work, the specification and the readiness of the document is out for use by third-party developers and companies. The key difference between OpenDocument 1.3 and the previous version of the specification was the inclusion of new features to protect documents, such as document verification with digital signature and encryption of content using OpenPGP keys. The new version also includes clarification of the wording and some of the already available features were expanded. https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2020/01/21/odf-1-3-approved-as-oasis-committee-specification/


Canonical offers Anbox Cloud, a cloud-based platform for launching Android applications: Canonical introduced Anbox Cloud, which allows you to run applications and play games created for the Android platform on any other system. Applications are launched on servers using the Anbox open environment, with streaming output to the client systems and transmitting events from input devices with minimal delays. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, LXD , Juju and MAAS are used to organize the execution and orchestration of launching applications in containers . The components of the platform are developing as open projects, but in general, Anbox Cloud is a commercial product and is only available after filling out an application . The solution is optimized for servers based on ARM and Intel (x86) chips, and also supports graphics accelerator cards, such as the Intel Visual Cloud Accelerator Card. Companies can use Anbox Cloud to transfer applications to public or private cloud platforms, making it possible to run them on any system without being tied to mobile devices. Game developers can use Anbox Cloud to expand their gaming audience. Mentioned were: organizing game streaming services (Game streaming), providing access to applications through the cloud, creating virtual devices, organizing work with corporate mobile applications, testing mobile applications (emulation of various types of devices is supported). https://ubuntu.com/blog/implementing-an-android-based-cloud-game-streaming-service-with-anbox-cloud

LibreOffice 6.4 released: LibreOffice 6.4 is now live on all supported platforms, bringing a long list of new features, but also performance optimizations and further compatibility improvements for Microsoft Office document formats. There are a lot of new features, the standout one being that you can now embed QR codes. Version 6.4 is now available on the LibreOffice website for download, if you can’t wait. https://news.softpedia.com/news/libreoffice-6-4-released-with-new-features-performance-improvements-529024.shtml

A new messaging client, Dino has been released: This is the first release of the Dino app, that supports messaging using the Jabber / XMPP protocol and it is available for download. The program is compatible with various XMPP clients and servers. It is focused on ensuring confidentiality of negotiations AND supports end-to-end encryption using the OMMPO XMPP extension based on the Signal protocol or encryption using OpenPGP. The project code is written in Vala using the GTK toolkit and is distributed under the GPLv3 + license. https://dino.im/blog/2020/01/dino-0.1-release/

Kali Linux 2020 released: With this release, there are a few big changes. Throughout the history of Kali (and its predecessors BackTrack, WHAX, and Whoppix), the default credentials have been root/toor. The developers are no longer using the superuser account, root, as default in Kali 2020.1. The default user account is now a standard, unprivileged, user. As with previous releases, it is not recommended to install Kali or use it as your main OS. All the desktop environments are now contained in one ISO image. As Python 2 is end-of-life, the tools that depend on Python 2 have been removed. https://www.kali.org/releases/kali-linux-2020-1-release/


FreeNAS 11.3 Network Storage Distribution Release IXsystems released FreeNAS 11.3, a distribution kit for rapidly deploying network attached storage (NAS, Network-Attached Storage). The distribution is based on the FreeBSD code base. It features integrated ZFS support and the ability to manage the NAS via a web interface, built using the Python Django framework. FTP, NFS, Samba, AFP, rsync and iSCSI are supported for accessing the storage. Software RAID (0,1,5) can be used to increase storage reliability and LDAP / Active Directory support is implemented for client authorization. https://www.ixsystems.com/blog/truenas-and-freenas-11-3-release-pr/

Heptapod public hosting announced for open source projects using Mercurial The developers of the Heptapod project, which develops a fork of GitLab Community Edition, has moved to the Mercurial source code management system. They have announced the introduction of public hosting for Open Source projects ( foss.heptapod.net ) that use Mercurial. Heptapod code, like GitLab, is distributed under the free MIT license and can be used to deploy similar code hosting services on its servers. The launched service allows free placement of any free and open projects using licenses approved by OSI. There is one condition - displaying the Heptapod sponsor logos (Clever Cloud and Octobus) on the official project web page. Due to the termination of support for Mercurial by Bitbucket hosting, priority will be given to applications from projects hosted on Bitbucket. https://heptapod.net/

XCP-ng, a free version of Citrix XenServer, is now part of the Xen project XCP-ng ,is a free replacement of the proprietary cloud infrastructure XenServer management platform (Citrix Hypervisor). By joining the project the Xen, the development is now hosted in the Linux Foundation. Going under the mantle of the Xen Project will allow XCP-ng as standard distribution kit for deploying a virtual machine infrastructure based on the Xen and XAPI hypervisor. XCP-ng virtualization platform is a Xen Project incubation project hosted in the Linux Foundation. XCP-ng aims to be the bridge between the users community and the developers and is the default entry point for any user. That will ensure the project will continue to develop independently. (It will not turn into a limited commercial product, as with XenServer). https://xcp-ng.org/

Godot 3.2 Open-Source Game Engine Released With Better Documentation, New Features: Godot 3.2 is providing better documentation, Mono / C# integration, Android (WIP) and WebAssembly, Oculus Quest support, overhauling of Godot's visual shaders, various graphics/rendering improvements, glTF 2.0 3D asset support, WebSocket and WebRTC support, new editor features, and a variety of other enhancements. Godot's editor is the main interface for the engine, and thus it got a ton of attention from all contributors. Here are some of the changes. It is now possible to disable editor features. This allows to hide features that you don't intend to use to simplify the interface. This can be useful for tutors or companies who might want to restrict the access to some areas of the editor to let their students/teams focus on a specific subset. Godot 3.2 offers up some modest improvements to its OpenGL-based code. Godot 3.2 brings improvements to its renderer pipeline, various OpenGL ES 3.x features back-ported to GLES2 like MSAA, and enhancing the default renderer settings. It is available for download now. https://godotengine.org/article/here-comes-godot-3-2

issue153/actus.1581071844.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2020/02/07 11:37 de auntiee