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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Welcome to another issue of Full Circle.

No Python again this month, I'm afraid, as Greg is feeling a bit under the weather, but he will be back for next month. We do have a fourth LaTeX article along side the usual LibreOffice, JavaScript and Inkscape HowTo's.

If you're thinking of getting an Ubuntu Phone then you should definitely read the reviews this month of the Meizu MX4 and the BQ Aquaris E5. Both have their plus and minus points that you need to weigh up before making your choice. Personally, I've used the MX4 and the BQ E4.5 and much prefer the MX4. I haven't tried the E5, so I can't speak for that device.

If you need some browsing privacy then you should probably read my article on how to install TAILS to a USB stick. TAILS is a distro that comes with TOR by default. The idea behind it is that you'd boot from the USB stick, connect to a WiFi/network and all your browsing would be done through TOR.

Next month is, of course, the one hundredth issue of Full Circle. Never in my wildest dreams did I think FCM would reach 100 issues, and it's all down to you, the readers, and those who submit articles. Whether they be regular submissions, or just a single article, they all help to keep FCM going. I thank you all. I already have a few articles lined up for FCM#100. I also want to make #100 less HowTo and more of a retrospective issue. We'll see how it pans out over the next few weeks.

All the best, and keep in touch! Ronnie ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

issue99/edito.1438444602.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/08/01 17:56 de auntiee