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A quick update on the recipe-scrapers library that I wrote about last month. Right now, there are 47 different recipe sites that are now supported, 5 of which I wrote for the project. I have a few more sites that I am working on for the project, so that number will continue to grow. Many of the scrapers are dedicated to non-United States sites in many different languages. I will probably explain the process of creating your own scraper in a future article. As most of you know, I act as an unofficial support outlet for Page, the GUI designer for Python using Tkinter. On average, I spend probably 5 hours a week answering questions from users, both brand new to Page and users who have been using Page for years. I also help out Don Rozenberg with testing new development builds, trying to break it in as many ways as I can. Once I can’t break it anymore, Don usually creates a release. It’s a very time consuming job, but one I really enjoy.

Of all the questions I get about using Page, the one I get the most is how to create a program with multiple forms. The answer to this is really pretty easy, but is not as straight-forward as a user would think, hence the questions. The next question is how do I get the forms or windows to communicate with each other. My good friend Halvard from Norway asked how to have one form read information from another in “real time”. Again, while the answer is easy, it’s not something that most users would try before they ask the question. So, in this edition, I intend to present a very simple demo to help understand the process. AND there’s an added benefit in that this solution is not limited to a Page GUI program. It can be used for any Python program including CLI programs. Your imagination is the only limit.

So, I thought I’d throw together a quick demo using Page to show how to deal with both ideas. I’m going to use Page since the process is much easier to show in a GUI, and since the first question is about dealing with multiple form Page programs. The project will consist of two Page forms, one called “Parent” and the other called “Child”. The Parent program will launch the Child program and will receive data from the child.

Form Design We’ll create the Parent form first. I won’t bore you with the form creation details, I’ll just provide a screenshot of the form and give you a small amount of important information about some special attributes of some of the widgets. Below is what the Parent form looks like. I didn’t spend much time on making it pretty and mainly kept the attributes for everything on the form to their defaults where possible.

As you can see, it’s a very simple form. Two buttons and four labels. The two buttons are named or aliased (from left to right) as btnLaunch and btnExit. There two static labels (status and received) and two dynamic labels, one that is a simple coloured square which shows the connection status to the child form and one (that shows as a fancy ribbed box) which has the textvariable set as DataReceived so it can be updated easily by code. This will, as the variable suggests, contain the data that comes from the child form. Before I saved the form, I moved it to the middle-left of the screen. The child form will be positioned to the middle-right side of the screen. btnLaunch has the command attribute set to “on_btnLaunch” and the btnExit has the command attribute set to “on_btnExit”. These are the names of the callback functions for each of the buttons. The only other in the top_level form is the title of “I am Parent”.

Next, we’ll design our child program. This one is a bit more complicated, but not horribly so. As you can see, there is a small simple keypad similar to a “10 key” with 3 helper buttons, all in a frame. There is also a label that will display the value of the key presses that has the textvariable set to DisplayLabel. The helper buttons are Clear, Bksp (Backspace) and Enter. At this point the enter key does nothing. There is also an Exit button. The three helper buttons have the command attributes set to on_btnClear, on_btnBackspace and on_btnEnter, which, again, are the callback functions, and the exit button has its command attribute set to on_btnExit. The 11 keypad buttons don’t use the command attribute set, since it’s easier to set the callback function, which requires a parameter containing which button was clicked, by using the bind command – which we will see in a few minutes. We’ll set the bindings in the _support module.

The Communications Magic To communicate between programs, we use a shared python file, in this case called “shared.py”. Really apropos filename, huh? This module is imported into both (or as many programs as needed) programs as a standard import…

Import shared The file itself is actually an empty file. There is nothing in it. However, since both of our programs have imported it, they can each read from and write to it. However, you need to be careful to make sure that before you try to read the value of a variable from it, the value must have already been written to the shared module. We’ll discuss this some more when we examine the code.

The Code The code for the two _support.py modules will be presented below. It’s presented almost in its entirety. The code for the GUI files won’t be presented, nor will the .tcl files, however the GUI.py files will be available from the pastebin repository so you can actually run the programs. As always, we’ll start with the imports section for the parent_support.py file. Notice we import child.py, child_support.py, and shared.py import sys import child import child_support import shared The next function (below) is provided by Page for us, which is the set_Tk_var function. This gives us the access to the Label that displays the values that are generated by the child program.

Next up is the init function. This is the very last thing that gets run within the program before the GUI is shown to the user, so we run any initialization and setup tasks from this function. The top part of the function is already written for us by Page. I always provide the comment box, just to give me a “landmark” to easily find the function. We’ll discuss my added code below… The first two lines of my added code, set two variables in the shared module. That way, when the child program starts up, the variables are already there and can be written to when needed. We also use those variables in the next function so they need to be initialized right away. If we don’t, Python will throw an error.

The next thing we do is assign an alias for the status label, which is the red square that shows when the child program is running and connected to the shared module. Finally, I set up a timer function that Tkinter provides called “root.after”. This is an event that fires every X milliseconds to take care of just about any kind of repetitive task you want to do. You can also create multiple ‘root.after’ timers that run simultaneously. The basic syntax is: handle = root.after(ms, callback) In the case above, the handle is called “comm1” which lets me know that this particular timer is used to communicate with the child process. Notice that I set the time to 0, which means that the callback function will be called immediately, and the final parameter is the name of the callback function.

Bottom right is the callback function code… First, we set two global variables, comm1 which is the handle for the timer, and LblStat which is the alias for our little red square. Next, we access the shared module to see if the child process is running by checking shared.child_active to see if it’s True. This is set as soon as the child program starts up. If it is, we set the square colored label to “Green” to show that the child process is running and then we check to see if shared.ReadyToRead is set to True – which is basically a flag that says that one of the numeric keys has been clicked. If it is, we get that data, put it into the display label with the .set() method, and clear the ReadyToRead flag, so we can wait for the next click event on the child process. If the shared.child_active flag is False, we reset the coloured square to Red. This way, when the child program is exited, we will know it visually.

Finally, we “re-arm” the timer routine, this time to check 100 ms from that point. Now, we look at the on_btnExit callback function (shown above). It’s very simple. We simply call the destroy_window() function that will cleanly end the program. The destroy_window function is provided by Page as is the on_btnExit callback skeleton, since we added the callback name in the command attribute for the exit button. All we have to do is add the line “destroy_window()”. Next, we’ll look at the btnLaunch callback function (above). This is how we make the child program start. Again, we used the command attribute for the button in Page, so the skeleton is started for us…

The only line we need to enter here is the last one. Since we have already imported the child.py GUI file at the top of the code, we just need to call the create_Toplevel1() function. This is the entry point for the program when it is called from another program. Finally, I’ve provided the destroy_window() (below) which is provided by Page, just so you can see it. Now we’ll look at the child program. It is a bit more complicated, but not overly so. Again, I’m going to provide the code here for only the child_support.py module.

Again, we’ll start with the import section. Notice here, that we need to import only the shared module, since we don’t need to call any functions from the parent. import sys import shared Top right is the definition for the label that shows the running value from the keypad button entries. The first thing we do is set up a global variable to hold the accumulated value of the keypad entries. We then call the function setup_bindings() that attaches the callback function to all of the buttons of the keypad. Finally, we set the shared.child_active flag to True.

Since we are going to pass parameters to the callback for the keypad buttons, it’s much easier to deal with things here (below) than to try to do it within Page through the command attribute. Now we define the callback routine code (next page, top left) for when a keypad button is clicked. Notice this must be done from scratch, since Page has no idea of the need for the function. In the callback, we simply take the value (which is the number of the button) and append it, as a string, to the valu variable. We also check to see if the period key (value 10) was pressed, and if it was, then we add the period into the display value. Finally, we put the data into the DisplayLabel through the .set() method, and set shared.ReadyToRead to True, so the parent knows to pull the data.

We don’t do anything with the Enter button, so we just leave the skeleton for later use (far right). As usual,, I’ve put the code for the programs on Pastebin. You can find the links below: parent.py - https://pastebin.com/AZXXvuAU parent_support.py - https://pastebin.com/3iBHgCN0 child.py - https://pastebin.com/bwZLnkHc child_support.py - https://pastebin.com/Vg0K1w5G I hope this article has given you some food for thought that can be used in your own programming. Until next time, keep coding.

issue155/python.1585723642.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2020/04/01 08:47 de d52fr