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Welcome to another issue of Full Circle!

We're back with more of the same *buntu goodness. This month, we have the usual Python and LibreOffice tutorials, with the addition of a two-part article I've written on my latest endeavour, astronomy. Like any good Linux user, I wanted to avoid Windows software where possible and, thankfully, it's been easily possible. So, the first part of my How-To is a list of Linux astronomy applications.

Mark's Inkscape series continues with keyboard shortcuts for the basics, and my GIMP Beanstalk tutorial ends, but we have more GIMP tutorials coming. Don't worry!

If you need some music in the background while you work on this month’s tutorials, then you should read Nicola's Audio Flux article which recommends some free Creative Commons tracks.

Even if you haven't been following the Closing Windows articles, you might find this month's article useful, since it discusses the various Linux equivalents to common Windows applications. We (my co-authors and I) tried to keep the article non-personal by listing the apps that come with that particular desktop rather than listing our personal favorites.

If you're a fan of Twitter, then you might want to look at Charles's Linux Labs article as it deals with turning a spare machine into a Twitter display that'd be useful for a kiosk or something similar.

As ever, feel free to send in your articles and letters!

All the best, and keep in touch! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue62/edito.1341291195.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2012/07/03 06:53 de fredphil91