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mtPaint is a simple graphics editor for the Linux desktop and also for Microsoft Windows. It is intended for use in creating pixel art and other simple graphics, as well as for photo editing.

mtPaint est un éditeur graphique simple pour le bureau Linux et aussi pour Microsoft Windows. Il est prévu pour être utilisé dans la création de pixel art et d'autres usages graphiques simples, tout comme pour la retouche de photos.

History mtPaint was started by British programmer Mark Tyler, as a personal project in 2004. He wanted a graphics editor for his own use, and then decided to share it as a free software program, licensed under the GNU General Public License. He started the project on 7 August, 2004, and made the first public release just 37 days later, on 13 September, 2004. Tyler attributed his rapid development to having studied mhWaveEdit, which was written by Magnus Hjorth. Tyler’s goals for mtPaint included that it be fast, simple and lightweight, so it could be run on older hardware. He wrote it in “C” and using GTK1-2, an interface it retains today. That gives it a bit of a “dated” look, but it does have low resource requirements.


mtPaint a été commencé par un programmeur britannique, Mark Tyler, comme projet personnel en 2004. Il voulait un éditeur graphique pour son propre usage, et il décida en suite de la partager comme logiciel libre. sous licence GNU General Public License. Il commença son projet le 7 août 2204 et fît la première publication publique 37 jours plus tard., le 13 septembre 2004. Tyler a attribué son développement rapide au fait qu'il avait étudié mhWaveEdit, qui était écrit par Magnus Hjorth.

Les objectifs de Tyler pour mtPaint omprenaient la rapidité, la simplicité et la légèreté, de sorte qu'il puisse tournéer sur des vieux matériels. Il l'écrivit en « C » en utilisant GTK1-2, une interface qu'il arbore encore aujourd'hui. Ça lui donne un air « daté », mais elle a peu d'exigences en ressources.

Following the first release, version 0.23, Tyler quickly added more features including Windows support following version 0.30. Layers were included in version 2.00. Version 3.00 brought channels, including coding contributions by Dmitry Groshev who wrote the coding for the alpha (transparency), selection and mask channels. It was at this point, in 2008, that Tyler ended his work on mtPaint to pursue other software projects and Groshev became the lead developer, a role which he continues today.

À ka suite de al première publication, la version 0.23, Tyler lui ajouta rapidement d'autres fonctionnalités , comprenant le support de Windows à partir de la version 0.30. Les calques furent inclus dans la version 2.0, la version 3.0 apporta les canaux, avec la contribution du code de Dmitry Groshev qui écrivit le code pour les canaux alpha (transparence), de sélection et des masques.

C'est à moment-là, en 2008, que Tyler termina son travail sur mtPaint pour se consacrer à d'autres projets logiciels et Groshev devint le développeur en chef, un rôle qu'il a encore aujourd'hui.

The most recent release of mtPaint is version 3.40, which dates to 30 December, 2011. It isn't “abandonware”, it just seems to have reached a point where no new features are needed, at least for now. At some point, it will probably need the interface rewritten using GTK3 or Qt to modernize it for ongoing use. Meanwhile, it still works well. mtPaint has been included as a default application in a number of Linux distributions like Puppy Linux. It was also included in Lubuntu until Lubuntu 18.10 – with the move away from GTK applications to Qt-based applications instead. mtPaint can still be installed on Lubuntu or any other Ubuntu flavor.

Features While being simple and light, mtPaint includes all the tools that most users will need for creating drawings and editing photos. mtPaint supports a number of formats for both import and export: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LSS, PNG, TGA, TIFF, XPM and XBM. It supports cutting and pasting, scaling and resizing, rotation including arbitrary rotation, inverting colors, grayscale and a range of filters, like sharpen, unsharp mask, soften, Gaussian blur, emboss and “bacteria”. Images open full-sized, but can be zoomed from 10% to 2000% for working on them. It has 100 possible layers and 81 included brush shapes, although custom shapes can be defined, too. It comes with a large collection of built-in keyboard shortcuts, too, which makes quick work of repeated editing actions.

It is not easy to figure out how to use mtPaint on your own (it has low “discoverability”). It has some odd quirks that are different from other image editors. For instance, when you cut and paste one image onto another, mtPaint won't “stick” (commit it) until you hit “return” or right-click. Cropping an image is also unconventional. Instead of marqueeing the portion and then copying and pasting it into a new window, on mtPaint you marquee the portion you want and then hit “delete”, the rest disappears and the cropped image is ready to be saved. Easy, when you know how!

To help new users learn their application, mtPaint has a pretty good user manual, which Groshev recommends reading. He wrote that mtPaint's features “may look opaque to users who do not like to read docs; but not everything in image processing can be made self-explanatory, particularly if one tries to keep the program small. Those features which aren't obvious, have explanations in the handbook; time spent looking them up will be well rewarded by not wasting time on learning things by trial and error.” Some users have also written on-line tutorials, all of which are useful.

Drawbacks During my testing of mtPaint 3.40, I found only two things I thought need fixing. One is that images cannot be opened from my file browser in mtPaint. The application opens, but indicates that the image cannot be opened. Opening photos from mtPaint File → Open works fine, though. The other issue is that there is no way to preview arbitrary image rotation angles. You have to either guess and try it and then “undo” if it isn't right, or use the rectangular marqueeing tool to measure the angle from the vertical or horizontal, which it displays, and then rotate to that angle. That procedure is described in the user manual, too.

Why mtPaint? Why use mtPaint instead of other applications like GIMP? The question is an obvious one to ask, but mtPaint has some advantages over the more fully-featured GIMP. mtPaint is much lighter-weight, opens much faster, and is simpler to use. It also offers some features that have recently been removed from GIMP like the plain, old “sharpen” filter, which is still useful. For many users who just want to do some basic photo editing, like scaling the image down, cropping, fixing contrast and sharpening, mtPaint can do the job quickly and without eating up much RAM in the process.

Conclusions mtPaint is a very mature application – with 15 years of development behind it. It is fast to use, and has enough features that many users will find it very useful for photo editing and making drawings.

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