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I received some feedback on my last article from the author of the script. As I find some of his corrections/clarifications important, here are the two main corrections (there were others that, while relevant when I was writing the article, are difficult to implement after the fact):

• Where I said that the line /bin/sh set the environment for Linux, he suggested a more accurate description would be “assigning the default interpreter (here /bin/sh) in order to execute the script”. • “This pattern can also be a basic regular expression” - He pointed out to me that regular expressions are the default, and you would need the option -F in order to find a literal “.” in the PDF.

In recent months, I’ve dedicated a few articles to web design aspects (Node.js, npm, SASS), and now I’d like to add even more information to this. I’ve recently starting using Bower to install and manage various versions of Foundation and Twitter Bootstrap in various projects. As such, I will cover installing Bower, configuring it, and then configuring Grunt to utilize foundation (after it was installed with Bower).


You may ask why anyone would want to use Bower to install something like Foundation or Twitter Bootstrap - and the answer is relatively simple. It’s their supported method for installing SASS versions of their frameworks. This means you’ll receive SASS files of Foundation or Bootstrap, enabling you to enable/disable features, and minimize the overhead of your website. It also gives you an automated system for getting the newest versions.

Install Bower

Assuming you’ve configured npm as explained in Issue #87, then you’ve done everything required to run the following command:

npm install -g bower

(That command may require a sudo if it fails as a normal user).

Configure Bower

This will result in a bower.json file (similar to the package.json file from npm). It can be done interactively, or you can simply copy a framework file and edit it. The interactive method will be run using the following command:

bower init

Now you’ll be expected to fill in certain information; it’s all relatively straightforward - if you have specific questions, bower’s documentation should suffice.

Installing packages

Once the bower.json file is created, you’re ready to install new packages. To do this, and configure the json file for it, you can use the following command:

bower install <package> –save-dev

You can also use –save, which will add the package to the dependencies list in the bower.json file. Since these frameworks fall under development, it makes more sense to put it in devDependencies (with –save-dev).

An example:

bower install foundation –save-dev

This will install foundation into bower_components within your project’s folder, and add a line to your bower.json file that looks like this:

“foundation”: “~5.4.5”

This is the line that tells bower it needs to install foundation as of version 5.4.5, in case you need to re-configure or update the project.

Using Foundation from Bower with Grunt

If you followed along the last article I wrote on Grunt, this should seem pretty straightforward. What you need to do is point Grunt to the foundation folder, under bower_components. This means that you’ll need to add (or edit) the foundation line in the project object of your Gruntfile.js. It should look like this:

project: {

css: [
js: [


Assuming you also want to include the javascript from foundation, you’ll also need to add it to the js area, though generally importing the foundation.min.js file directly into your webpage should suffice. If you use lots of javascript files and want them merged, you will need to point Grunt to each of the files in turn, and configure it to merge and compress them.

And this (along with my previous articles) concludes using SASS within your web project. We have covered: Installing Node.js, npm, grunt, bower, and a framework such as Zurb Foundation. If you combine this information with my articles on setting up git repositories, you’re all set to configure your next web project in a relatively robust way - or to create a repository containing your basic setup for any and all future projects.

If anyone is interested in further web design articles, please do let me know by email at lswest34+fcm@gmail.com. If you have any other suggestions or requests, feel free to email me those ideas too.

Further Reading http://bower.io/ - Bower website containing documentation. http://foundation.zurb.com/ - Zurb Foundation website, containing information on using the Foundation framework.

issue90/command_conquer.1420208705.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/01/02 15:25 de andre_domenech