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Welcome to the latest issue of Full Circle

In this month's issue we have more Python, more Inkscape, and new things! Erik is starting a new series on Latex, and Greg is starting a new (second!) series about the myriad of microcontrollers out there. Specifically the Raspberry Pi Pico. If you haven't heard of the Pico, it's about 3“ x 1” and comes in at under £5 GPB. An absolute bargain.

Elsewhere, we have my review of the Entroware Ares all-in-one unit that I ordered last month. Is it worth it? Read on! Erik has also supplied a quick look at Fritzing. For all your circuitry needs. Richard continues to research retro emulation and SJ is back with a brief look back (loopback?) at his own story.

Next issue marks fourteen years (!) of FCM! I'd love to know how you found FCM. How long have you been reading? What have been your favourite articles? I'd like to feature some of these stories next month.

Don't forget: if you're looking for some help, advice, or just a chit chat: remember, we have a Telegram group. I mention this as I've been giving out the wrong link in a couple of emails. The link is: https://t.me/joinchat/PujkVH1HopRKvfd3. I hope to see you there. Come and say hello.

Anyway, stay safe, and all the best for 2021! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue167/edito.1616923458.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2021/03/28 11:24 de auntiee