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Welcome to another issue of Full Circle.

We've got LibreOffice and Inkscape for you this month, as ever. Fear not, the Blender and Python articles will return next month. In their place is an article looking at the various ways you can back up in Ubuntu (network, cloud, etc), and a short article by yours truly on using the G'MIC plug-in within GIMP. It's a hugely powerful suite of filters, but I've concentrated on InPaint which is really quite handy. Take a look. To round that up we have a great how-to on using MultiSystem to make a multiboot USB stick. Very handy!

A new section begins this month from Jens on open source design. He is quite entrenched in the KDE design group, and, this month, we have his introduction to desktop design – what it means to him, and what it should mean to you.

We're running low on security questions, so now's the time to submit those queries on bots, viruses, backdoors, and anything else you can think of. We also need your desktop screens, Linux stories, reviews, and anything else you'd like to submit. Remember: anyone is welcome to submit articles to FCM, not just the regular writers.

Speaking of reviews, we have one this month on HomeBank – a nice piece of finance software that can make you feel guilty about how much you've spent on geeky things. Hmm, maybe it's not such a good thing after all…

All the best, and keep in touch!

issue83/editorial.1399823653.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2014/05/11 17:54 de andre_domenech