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Q I use and maintain 6-8 computers for myself, family, friends, and businesses. They are a mixture of Windows XP and 7, and Ubuntu’s Lucid and Maverick. My personal desktop and laptop are dual-boot machines. There are straight-Ubuntu and straight-Windows machines in the mix. I have at least a half-dozen loose hard drives that are used for storage and transfer. My question is how to format the hard drives for maximum compatibility. It is imperative that they operate across OSes and file system boundaries as much as possible. There is a mix of documents, pictures, and music files. The drives range from 10GB to 1.5TB. A The consensus appears to be, use FAT32 for drives smaller than 255 GB, including flash drives, and use NTFS for larger drives. However, if there are individual files larger than 2 GB, use NTFS.

Q J'utilise et entretiens de 6 à 8 ordinateurs pour moi-même, ma famille, mes amis et quelques firmes. Il s'agit d'un mélange de Windows XP et Seven et d'Ubuntu Lucid et Maverick. Mon ordinateur de bureau et mon portable personnels sont des machines en double amorçage. Dans le mélange, il y a des machines Ubuntu seul et des machines Windows seul. J'ai environ une demi-douzaine disques durs externes que j'utilise pour le stockage et des transferts. Ma question est Comment formater les disques durs pour une compatibilité maximum. Ils doivent impérativement fonctionner sous n'importe quel système d'exploitation et avec tout système de fichiers, dans la mesure du possible. Il y a un mélange de documents, d'images et de fichiers musicaux. Les disques varient entre 10 Go et 1,5 To.

R Le consensus semble être d'utiliser FAT32 pour les disques plus petits que 255 Go, y compris les disques flash et utiliser NTFS pour les plus grands disques. Toutefois, s'il y a des fichiers individuels qui font plus de 2 Go, utilisez NTFS.

Q When trying to access resources on my home network, I get “Failed to retrieve share list from server”. A Many people have found solutions in this message thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1169149

Q Quand j'essaie d'accéder aux ressources sur mon réseau domestique, j'ai le message « Failed to retrieve share list from server » (Impossible de récupérer la liste de partage sur le serveur).

R Beaucoup de gens ont trouvé une solutions dans ce fil de messages : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1169149 (En français, notamment : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=295420.)

Q Is there some way I can make an image from my machine? I want to use it in Virtualbox. A (Thanks to Rob_H in the Ubuntuforums) Even if you can create the image, you may encounter problems with hardware drivers. VirtualBox emulates a small set of devices, which are probably not the same as the actual hardware you've got in your system. My advice is to just do a fresh install in VirtualBox and copy over the data you need. You'll probably save time in the long run.

Q Y a-t-il un moyen de faire une image de ma machine ? J'aimerais l'utiliser dans VirtualBox.

R (Remerciements à Rob_H sur Ubuntuforums) Même si vous arrivez à créer l'image, il pourrez y avoir des problèmes avec les pilotes du matériel. VirtualBox émule un petit groupe de périphériques qui, sans doute, ne sont pas les mêmes que le matériel sur votre machine.

Je vous recommande de tout simplement faire une installation neuve dans VirtualBox et d'y copier les données dont vous avez besoin. Vous y gagnerez du temps dans le long terme.

Q When I run an ID Software game such as Quake 4, the sound is badly delayed. A Use the ALSA wrapper for OSS, following the instructions found in this message: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1705760

Q Quand j'exécute un jeu d'ID Software, comme Quake 4, le son est très en retard.

R Utilisez le ALSA wrapper pour OSS, en suivant les instructions dans ce message : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1705760. (Sur le forum Ubuntu en français, notamment : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=3150575.)

Q How can I copy a VCD? A Run Sounds & Video/Brasero, and select “Disc copy.”

Q Comment copier un VCD ?

R Lancez Son & Vidéo/Gravure de disque Brasero et sélectionnez « Copier un disque ».

Q I am using Ubuntu 10.04, and want to install Netgen, but it does not appear in the repositories.

A It's in the Universe repository in 9.10 and 10.10, but somehow it is not in 10.04. However, the source file is available. You could file a bug, and it will probably then appear. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs

Q I am trying to share a USB external hard drive from my Ubuntu install to my Windows systems (Win 7 and 1 Win XP.) The drive is formatted as NTFS. But I can't browse to it.

A Open Accessories/Terminal and enter this command: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Scroll down to this line: guest ok = yes and insert this line after it: force user = (your ubuntu user name) Save the file, exit, and enter this command:

sudo service smbd restart

Q I have an Hitachi 3 TB HDD that I use in an icy dock external enclosure so I can backup all of my video files, etc. When I hook up the HDD to my computer it is detected as an 802 GB HDD.

A Some external enclosures have a 32-bit limit, which means they will not work properly with a hard drive larger than 2 TB. The drive had 2.5 TB of space when installed as an internal hard drive, partitioned and formatted with Gparted.

Q How can I play WebGL videos in Firefox 4 with an old video card?

A After installing Firefox 4, read the first message here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1713184&highlight=libOSMesa.so

Q I wonder if it is good practice to always download and install the available software from the update manager, or does it slow down the computer?

A I would go ahead and install all of the updates that are available in the Update Manager. These will contain bug fixes, and I don't see how continually updating is going to make your system slower. Ubuntu does not have a registry, which is the source of many slowdowns in Windows.

Q I can't play a DVD.

A Install the ubuntu-restricted-extras and libdvdread4, and run:

sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh.

Q I use Xubuntu 10.04. When I run Settings > Appearance, most of the themes that are available in /usr/share/themes & ~.themes are not seen.

A To change the window decoration for XFCE, you need to go to XFCE setting manager (it is called Setting Manager, and it will probably be in System > Settings under XFCE). From there, you can select Window Manager, and then change the decoration style.

Q I just installed Ubuntu on my brand new system that I built. I put in my CD for my HD 5770 video card, but I can't get it to do anything.

A That disc contains Windows software, which is not useful for Ubuntu. Instead, you should run Administration > Additional Drivers.

issue48/q_a.1306919381.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2011/06/01 11:09 de auntiee