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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Last month I discussed the background and gave the layout for my Arduino powered automatic chicken feeder. This month we’ll discuss the code that it runs.

Grab The Code

You should first grab my code from: https://gist.github.com/ronnietucker/a68b26ff53b7164b7775

The Code

Lines 8 to 61 are all procedures for the DHT11 (temperature) sensor. I’m not even going to pretend I know the ins and outs of them, but I know they are used in converting the DHT11 values to human readable temperature values.

Lines 62 to 68 are all includes for the various libraries required. Each line has a comment which says what that library is used for.

Line 81 is where the good stuff starts.

UTFT myGLCD(QD_TFT180A,11,10,9,12,8);

This line is for the TFT screen I used. The command myGLCD() contains the setup info for my particular screen. QD_TFT180A is the type of screen I used, and the numbers 11, 10, 9, 12 and 8 are the pins I used for the screen.

We then have some setup for the various values that I need later.


After some myGLCD commands (that we’ve used before), we have:


This is to grab the time from the RTC (Real Time Clock). The RTC has a battery on board so it keeps the time even when the Arduino (and RTC board) is powered down. After that comes an if statement to see if the grab was successful.



The Alarm.alarmRepeat commands are daily. So, in the case above, the ‘alarm’ will go at 9am and 11am precisely every day. The 9,00,0 refers to hour, minutes and seconds. RTCAlarm is the procedure to jump to when the alarm time is reached. We’ll discuss that later.

In my code, I have several daily alarms.

Now that I’ve told the Arduino when I want alarms, I set up the servo and set the pin modes for my manual button and my green LED (which will illuminate when a feed is in progress).


First in the loop, we jump to the digitalClickDisplay() procedure which will show the current time to the serial window. Next, we jump to the digitalTriggerDisplay() procedure. This will print the time of the next alarm to the serial. These were used prior to the screen being fitted.

Lines 131 to 148 are where we begin printing the DHT11 temperature data to the serial too. Again, prior to the screen.

Line 150 is the beginning of the LCD screen outputs.

myGLCD.setColor(0, 255, 255);

myGLCD.printNumI1)+1,1, 65);

myGLCD.print(“:”,33, 65);

myGLCD.printNumI(minute(Alarm.getNextTrigger()),45, 65);

myGLCD.print(“:”,80, 65);

myGLCD.printNumI(second(Alarm.getNextTrigger()),95, 65);

The lines above are for setting an orangey colour then printing the next alarm (again, +1 hr).

Lines 186 to 219 are commented out and were used when I originally used a small font. I kept this chunk of code in there in case the big font didn’t work out and I had to revert back.


Now we check to see if the button has been pressed for a manual feed.

if (button==HIGH)

  digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);   // GREEN LED ON
  Serial.println("Button pressed");
  digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);    // GREEN LED OFF

If the button is pressed (it goes HIGH) then we light the green LED, print a confirmation to the serial, jump to a procedure called dispense(), then turn the LED off.

Lastly, we have a one-second delay.

Jumping down to line 279 we see the RTCAlarm() procedure. In here we do a confirmation print to the serial, light the LED, jump to the dispense() procedure, and return to turn off the LED.

Line 238 is the dispense() procedure. This is the main crux of the machine. It dispenses the grain for the chickens.


myGLCD.setColor(0, 0, 255);

myGLCD.print(“FEEDING”,CENTER, 110);



myGLCD.setColor(0, 0, 0);


Here we turn the servo forward (“opened” was defined at the start of the code and is the angle the servo is to turn to). Next, we set the LCD colour to red, print ‘FEEDING’ to the screen, wait two seconds (the length of time for just enough grain), turn the servo back (“closed” was also declared at the start), set the LCD colour to black, and draw a rectangle to erase the ‘FEEDING’ text.

It’s definitely the most difficult code I’ve worked on and it’s not perfect. More work could have been done in displaying the time. It’s a bit botched, but to write further code would have taken me over the limit for the Nano I used.

For sheer amusement, have a look through the eight revisions on my GitHub Gist page and you’ll see it evolve through time.

float)DHT11.temperature,1,1); myGLCD.print(“'C”,35, 1); myGLCD.printNumI((float)DHT11.humidity,90,1); myGLCD.print(“%”,130, 1); The code above is setting the colour to yellow, printing the temperature, printing ‘C, printing the humidity and, finally, a percentage (%) symbol. The two numbers at the end of each line are where that text should be printed with 1,1 being the very top left of the screen (in pixels). Lines 158 to 164 are the same idea with white text, but for the light level from the LDR. myGLCD.printNumI(hour()+1,1, 45); myGLCD.print(“:”,33, 45); myGLCD.printNumI(minute(),45, 45); myGLCD.print(“:”,80, 45); myGLCD.printNumI(second(),95, 45); These lines (above) are printing the time to the screen. The reason for the +1 is for daylight savings here in the UK. myGLCD.setColor(0, 200, 255); myGLCD.printNumI(hour(Alarm.getNextTrigger(
issue99/automatic_chicken_feeder.1438445099.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/08/01 18:04 de auntiee