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I am retired but spent my last 10 working years as a developer in Windows using dotnet etc. After retirement, I no longer had access to a free library of software, and I realised that my existing system would soon become obsolete. My son introduced me to Ubuntu and I used it alongside Windows. I learned Java and enjoyed programming in this language. About this time I also splurged out on Windows 7, but found an annoying bug; it would not let my machine sleep whereas Ubuntu had no such problem.

I found myself using Ubuntu more often, and I enjoyed testing various Linux flavours. There were some problems with scanning and printing but there was a whole community willing to help me out. When Ubuntu adopted Unity and changed Nautilus it was not to my liking so I tried Linux Mint with Nemo. It was perfect for me, and now I have removed Ubuntu. There is nothing I cannot do in my fields of interest; video editing, audio editing, software development, etc. The only piece of software I was happy to pay for was Turboprint, which allowed me to use the full potential of my printer.

I'm now looking forward to the fibre optic network in Aussie – which will lift my paltry connection from 1.5mb/s to 90 mb/s. Then I can download every Linux flavour and do a comprehensive review and comparison. You can publish the results in about issue #283.

Michael Davies

Default Scanner

Is there a way to change the default scanner. Currently using 12.04 and Sane Simple scanner. Since I have multiple printer scanners on my system, is there any way to change the default scanner? I have tried Document > Preferences, and can manually select the scanner; however I would like to chose another 'default' scanner. Anyone?


Windows Users

Like many people, I started my computer life with a Sinclair Spectrum ZX48, then progressed onto Windows computers.

Like many windows users I am fed up with the way Microsoft treats its users, and I have switched to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

As a newbie, some of the terminology is baffling to say the least; how about an article or two for us newbies on the basics of Ubuntu.

Many Thanks for the articles I have read – which do help

Philip Ford

Ronnie says: I'd say have a look through FCM#54-68 where we did a series of articles called 'Closing Windows' which showed the various *buntu equivalents for Windows things.

issue85/courriers.1410354802.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2014/09/10 15:13 de andre_domenech