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An independent video game company, Freebird Games, brought out To The Moon in 2011; yes it is a little late but we Ubuntu users have just recently been able to play the game, and it is a worthy addition to the ever-growing collection of games that are playable on the operating system.

To The Moon has you play as two scientists who can grant any dying person's last wish; they can do this with a special machine that allows them to access the memories of the client and give them memories of something that they didn't do in real life.

The scientists latest client is Johnny – an elderly man who is comatose and has only days to live, and the two scientists have been called in to grant Johnny his last wish. Yes, the name does give it away but Johnny wants to go to the moon.

The gameplay is minimal and, if you are looking for a game to discuss its mechanics and how many different types they have put into the title, you may want to look elsewhere as this is story driven. But, I implore you to give this game your time as this game is one of the few that capture your heart and play on every emotion – as you will want to see the conclusion to the story.

There are a few things that did bug me about the game; the unnecessary gameplay that they tried to fill the game with has its issues especially with the puzzles that it presents – it’s basically “clicking to make an image”. It does lag if you click too quickly. It may seem odd, but the lack of quality and quantity of gameplay is not enough to dismiss this game entirely. The strength of the game lies in its story and through its soundtrack. The visuals will remind you of games like Chrono Trigger and the old Final Fantasy games, and this is best suited to this style as it has improved on that design and has made it something special.

As with many readers of my reviews, a soundtrack is very important and Freebird Games have pulled me in with their glorious soundtrack, every mood comes across perfectly and placed in the exact spot where it matters. The music will move you, it has to be one of the best soundtracks I have heard in a while and this is something that I look for in games.

Its other strength is its writing and storytelling. It does stray into serious topics that it will frequently break up with genuine humor from the scientists. Both the dialogue as well as the characters grow on you, and become believable, and the overall message of the game is very powerful. To The Moon is a storytelling experience that very few games have accomplished, and is a work of art, and should be approached as such.

issue83/jeux_ubuntu_2.1399991295.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2014/05/13 16:28 de andre_domenech