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Welcome to another issue of Full Circle.

We've still no Python this month I'm afraid. In place of Python we have an interesting article on a two modem solution. A solution to what? I'll let you read it and find out. There's the usual LibreOffice article, and I've written a quick article on how to set up, and use, i2P which is fast becoming the goto for former Tor users. If online anonymity is your thing then that piece should be of interest.

The BIG piece of news this month is, of course, the Ubuntu Phone. The BQ Aquaris E4.5 (as it's officially known) is only being sold in Europe through 'flash sales'. The latest reports (as we go to virtual press) is that BQ are getting hammered with over 12,000 requests per minute to buy the E4.5. So much so that their servers are finding it difficult to cope with the demand. I just hope they have enough stock. Several people have already written to me saying they've found it incredibly difficult to go through the buying process on the site, and when they did finally get their confirmation it seems they need to wait over a month for a unit. The word from the VP of mobile at Canonical is that it shouldn't take that long to get the units shipped. Here's hoping!

Elsewhere, Kevin O' Brien gives us an historical look at encryption from early Greece through to modern-day PGP encryption. Alan Ward (in Linux Labs) has an interesting look at the BTRFS file system.

All the best, and keep in touch! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue94/editorial.1425135044.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/02/28 15:50 de andre_domenech