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I utilize Google Docs on a daily basis. Overall, it is a clean and minimal word processing program. It has fewer menu options than LibreOffice Writer. I have written about 10 or 12 articles using Docs. These articles document the clinical research that I perform for my daily job. I convey my ideas effectively in these articles, therefore Google Docs is a strong program. This program operates within the Chrome Browser. You can connect using the Shelf or via your Gmail account's Google Apps. The Google Apps is in the right-hand corner of your Gmail Account. The Google Docs will populate in the browser. If you press the red button, you can start typing. Shown left is Gmail account access to docs. Below is shelf access to docs. Docs is fairly self-intuitive. Manipulating the text is a breeze. Inserting tables, links, and pictures is seamless. People can do group edits. It looks like a typical word processing program. It has various menu options, I could write 10 pages about each menu. Docs does background saves online or in an offline state. The document is saved automatically in the Drive. The file is saved as a Gdoc format. This format is only accessible to Google Docs. When you are done, you need to save the document in the correct format. The file is then downloaded into the Chrome Browser's Download Folder. It is probably best to use the ODT or DOCX file format. I have not yet tried the other file options.

J'utilise Google Docs chaque jour. Globalement, c'est un programme de traitement de texte propre et minimal. Il propose moins d'options dans le menu que LibreOffice Writer. J'ai écrit environ 10 ou 12 articles en utilisant Docs. Ces articles documentent les recherches cliniques qui j'entreprends chaque jour pour mon travail. Dans ces articles, je communique mes idées efficacement, ce qui démontre que Google Docs est un programme fort. Ce programme fonctionne au sein du navigateur Chrome. Vous pouvez vous y connecter au moyen du Shelf ou via les Google Apps dans votre compte Gmail.

Despite all the praise, I still have some disappointments. The spell-checker is web based; the grammatical check is poor. I installed an app on my Chrome Browser called After the Deadline for the grammar check. I will cover this app in a later issue. Docs does a poor job of opening odt and docx documents. When I saved a native Docs file into the ODT format, it was difficult to open that file with Docs. However LibreOffice and MS Word can open the odt and docx documents created by Google Docs. Another gripe is that when working Docs offline, the program options are diminished. Overall, it is a nice online word processor. It does a great job, it has the same functionality as LibreOffice. However I prefer LibreOffice over many word processors.

issue98/culte_de_chrome_-_google_docs.1435856522.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/07/02 19:02 de auntiee