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Your New Years Resolution For 2014

I can't force you, but I want you all to promise me that you'll take the time to write at least one article for FCM in 2014. At the time of writing this (mid-December 2013) I have very few articles left in reserve for 2014 (certainly not enough for half the year) and I'm getting tired of begging for articles. I really love creating FCM for you folks out there, but if no articles come in there's nothing to publish. Please don't rely on the regular writers. Without them this magazine would never have lasted this long.

I'd like to thank all the regular (and sometime) writers, proof readers and translation teams who help make this possible.

Best wishes to you all for 2014 Ronnie

issue79/courriers.1390304193.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2014/01/21 12:36 de andre_domenech