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Ubuntu Salesman

I have been using Ubuntu for the past year. I absolutely have nothing bad to say about it at all. If anything, I try my hardest to “sell” it to everyone I meet. People in my workplace know that I love playing with computers, so they always come to me with questions. How do I speed up my computer? What is a good antivirus? Why does this always happen? My answer: You need Ubuntu. Or something along that line anyway. I even went as far as selling my “proprietary” media player, and buying one that works with Linux. I will never go back to the “Dark Side”, I will always try to find a way around my computer issues…in Ubuntu.

Commercial Ubuntu

J’utilise Ubuntu depuis l’année dernière. Je n’ai absolument rien de mal à dire dessus. J’ai même fait de mon mieux pour le « vendre » à toutes les personnes que j’ai rencontré. Les gens au travail savent que j’aime jouer avec les ordinateurs et donc ils me posent toute sorte de questions. Comment puis-je accélérer mon ordinateur ? Qu’est-ce qu’un bon antivirus ? Pourquoi ceci arrive toujours ? Ma réponse : Vous avez besoin d’Ubuntu. Ou quelque chose de ce genre. Je suis allé si loin que j’ai même vendu mon media player « propriétaire », et en ai acheté un qui fonctionne sous Linux. Je ne retournerai jamais du « coté obscur », j’essayerai toujours de trouver une réponse à mes problèmes d’ordinateur… dans Ubuntu.



I've been a long time Ubuntu fan until recently. No, this isn't a Unity hate mail, though I'm indifferent to it. My aggravation is hibernation. The last few releases stink! Every time I put my lid down the PC never recovers. It's a hard shutdown to get it back.

I've switched to openSuse Linux 12.1, and have had NO issues. It's more technical oriented to use, and the command line is different, but it's a solid distro. I'd rather be on Ubuntu.

I wonder if others have had the same issue?

Matt Whittaker

Gord says: did you make any attempt to fix this? Providing the brand and model of your laptop is a start. I would Google: laptop-model suspend solved (Closing the lid should suspend, not hibernate.)

J’étais pendant longtemps et jusqu’a récemment un fan d’Ubuntu. Non, ceci n’est pas un mail de quelqu’un qui déteste Unity, puisque j’y suis indifférent. Mon problème vient de la mise en veille prolongée. Les dernières versions craignent ! Chaque fois que je rabats mon capot le PC ne se rallume jamais. Il faut un arrêt complet pour le récupérer.

Je suis passé sous openSuse Linux 12.1 et je n’ai AUCUN problème. C’est plus technique à utiliser et les lignes de commande sont différentes, mais c’est une distrib. solide. Je préférerai être sur Ubuntu.

Je me demande si d’autres ont le même problème.

Matt Whittaker

Gord dit : As tu essayer de corriger ce problème ? Fournir la marque et le modèle de ton ordinateur portable est un point de départ. J’aurai cherché sur Google : Mise en veille modèle-du-portable résolu (fermer le capot devrait mettre en veille, pas en veille prolongée).


I thought I would share some of my gripes with you about Linux in general.

I've been using Linux for over 5 years now, and I like to share my Linux knowledge and get new people on board, but it is getting harder all the time. The Linux community spends all its efforts developing new User Interfaces, and fighting over them, when what we need is support for the things people really want, like: video support for MSN and Yahoo, and support for iPods out of the box. Everyone it seems has an iPod, which Linux does not fare well with.

I really love linux, but the lack of support for these things will doom this OS.


Gord says: http://ubuntu-install.blogspot.ca/2011/04/connect-ipad-and-ipod-with-ubuntu.html

MS Exchange

I read the article about the use of mail in combination with MS exchange. At my office they are using exchange in the cloud (office365). The existing plugins are incompatible with this version.

After a very long search, I found DavMail. From the site (http://sourceforge.net/projects/davmail/): DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP gateway allowing users to use any mail client with Exchange, even from the internet through Outlook Web Access, on any platform, tested on MacOSX, Linux, and Windows

I now use davmail, and I have almost nothing to complain about. I wonder why I never read about it before.

Martin Stolk

More E17

Art Schreckengost supplied a nice review of Bodhi Linux, but had a major omission. He stated that he knew of only one other distro using E17 and Ubuntu. He missed the nicest distro out there (yes, my opinion), MacPup 528. MacPup uses E17, and is based on LuPu (Lucid Puppy, based on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx).

I have tried Bodhi and agree that the learning curve is there, and is a reason to rate Bodhi down a notch. There is no such learning curve to MacPup 528. I hope he tries it.

I would very much like for you to include contact information on authors, unless they do not wish to be contacted. I've published a few articles on online magazines, and wish the magazine would have sent me the feedback, or feedback would have been submitted directly to me.

Gerald L. “Moss” Bliss

Ronnie says: If anyone needs to contact a writer, drop me an email. I always pass along any feedback I get for an author.

Directory Opus

In FCM#59 the letters section had an entry on Directory Opus, asking for a similar filemanager for Linux. I think Ranger (below left) is what the writer wants: http://ranger.nongnu.org/.

Ludo Beckers

Looks Familiar

This Canpolbabies Tricolour water teether “Steering wheel” (below) looks like a Babybuntu (if it really existed) logo!

I'm thinking “Ubuntu for milk teeth” instead of “Ubuntu for human beings”.

Evgeny Kozlov.

issue60/courriers.1336676979.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2012/05/10 21:09 de d.grin