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The Ubuntu Family Continues to Grow; Tablets Now Included. The Ubuntu website notes, “the Ubuntu family of interfaces now scales across all screens, so a phone can provide tablet, PC and TV experiences when docked.” The site also describes the Ubuntu tablet as a secure thin client that can be managed with the same tools as any Ubuntu server or desktop which means that Ubuntu can now boast of a single OS for a phone, tablet, PC and TV. http://www.ubuntu.com/2013/02/press-pack-ubuntu-tablet

La croissance de la Famille Ubuntu continue ; les tablettes en font maintenant partie.

Le site web d'Ubuntu annonce que la famille d'interfaces sous Ubuntu se met maintenant à l'échelle sur tous les écrans, ce qui fait qu'un téléphone peut fournir des expériences de tablette, PC et TV quand il se trouve dans un dispositif d'accueil. » Sur le site, la tablette Ubuntu est aussi décrite comme étant un client sûr et mince qui se gère avec les mêmes outils que tout serveur ou PC de bureau sous Ubuntu, ce qui veut dire qu'Ubuntu peut actuellement se vanter d'être l'unique système d'exploitation des téléphones, tablettes, PC et télé.

Ubuntu Developer Week is back «

Daniel Holbach announces Ubuntu Developer Week, which will be held from 29th to 31st of January 2013. Holbach writes that, in the upcoming Ubuntu Developer Week, attendees can expect “sessions from hands-on introduction, packaging and Ubuntu development to talks about how to quickly get involved in certain teams and interact with other projects and much much more.”


Smart Scopes

Jono Bacon announces increased development effort into the Unity dash and “Smart Scopes” which “will result in a significantly greater number of scopes (potentially 100) shipped by default and a better search experience that is smarter in the way scopes are searched for terms, thus delivering better results and higher performance.” Bacon also notes that the Canonical Community Team “will also be launching a project over the coming few weeks to grow the range of scopes ready for 13.04 and ease the development process.”


Announcing Ubuntu User Days Feb 9-10th

José Antonio Rey announces the Ubuntu User Days, which will be held February 9th and 10th, 2013 on IRC in #ubuntu-classroom (and #ubuntu-classroom-chat for questions and discussion). The schedule is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays

Everybody is welcome to participate and get their chance to learn about Ubuntu from Ubuntu community members.


Steam Client now available in Ubuntu Software Center

The Steam client is now available in the Ubuntu Software Center, after Valve released Steam for Linux officially on Thursday, February 14th. To celebrate, all Linux titles in the Steam store are on sale with up to 75% off until February 21st. Users running Team Fortress 2 in Linux will also receive an in-game Tux penguin item, when they play, through the end of the month.


Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS released

Ubuntu 12.04.2 has been released, bringing with it many improvements, including an updated kernel and x stack, as well as the ability to install on UEFI systems with Secure Boot enabled. It also includes the updates since the last release, so that fewer updates will need to be downloaded after installation. In addition to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, Kubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, Edubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, Xubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, Mythbuntu 12.04.2 LTS, and Ubuntu Studio 12.04.2 LTS are now available as well.


13.04 (Raring Ringtail) Alpha 2 Released

The second alpha of 13.04 Raring Ringtail has been released, which includes Kubuntu and Ubuntu Cloud images. The main Ubuntu version will not have alpha releases, however, opting instead for daily quality and nightly testing. The first milestone for Ubuntu will be the Final Beta Release, scheduled for the end of March. These pre-release versions should not be used by anyone needing a stable system, but should be free of “showstopper CD build or installer bugs.”


Many Thanks to the Ubuntu News Team for their contribution this month.

News this month comes from:





issue70/actus_ubuntu.1368797992.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2013/05/17 15:39 de auntiee