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LibreOffice Spell Checker I use Xubuntu, and have done for some time now. As 14.04 was an LTS version, I decided to do a fresh install and I am pleased with it for the most part. I installed LibreOffice by opening a terminal window and typing sudo apt-get install libreoffice. So far, so good. LibreOffice installed quickly. I had used it for a time without noticing that the spell-checker did not work. Some quick checks did not show anything amiss, so I did a bit of internet searching and found that the myspell-en-gb dictionary was not installed. In Synaptic Package Manager, just search for myspell and scroll to the en-gb version. In Ubuntu Software Center and if you search for exactly myspell-en-gb, it will show up. Install the package and spell-check is restored. I hope that it saves some time and frustration for someone. Iain Mckeand

Le vérificateur d'orthographe de LibreOffice

J'utilise Xubuntu depuis pas mal de temps maintenant. puisque la 14.04 était une version LTS, j'ai décidé de faire une nouvelle installation et elle me plaît en règle général. J'ai installé LibreOffice en ouvrant le terminal et en tapant sudo apt-get install libreoffice. Jusqu'ici, aucun problème. LibreOffice s'est installé rapidement. Je l'avais utilisé pendant quelques temps sans remarquer que le vérificateur d'orthographe ne fonctionnait pas. Quelques rapides vérifications n'ayant révélé aucun problème, j'ai fait des recherches sur le Net et j'ai trouvé que le dictionnaire myspell-en-gb n'était pas installé. Dans le gestionnaire de paquets Synaptic, il suffit de rechercher myspelle et descendre à la version en-gb. Dans la Logithèque Ubuntu, si vous recherchez précisément myspell-en-gb, il s'affichera. Installez le paquet et le vérificateur d'orthographe fonction à nouveau. J'espère que ceci fera gagner du temps et éviter de la frustration pour d'autres.

Iain Mckeand

Beware The RoboLinux

Regarding your first news item in Issue 85 of Full Circle, I would like to warn Ubuntu users, a​s someone who attempted to use this since April, that Robolinux is not really ready for prime time.

Robolinux claims to be a Debian distribution; it is one of the ugliest repackagings of Linux I have seen, and lacks much that Ubuntu has. A replacement for Ubuntu it is not. Its really unique claim to fame is that it can allegedly re-package an installed Windows XP partition, system and applications, into a Virtualbox virtual machine, which one can presumably run under Ubuntu.

This may be true if you do not dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu. I wish they had stated this up-front, when I told them I dual-boot. If you are like many regular Ubuntu users, who dual-booted XP under GRUB as a security blanket, you're out of luck. Robolinux won't work.

In April, Robo was a series of scripts that implanted itself on the Ubuntu Gnome menu. That had many errors that I pointed out as a courtesy, believing the project to be worthwhile. In May, a new package was released.

The new version consists of several borrowed Sysinternals utilities, for the packaging of the partition within Windows. Then, on the Ubuntu side, the old scripts are wrapped into a .deb executable. A Robolinux message asserted that I had to remove GRUB and repair the MBR. I asked if there were simpler fixes than removing the MBR and GRUB (I feared being locked out of both Windows and Ubuntu, with an as yet unproven script). That's when Robolinux declared I was “in violation of our Terms of Use,” refunded the “donation,” and refused further contact.

I do and have run other virtual machines, several Windows, and even a DOS, so I know my setup can run a properly assembled and installed machine. I liked the idea of not having to reinstall all my Windows software (some of which I still need).

Robolinux is a promising idea, but it needs some careful development — and perhaps new leadership.

The founder, John Martinson, apparently mistook my handle as female. He seemed more than a little enamored of the female user I was in his mind, and “dear”-ed me to death in a series of emails. I am of the male persuasion, always have been. His error is the only explanation I can find for a very odd email to me complaining that I didn't value him or his work, all with a level of emotion I thought was very inappropriate for the essentially technical messages we were exchanging.

Indeed, Robolinux may well be a one-man-band behind the project. One gets messages from a variety of “managers” and “customer service” people, but all messages come from one and the same email address. I have no problems with an entrepreneurial programmer (but why go with “donations” to aid alleged Cambodian children in exchange for the software?) until the one man behaves oddly toward “customers” and their “donations.”

Cecilieaux Bois de Murier

Download All The Issues

After losing my backup I found it terribly inconvenient to download all issues of FCM via the web. if you think anyone would be interested, here is a simple script to download all FCM issues using a Python script (below right).

You copy/paste (or type) the text into a text editor, save the file to a directory of your choice, then make it executable, and run it.

In your favorite file manager, open the properties of this newly saved file and mark it as executable (normally on the permissions tab). As the script does not come with a user interface, you will see nothing when you execute it from your file manager so I recommend you use a terminal window to execute the script. Open a terminal window, change to the folder where you saved the file, such as:

cd ~/Downloads

or grab the GUI version using:

wget www.liedler.at/dl/dl_fcm_gui.py

whichever one you get, mark it as executable with:

chmod +x dl_fcm.py


chmod +x dl_fcm_gui.py

and either double click the GUI file, or run the script with:


Peter Liedler

issue86/courriers.1419162814.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2014/12/21 12:53 de auntiee