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OpenConnect to a Cisco VPN Many businesses and universities use Cisco AnyConnect as their VPN solution. Although there is a native Linux client offered by Cisco, it is not very well supported, and in some cases the user does not have access to the client. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem – thanks to OpenConnect. OpenConnect is a client for Cisco’s AnyConnect VPN. It is free software, and is released under the GNU LGPL v2.1. Getting connected to an AnyConnect VPN is easy with OpenConnect and the TUN/TAP kernel module that is built into the Linux kernel. Activate the TUN module Enter the following into a terminal: sudo /sbin/modprobe tun

OpenConnect avec un VPN Cisco

Beaucoup d'entreprises et d'universités utilisent Cisco AnyConnect comme solution VPN. Bien qu'il existe un client Linux natif proposé par Cisco, il n'est pas très bien pris en charge, et, dans certains cas, l'utilisateur n'a pas accès au client. Heureusement, il existe une solution simple à ce problème - grâce à OpenConnect. OpenConnect est un client pour VPN AnyConnect de Cisco. C'est un logiciel libre, distribué sous la licence GNU LGPL v2.1.

Se connecter à un VPN AnyConnect est aisé avec OpenConnect et le module noyau TUN/TAP intégré dans le noyau Linux.

Activer le module TUN

Entrez la commande suivante dans un terminal :

sudo /sbin/modprobe tun

Install openconnect Enter the following into a terminal: sudo apt-get install openconnect Connect to the VPN OpenConnect has many optional arguments that can be passed in the connection string. These arguments are explained well in the OpenConnect documentation. The basic structure of the connection string that enables the VPN connection is shown below. In a terminal, enter: sudo openconnect yourvpn.example.com OpenConnect prompts for a username and password. Once these are authenticated, the VPN connection is established, and the terminal output should look something like the image below.

Keep the terminal window open while the VPN session is active. Network resources such as shared folders, NAS drives, servers, and workstations should now be available. To close the VPN session, type Ctrl+Z into the terminal window. Abruptly killing the terminal window without properly closing out of the VPN session can lead to issues when attempting to reconnect in the future. These issues can typically be resolved by restarting the machine. As we have seen, OpenConnect makes it easy to connect to a Cisco AnyConnect VPN. If your employer or educational institution utilizes AnyConnect, this tool enables full access to network resources with a stable, secure, and reliable connection.

External Links Cisco AnyConnect VPN*http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/enterprise-networks/anyconnect-secure-mobility-solution/index.html OpenConnect http://www.infradead.org/openconnect/ TUN/TAP https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/tuntap.txt

issue90/cisco_vpn.1423862062.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/02/13 22:14 de fredphil91