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issue87:critique_litteraire [2014/10/30 16:18] – créée andre_domenechissue87:critique_litteraire [2015/01/10 18:07] (Version actuelle) – [6] auntiee
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-Puppet Reporting and Monitoring+====== 1 ====== 
 +**Puppet Reporting and Monitoring
 by Michael Duffy by Michael Duffy
 http://www.packtpub.com/puppet-reporting-and-monitoring/book http://www.packtpub.com/puppet-reporting-and-monitoring/book
Ligne 5: Ligne 7:
 Michael Duffy is an experienced DevOps engineer, and works at Sky.com. Monitoring is not bad, but is old and costs too much time and too much money. Too much time for your administrators and programmers and too much money for you. Michael Duffy is an experienced DevOps engineer, and works at Sky.com. Monitoring is not bad, but is old and costs too much time and too much money. Too much time for your administrators and programmers and too much money for you.
-Puppet is possibly the fastest growing configuration management tool on the planet, and this is in no small part due to its combination of power and accessibility.+Puppet is possibly the fastest growing configuration management tool on the planet, and this is in no small part due to its combination of power and accessibility.**
-This is a shame; Puppet's reporting capability is one of its most overlooked yet powerful features. +Puppet Reporting and Monitoring 
 +par Michael Duffy 
 +Michael Duffy est un ingénieur DevOps expérimenté et travaille chez Sky.com. Le monitoring, c'est bien, mais c'est vieux et ça coûte trop de temps et d'argent. Trop de temps pour vos administrateurs et programmeurs et trop d'argent pour vous. 
 +Puppet est probablement l'outil de gestion de configuration qui a la plus forte croissance au monde, et c'est en grande partie parce qu'il combine puissance et accessibilité. 
 +====== 2 ====== 
 +**This is a shame; Puppet's reporting capability is one of its most overlooked yet powerful features. 
 If used correctly, its built-in reporting abilities can give you stunning levels of detail about your infrastructure, from the amount of hardware used and networking details to details about how and when resources were changed. If used correctly, its built-in reporting abilities can give you stunning levels of detail about your infrastructure, from the amount of hardware used and networking details to details about how and when resources were changed.
-This book is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about the fundamental components of Puppet reporting. +This book is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about the fundamental components of Puppet reporting.** 
-To get the most out of this book, you should already be familiar with Puppet and be comfortable with its major components such as the Puppet master and Puppet agent. You should also be comfortable with reading code, and in particular, you should be at least passingly familiar with Ruby. Finally, you should be happy working on the command-line in the Linux/Unix flavor of your choice.+C'est dommage : la capacité de reporting de Puppet est l'une de ses caractéristiques les plus négligées, mais parmi les plus puissantes. 
 +Si on les utilise correctement, ses capacités intégrées de reporting peuvent vous donner un niveau étonnant de détails concernant votre infrastructure, depuis la quantité de matériels utilisés et des détails sur le réseau jusqu'à des détails sur comment et quand les ressources ont été modifiées. 
 +Ce livre est conçu pour tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur les éléments fondamentaux du reporting avec Puppet. 
 +====== 3 ====== 
 +**To get the most out of this book, you should already be familiar with Puppet and be comfortable with its major components such as the Puppet master and Puppet agent. You should also be comfortable with reading code, and in particular, you should be at least passingly familiar with Ruby. Finally, you should be happy working on the command-line in the Linux/Unix flavor of your choice.
 The metrics that the Puppet agent passes to the Puppet master are very granular and offer a fantastic insight into where Puppet is spending its time, be it fetching, processing, or applying changes. The metrics that the Puppet agent passes to the Puppet master are very granular and offer a fantastic insight into where Puppet is spending its time, be it fetching, processing, or applying changes.
-The dashboards can be used with Puppet and take a whistle-stop tour of some of the major features that each of them has. The dashboards can offer some quick and easy reporting options but also have some limitations.+The dashboards can be used with Puppet and take a whistle-stop tour of some of the major features that each of them has. The dashboards can offer some quick and easy reporting options but also have some limitations.**
-In chapter 6 we can explore the PuppetDB query APIData is useful only if you have some means to access itand yet this is a truism that many systems seem to have forgottenrelying instead on developers to come along and fill whatever egregious gaps in data exploration the original product left outFortunatelyPuppet offers a rich data discovery tool in the form of the PuppetDB API and its associated query language.+Pour tirer le meilleur parti de ce livre, vous devrez déjà être familier avec Puppet et être à l'aise avec ses principaux composants, tels que le maître Puppet et l'agent PuppetVous devrez également être à l'aise avec la lecture de code eten particuliervous devrez connaître Ruby, au moins un peuEnfinvous devez être heureux de travailler en ligne de commande sur le Linux/Unix de votre choix.
-In the next chapter you can learn how to write "Custom Reports" with PuppetDB and create a menu-driven application.+Les métriques que l'agent Puppet passe au maître Puppet sont très granulaires et offrent un aperçu fantastique de ce à quoi Puppet passe son temps, que ce soit pour la récupération, le traitement ou l'application des modifications.
-In chapter 9, the final one, we find a recap of Puppet dashboards and integration with third-party components, looking back at the alerting feature and integration with external alerting systems, analyzing metrics and changes with Graphite, and anomaly detection with Etsy Skyline.+Les tableaux de bord peuvent être utilisés avec Puppet et faites une visite éclair de certaines des principales caractéristiques de chacun d'entre eux. Les tableaux de bord peuvent offrir certaines options rapides et faciles de reporting, mais ont aussi certaines limites. 
 +====== 4 ====== 
 +**In chapter 6 we can explore the PuppetDB query API. Data is useful only if you have some means to access it, and yet this is a truism that many systems seem to have forgotten, relying instead on developers to come along and fill whatever egregious gaps in data exploration the original product left out. Fortunately, Puppet offers a rich data discovery tool in the form of the PuppetDB API and its associated query language. 
 +In the next chapter you can learn how to write "Custom Reports" with PuppetDB and create a menu-driven application.** 
 +Dans le chapitre 6, nous pouvons explorer l'API de requête PuppetDB. Les données ne sont utiles que si vous avez un moyen d'y accéder et, pourtant, c'est un truisme que de nombreux systèmes semblent avoir oublié, comptant plutôt sur les développeurs pour venir remplir toutes les flagrantes lacunes de l'exploration de données que le produit d'origine a laissées de côté. Heureusement, Puppet offre un riche outil de découverte de données sous la forme de l'API PuppetDB et son langage de requête associé. 
 +Dans le chapitre suivant, vous pouvez apprendre à écrire des « Rapports personnalisés » avec PuppetDB et créer une application gérée par des menus. 
 +====== 5 ====== 
 +**In chapter 9, the final one, we find a recap of Puppet dashboards and integration with third-party components, looking back at the alerting feature and integration with external alerting systems, analyzing metrics and changes with Graphite, and anomaly detection with Etsy Skyline.
 Hopefully, by now you are looking at the Puppet reporting tools as a gateway that allows Puppet to communicate with the wealth of systems that you are already using to both monitor and report, and thinking of new ways to use these tools with the additional data that Puppet provides. Hopefully, by now you are looking at the Puppet reporting tools as a gateway that allows Puppet to communicate with the wealth of systems that you are already using to both monitor and report, and thinking of new ways to use these tools with the additional data that Puppet provides.
-I've read some Puppet books, this is probably one of the best written. The language is clear and fresh, topics are well expressed and explained. Even if the contents revolve around Puppet's reporting functionalities and PuppetDB, the author takes, at times, the occasion to explain more general Puppet features and functionalities.+I've read some Puppet books, this is probably one of the best written. The language is clear and fresh, topics are well expressed and explained. Even if the contents revolve around Puppet's reporting functionalities and PuppetDB, the author takes, at times, the occasion to explain more general Puppet features and functionalities.** 
 +Dans le chapitre 9, le dernier, nous trouvons un récapitulatif des tableaux de bord de Puppet et l'intégration avec des composants tiers, un regard sur les fonctionnalités d'alerte et leur intégration à des systèmes d'alerte externes, l'analyse des métriques et des changements avec Graphite, et la détection des anomalies avec Etsy Skyline. 
 +Espérons que maintenant vous voyez l'outil de reporting Puppet comme une passerelle qui permet à Puppet de communiquer avec les nombreux systèmes que vous utilisez déjà, à la fois pour surveiller et signaler, et que vous pensez à de nouvelles façons d'utiliser ces outils avec les données supplémentaires que Puppet fournit. 
 +J'ai lu quelques livres sur Puppet et celui-ci est probablement l'un des mieux écrits. Le langage est clair et frais, les sujets sont bien exprimés et expliqués. Même si le contenu s'articule autour des fonctionnalités de reporting de Puppet et de PuppetDB, l'auteur saisit parfois l'occasion d'expliquer des caractéristiques et des fonctionnalités plus générales de Puppet. 
 +====== 6 ====== 
 +**In this book, you can find an easy-to-follow guide with extensive examples to explain Puppet's reporting capabilities to facilitate effective implementation of Puppet as a reporting tool in the real world. 
 +Experienced users may be familiar with most of the contents, but, even for them, in the very last pages of the book, a very interesting concept is expressed which might lead to quite useful use cases: the possibility to use Puppet's reporting as the drive to infrastructure orchestration activities.** 
 +Dans ce livre, vous pouvez trouver un guide, qui est facile à suivre, avec de nombreux exemples pour expliquer les capacités de reporting de Puppet, pour faciliter la mise en œuvre efficace de Puppet comme un outil de reporting dans le monde réel.
-In this bookyou can find an easy-to-follow guide with extensive examples to explain Puppet'reporting capabilities to facilitate effective implementation of Puppet as a reporting tool in the real world.+Les utilisateurs expérimentés peuvent être familiers avec la plupart du contenumais, même pour eux, dans les toutes dernières pages du livre, un concept très intéressant est exprimé qui pourrait conduire à des cas d'utilisation très utiles : la possibilité d'utiliser le reporting de Puppet comme un guide vers des activités d'orchestration de l'infrastructure.
-Experienced users may be familiar with most of the contents, but, even for them, in the very last pages of the book, a very interesting concept is expressed which might lead to quite useful use cases: the possibility to use Puppet's reporting as the drive to infrastructure orchestration activities. 
issue87/critique_litteraire.1414682307.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2014/10/30 16:18 de andre_domenech