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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

By default, blender has its own renderer called Blender Render, but my favorite is one called “Cycles”. It is included as an enabled add-on since version 2.64 (we are now at 2.67), and I find it fantastic because among others things, you can actually see the rendered result of your models in real-time!

But, first things first. Locate at the top of your blender window the pull-down button that says “Blender Render”. Press it to open the menu and select “Cycles Render”. Now, let’s arrange our windows to take advantage of the interactive cycles renderer.

On the upper right corner of the 3d view window (main window), press the LMB and drag the mouse left to create a new 3d view

Then do the same with the left window that you have, but this time drag the mouse down to create a third window. You must have something like the image below.

Move the mouse on the upper left window, and press Numpad-0 to have camera view on it.

On the lower left window, press the small white sphere next to Object Mode button to display the Viewport shading menu

From that menu select “Rendered”.

Now, what is actually happening is that, in this window, the cycles render engine creates “on the fly” a photorealistic image of your model. You can navigate in that window, you can zoom in or zoom out using the mouse wheel or +, - from the numpad, you can pan the view by holding the shift key and moving the mouse, rotate the view by holding the middle mouse button and moving the mouse, and, in general, any movement of the view that we examine in part one (FCM#68) of these articles.

This is a good time to save our setup. On the info header (the one that by default is the upper window), locate the screen button with the “Default” value in it (foolishly named, as a bunch of setups are the defaults in blender). By pressing the small icon on the left (red square), you can select from a list of default setups. Press the + sign next to “Default”. A “Default.001” value appears. Change it to a distinctive name for example “Model” to indicate that you use this setup when you model objects. Then save your file with a unique name, I saved mine as “Basic_shapes.blend”. The next time you open this file, the “Model” setup will be opened as well.

TIP: If you start a new project, or load an old one, your custom setup will NOT be there. Just the defaults with blender. To have your custom setup available anytime you start a new project, you must save it as the startup file by pressing Ctrl-U. Note that if you overwrite the startup file (by pressing Ctrl-U), ANYTHING that you have changed will be saved as well. For example, if you delete the cube and you overwrite the startup file, then the next time the cube won't be there! Of course you can revert to the original startup file (File > Load Factory Settings).

Move your mouse over the right 3d view window, and press Numpad-5 and Numpad-1 for Orthographic Front view. Grab the blue arrow of the cube and move it up just over the grip as shown:

Press Shift-S and select Cursor to Center if it isn't already or Press Ctrl-C. Now add a plane and scale it up by 10 times (by now you must know how to do that). Create a Cone and a UV Sphere. Also smooth them. Move them in order to have them in good view on the upper left 3d view window (the camera view window).

Like the image below. Select the plane and press the material tab on the right under properties window (shown top right).

A different set of things to tweak than the Blender Render! Press the New button (as in Blender Renderer) to add a new material. Name it “ground”. Under Surface, you see the default value that is “Diffuse BSDF”. This is like the Diffuse that we used in FCM#72 to paint our objects. Press it and from the menu select “Glossy”.

Almost instantly (depending upon your CPU power) you can inspect the Rendered 3d window what you’ve achieved so far. Impressive for just few clicks! Now, if you like, press the color button and assign a color to your glossy, mirror like, surface. I made it purple (R:0.5,G:0.4,B:0.8). As you change the color, Cycles starts to render the result. You have a preview really fast.

Now select the cube, add a new material, and set the surface type to Anisotropic BSDF to give a metallic feeling to our cube. Maybe my favorite material shader.

Above is what we have so far.

More on this subject next month…

issue73/blender.1370529825.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2013/06/06 16:43 de andre_domenech